Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 392 Zombie King

Chapter 392 Zombie King

"To be honest, you can hold on for a few more hours. I want to listen to the truth. I don't want to be arrogant." Lin Hua shouted loudly, because at this time Lin Hua had a bolder idea, that is, to rush over and find him directly. The zombie king killed her.

"Five hours should be fine if you hold on tight," Gu Tian said.

"Seven hours" Heisha said.

"Seven hours," Kaneki said.

"There is no problem at all for eight hours," Li Jie shouted loudly.

After hearing their answers at this moment, Lin Hua had some mental clarity.I feel that her idea can be tried.

"I now have a bold idea that it's better for us to rush over to find the zombie king and kill him instead of killing zombies here," Lin Hua said loudly.

"Okay, I'm almost suffocating from beating like this, if I die, I will die in the hands of the zombie king," Jin Mu said

"Yes, what Jin Mu said is right, I'm almost suffocated to death, killing these rubbish platinum zombies for so long," Li Jie said.

"If I hadn't transformed into a human form, I would have rushed over," Heisha also said.

"Okay, then let's rush over," Lin Hua said loudly.

"I will release my skills later, and when I hear the ice is broken, I will rush forward desperately. The five of us should not leave too far away, and maintain this formation," Lin Hua shouted.

"Okay" the four shouted in unison.

After thinking about it, Lin Hua directly released Absolute Freeze, and instantly all the zombies below the amethyst within a range of about [-] meters in front of Lin Hua were all frozen.

"Get ready to charge" Lin Hua shouted loudly.

After hearing some broken sounds, the five of them quickly ran forward, and the zombies beyond Lin Hua's absolute freezing skills saw that the zombies in front of them had turned into ice sculptures to stop them However, it was broken in an instant. When they saw Lin Hua and the others rushing over, they also rushed towards Lin Hua and the others frantically.

Just now, Lin Hua and the others took advantage of the time period just now and when the zombies rushed towards Lin Hua and the others, the five of them had already rushed 4000 meters away.At this time, they were still fighting in the formation they had just formed.

At this time, the Zombie King wanted to know what Lin Hua and the others were thinking, and roared again, telling Lin Hua and them where she was at the moment, and then the zombies rushed towards them even more frantically.Lin Hua and the others roughly determined the location of the zombie king!Now move towards this position!

"Boss, why did they rush towards the inside of the zombie? Could it be that they want to kill the zombie king? This is too bold, isn't it?" Ghost Dance said.

"The boss's idea is indeed too bold, but since the boss did this, he must have her own ideas!" Xuewu said, at this time Xuewu was even more worried about Lin Hua, because they had already rushed to the end of the zombie group. Internally, they can't help them even with long-range attacks, it's already beyond the scope of their skills.Lin Hua must be sure of doing this, so don't worry too much. Every time he takes such an adventure, doesn't he come back alive? Now Xuewu keeps comforting himself.

The rest of the people saw that the five of them had already rushed into the crowd of zombies. At this time, the five of them seemed to be a flat boat on the sea.Knowing that their idea was to kill the zombie king in the past, they could only silently wish Lin Hua and the others a safe return in their hearts.

"Boss' move just now was so cool, how many more times can you release it?" Li Jie asked.

"It can be released five times. However, I haven't seen the Zombie King yet. We can't waste too many abilities. If we rush to the Zombie King, wouldn't it be courting death if we don't have the ability?" Lin Hua said.

"Then let's rush over like this. The lord is right, but the skill just now is really cool. If each of us had this skill, wouldn't they have been wiped out long ago?" Jin Mu said .

"Gutian, go to the center of the four of us first, and summon a few ghost trees to defend us against the attack, and open a way so that we can speed up a bit," Lin Hua said.

Then Gutian hid among the four people and summoned more than 20 ghost trees.With these ghost trees to open the way, the speed of several people's progress has increased a lot.

"Boss, the level of monsters is getting higher and higher now, and he has killed several Amethyst zombies." Li Jie said

"It should be approaching the zombie king soon! If the zombie king didn't change positions after roaring just now, it should be within 500 meters ahead," Lin Hua said.

