Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 393 Let Women Fight

Chapter 393 Let Women Fight

When they returned to the place where the zombies gave way to, the zombie king roared again, and the zombies who had stopped attacking Lin Hua and the others just now launched a fierce attack on Lin Hua and the others.

At this moment, Lin Hua directly released Absolute Freeze.In an instant, the zombies near Lin Hua turned into ice sculptures, and then there was the sound of the ice sculpture breaking, and then several people ran towards the vacuum area. After two absolute freezes, Lin Hua and the others returned to Xueyun City for the first time. under the city.

"Put five ropes on," Lin Hua shouted upwards while attacking the rushing zombies.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, five ropes were released from the city wall, and when Lin Hua saw the five ropes, she released Absolute Freeze again, and then several people climbed up along the ropes!When Lin Hua climbed halfway, the zombies frozen by Lin Hua just now were all turned into pieces in an instant, but when they rushed over for the first time, Lin Hua and the five of them had already returned to the city wall.

After five people climbed the city wall, everything continued.The zombies on the opposite side were still attacking frantically, but the number of platinum zombies rushing towards the city gate had decreased a lot.Maybe they were all killed by Lin Hua.

"Boss scared me to death just now, if the battle broke out just now, we probably won't be able to come back," Li Jie said with a little fear.

"That zombie king is really strong," Lin Hua said.

"But it doesn't matter, aren't you [-]% sure that you can kill her, then we can block a block," Kaneki said

And at this time, everyone was very happy when they saw Lin Hua and the others come back, and Xue Wu was the happiest among them, but at this time she didn't rush to Lin Hua to hug Lin Hua.

"Boss, you must be hungry after fighting for such a long time," Xuewu asked.

"Sister Xuewu is more careful, I'm almost starving to death," Li Jie said.

At this time, a few ordinary women came up from the city wall and brought some food, and then a few people ate it up.In fact, when they first came back, Xuewu knew that they were going to be hungry, so when they saw them coming back, Xuewu immediately asked for food to be brought over.

Soon Lin Hua and the others finished eating the food, and then watched the battle situation again.Now there are still silver-level and gold-level zombies attacking the city gate and the city wall. There are occasionally a few platinum-level zombies, but at this time the zombies can no longer move the boulder outside the city gate, because when they approach They will all be killed by long-range supernatural beings or ordinary people.

Because the city gate was afraid of being burned by fire, all the stones thrown inside were not stained with gasoline.

"Boss, if the fight continues like this, everyone will be exhausted sooner or later, but the city will be over soon." Xue Wu said when he saw the people on the city wall!

"Call some of the ordinary women to join the battle on the city wall to replace half of the people to rest, and then take turns to rest," Lin Hua said.

"I'm afraid it's not good to let women fight, boss," Li Jie said, because Li Jie felt that it was good for these women to be responsible for cooking and transportation.

"The city is broken, and none of these women can escape." At this moment, Lin Hua didn't speak, but it was Jin Mu who spoke.

After listening to Jin Mu and Lin Hua's words, Li Jie turned around and ran towards Jiang Yuxin below the city, because Jiang Yuxin and Lin Yiyi were in charge of the food, and all the important people returned it with him!

"Jiang Yuxin, how many people do you deliver and cook?" Li Jie asked.

"About 2 people," Jiang Yuxin replied.

"How could there be so few people? Where did those women go?" Li Jie asked.

"Not all ordinary women are willing to come out to help, many of them are hiding at home," Jiang Yuxin said.

At this time, Li Jie was also very angry in his heart. So many people of his were desperately trying to defend the city, but they were hiding in his home.

At this time, Li Jie took out a loudspeaker, and drove back and forth in the city, yelling to mobilize the remaining women. If they don't come out to help go to the top of the city wall, the city will be broken sooner or later, but when they retreat to the inside City, those of you who hide at home will become food for the zombies.

I was frightened by Li Jie, but Li Jie didn't frighten them at all. If the city breaks down, Li Jie and the others can only retreat to the inner city, but all the women hiding in their homes will be eaten by the monsters that break through the city. .