"Then let's work harder and rush forward, we're almost there," Jin Mu said.

"Okay," just like that, several people rushed forward even harder.

"Aww!" The zombie king roared again, reminding Lin Hua and the others of her position at this time.

"The position 400 meters ahead," Lin Hua shouted.

In this way, he slowly rushed towards the position of the zombie king.

However, Lin Hua and the others felt more pressure at this time. At this time, they rushed forward. Well, the amethyst zombies are not platinum-level zombies, they are all low-level amethyst zombies.

"Boss is under more and more pressure now, and the speed of progress has slowed down a lot now," Li Jie said.

"I'm about to reach the position of the zombie king soon, so it's normal for the monster's level to be higher," Jin Mu said.

"Boss, if the fight continues like this, we will be exhausted before we reach the Zombie King," Gu Tian said.

"But now that we've come here, it's really not reconciled to go back like this," Li Jie said.

"That's better than dying here," Gu Tian said.

"I'll use the triple phantom to open the way, hurry up then," Lin Hua said.

In this way, Lin Hua released the skill triple phantom on the zombies in front of him, and in an instant, those amethyst zombies with lower levels in front were killed by Lin Hua. m location!
"The one in the white armor with the heavy ax in his hand is the Zombie King," Li Jie said.

"Well, her strength is also at the second level of extraordinary, but I feel danger from him, it seems that her strength is stronger than mine," Lin Hua said.

"Are you sure you can kill him?" Heisha asked.

"Now there are [-]% of it, if it is in full state, there is a [-]% chance of killing it," Lin Hua said.

At this time, the Zombie King seemed to sense that Lin Hua and the others were watching her, and the Zombie King turned to look at Lin Hua and the others.

When Lin Hua and the others saw this zombie king, they were a little surprised. This zombie king is obviously a human being, why can he control so many zombies!
At this time, the zombie king roared again, and all the zombies gave way one after another.At this time, Lin Hua and the others saw that the group of zombies had given them a wide path, which meant to let them pass.

"Boss, we can't make it through. We don't have many abilities now. In the past, we just sent ourselves to death," Gu Tian said.

"Of course it's over. We came here so hard to kill him," Li Jie said.

At this time, Xuewu and the others also saw it. All the zombies stopped there, making way for Lin Hua and the others, leading to the zombie king.

"Boss and the others have already arrived at the Zombie King. If the boss kills her, then we have won," Lin Yisang said happily.

"The Zombie King who can command so many zombies will not be weak, and the boss at this time has been fighting for so long, and his abilities should be exhausted soon," Ghost Dance said.

"Don't worry too much, the boss must have her own way, let's just wait here for her to come back," Xuewu said

In fact, it was also comforting everyone, fearing that hitting Xiao would affect everyone's enthusiasm, because he has the strength of the first level of extraordinary, it can be seen that the level of this zombie king is at least the second level of extraordinary, maybe even higher, but Lin Hua He has been fighting for too long, he still has the ability to kill this corpse king!
At this time, En Linhua walked towards the zombie king along this road!Li Jie and the four of them also followed closely.

When Lin Hua and the others drove in front of this zombie king, they all felt a lot of pressure, because all the zombies near this zombie king were above the third level of Amethyst, and there was no one with a lower level.

"You guys are very brave!" said the Zombie King.

"There is no way to kill you, you have to come here," Lin Hua said.

"How sure are you that you can kill me now ^_^?" Zombie King asked.

"Thirty percent," Lin Hua said without any concealment.

"How many levels of confidence do you have in your usual state?" Zombie King asked.Now it can be seen that the Zombie King seems to have some interest in Lin Hua, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Lin Hua so many questions!

"Usually, I'm [-]% sure of killing you," Lin Hua said coldly.

"I'll give you a chance to choose. If you want to fight me now, I'd better wait until you're ready. But I remind you that it might be more difficult for you next time. But my position won't change," said the Zombie King.

"Okay, next time I see you again, you will die in my hands." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she walked towards Xueyun City without turning her head!And Li Jie and the others followed Lin Hua to Xueyun City.

(End of this chapter)

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