Soon after Li Jie finished speaking, a large number of women walked out of the house one after another, and came to the central square to gather. This count, there are about 15 women!

At this time, they were listening to Li Jie's speech, "Tell me about you, so many of us are working so hard for only ourselves, look at what you are doing, hiding in your own home and not coming out, you just come out It’s also good to help those other women cook. This also proves that you are useful, not waste. Now you all go to the top of the city wall, replace those ordinary people back and forth, and let them rest for a while. Only in this way can we keep this city. , Otherwise, if the city breaks down, you will be eaten by zombies even if you hide in your own home," Li Jie said.

And when these women heard Li Jie's words at this time, they all felt that what they did was wrong. They were desperately working hard to keep the city, and they themselves hid at home secretly for a year.If the monsters break through the city, they must be the ones who die. Those people outside will all flee to the inner city.

All of them thought about it and said that they want to participate in the battle!Soon some of these women were older to cook and transport, and the younger ones went directly to the east city gate wall to help fight. Although these women were not skilled in games, with their participation, the pressure of the siege was instantly reduced. A lot, and then those ordinary people and supernatural beings who have been fighting for a long time began to rest.In this way they switched back and forth to rest.

At this time, Li Jie had also returned, and he told Lin Hua what happened just now, not only Li Jie herself was angry, but everyone who heard what Li Jie said just now was also angry, especially what Li Jie said When there are as many as 15 people.But in the end they all came out to help, and these people looked better.

"Why isn't the monster's attack weakening in the slightest at this time? Could it be that there are only so many of these zombie troops, and they are inexhaustible?" Jin Mu said.

"If you want to defeat this group of monsters, you must kill that zombie king, but there are too many amethyst-level zombies in that zombie king, and my power consumption was too huge in the past, but I will definitely not be him opponents," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, the zombies at the three city gates other than the east gate have already retreated, why don't we go out from the other gates, and then rush directly to the zombie king's position, so that the chances of killing the zombie king may be high A little bit," Xuewu said

"It's not that we can't get out now, but that we can't get close to that zombie king at all," Li Jie said.

"Li Jie is right. If it wasn't for the last 100 meters that was ordered by the zombie king, we would never have gotten close to that zombie king," Heisha said.

"We have to try even when it is difficult, otherwise we will be in danger of being breached sooner or later. Only by killing this zombie king can we be considered victorious," Lin Hua said.

"If all the melee and high-level amethyst powers escort you to the zombie king, it's fine, but when you fight the zombie king and kill him, the matter will be resolved," Ghost Dance said. arrive.

"You didn't see it just now. You don't know that there are no less than [-] high-level Amethyst zombies near the zombie king, but there are no less than [-] low-level Amethyst zombies," Li Jie said.

"Well, even the group of amethyst zombies near the zombie king is enough for us to fight for a long time," Lin Hua said.

After everyone heard Li Jie's words, they realized how difficult it is to get close to this zombie king, especially since there are thousands of amethyst-level zombies around her, which undoubtedly gave everyone a heavy burden. hit.It is even more difficult to eliminate this zombie king, but after Lin Hua saw everyone's expressions at this time, he said comfortingly, "People think of ways, there is always a way to get close to this zombie king and kill him." Don't be discouraged, just trust me and you won't have any problems."

"Boss is right. Just trust him. How many times has the boss solved everything in the end? This time is the same. Don't worry, everyone," Li Jie said.

In fact, everyone now knows that Lin Hua is just comforting them at this time, and Lin Hua has no better way to get close to this zombie king at this time, the power around him is too strong!If you want to kill this zombie king, you must first eliminate the group of Amethyst zombies near the zombie king.So many amethyst zombies are not so easy to deal with.At this time, everyone was thinking about this method, how to get close to the zombie king and kill him.

"What if the flying acrobats are airlifted directly to the Zombie King?" Xiao Zhan said.

(End of this chapter)

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