Chapter 394
"No, it's too dangerous. There is no chance of landing, and it will become food for the zombies!" Xuewu said.

"However, if the boss releases his skills, wouldn't he have a chance to hit the ground?" Lin Yisang said.

"There are all zombies above Amethyst in there, do you think the boss's skills can kill all zombies above Amethyst in seconds?" Li Jie said.

"Amethyst can be killed around the third level, but it's not good for those above the third level," Lin Hua said.

"If you land not far from the Zombie King, what about the high-level Amethysts? Go to a few people first, then transport them by air, and slowly expand the range to approach the Zombie King. This saves a lot of time. It can also save a lot of power," Kaneki said.

"But it's useless to go to the platinum level this time, because all we have to deal with are above the amethyst level, so at least the amethyst level is required, and we are just gambling this time. If we do this, we don’t necessarily have to go back, last time the zombie king deliberately let us go, this time it may not be like that!” Lin Hua said

"If you really want to do this, I should follow, because my flame shield can resist attacks below amethyst, and my fire attribute ability has a great restraint effect on zombies," Xuewu said, because Lin Hua If they really want to go, it can be said that they are close to death, so no matter what this time, they have to go with Lin Hua, even if they are going to die, they have to die together.

"Since Sister Xuewu can go, I can go even more. I have a dark attribute ability, corrosiveness is especially able to restrain these zombies, and I have range skills and control skills, so I have to go this time." Ghost Dance Said, because the few of them took risks together at the beginning of the end of the world, maybe this time is the last time, and Ghost Dance himself must follow.

"We haven't reached that point yet, the situation is still stable for now, so there's no need to do that," Lin Hua said

Because it’s really not that time yet, because the monster’s siege attack has basically stabilized at this time, and they can still resist it now. Lin Hua doesn’t believe that there will really be so many zombies. Tens of thousands of zombies died outside the city. If this continues, those zombies will not last long.

"Boss, why don't these zombies eat? They have been fighting for almost a day, and I haven't seen them eating." Li Jie asked

"Don't you know this bit of common sense? In addition to eating human flesh and blood, they also eat their own kind. Have you seen the corpses of those dead zombies? They were all eaten by the living zombies, or now The corpses of the zombies outside have already piled up like a mountain," Jin Mu said.

After Li Jie heard Jin Mu's words, he looked at the zombies outside the city that were still madly attacking the city wall. He really didn't see any piles of zombie corpses, only those who had died not long ago.

"It's really inhumane for them to even eat their own companions," Li Jie said.

"When they turned into zombies, they were no longer human beings," Gu Tian said.

"Is there anything wrong with the city wall now?" Lin Hua asked the amethyst power user behind him.

"There's nothing wrong with it. Thanks to the women's participation, many people can now rest and go back and forth on shifts, and now the supernatural beings and ordinary people on the city wall are very energetic," said the amethyst supernatural being behind.

"Except for the east gate, how are the three gates? The zombies at the west gate and the north gate have not attacked since the last sneak attack failed, while the south gate was attacked four times during this period, but they were all blocked. , not attacking," said the amethyst power user.

"It seems that the zombie king mainly wants to attack the east gate, and put all the main force on the east gate. As long as we guard the east gate, Xueyun City will have no problem," Lin Hua said to everyone behind him.

"Leader, let's see if you go back and take a rest. You haven't rested here since the battle," another amethyst user said.

Lin Hua didn't speak, because she knew he couldn't leave at this moment, and went back to rest because if he left, it would affect the morale of the army to a certain extent. Now that the situation of the zombie siege has just stabilized, she can't do this.

"Yeah, boss, let's go back and rest for a while," Ghost Dance said.

"With my strength, I don't need to rest. You said the boss needs to rest. Besides, here now, isn't it the same as rest?" Li Jie said.

"Yeah, what's the point of resting? Standing here is resting." Jin Mu said, because they were really exhausted when they attacked the zombies below, and they kept attacking. Now that they are back, it belongs to relaxation Quite a lot.

"The leader is now being attacked by zombies again at the South City Gate." A guard came over to report the situation at the South City Gate.

"Understood, please report back if there is any situation," Xuewu said.

"Why are the zombies still attacking the south gate at this time? Do they want to attack the two city gates at the same time?" Xiao Zhan asked.

At this time, Lin Hua was also thinking about why the zombies were still attacking the south gate. There were many mountains in front of the south gate, which was not as easy to fight as the east gate. Why did the zombie king do this!

However, at this moment, some Amethyst zombies were rushing towards the east gate.They didn't suffer too much damage from the attacks of these supernatural beings and ordinary people, and they still rushed forward.It will soon reach the bottom of the East City Gate.

"Boss, you can see that they are all Amethyst-level zombies. Although their level is very low, ordinary supernatural beings and ordinary people can do little harm to them." Li Jie pointed at the low-level Amethyst zombies under the east gate. Said.

"It seems that they still want to break in through the gate of the east city. Now they don't use platinum zombies, and start using low-level amethyst zombies," Jin Mu said.

"Boss, let's go down and kill a wave," Li Jie said.

Because everyone knows that these low-level amethyst zombies are now attacking the east gate, and the boulders that were moved by the platinum abilities just now will be removed soon.

"No need to go down, Li Jie told the people below to transport some huge boulders in," Lin Hua turned to Li Jie and said
After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie turned around and ran down without thinking at all.Li Jie told the news to Xiao Zhan and the uninjured melee powers below the city, and asked them to help move the boulders, because melee powers are particularly powerful.

Soon under the city, big stones were brought to the city gate. Most of the big stones were moved by a few melee abilities.

Lin Hua looked at the size of these rocks, which were as big as two people, and thought it was okay.He also looked at the low-level amethyst zombies who were about to rush under the east gate.

"Put all these stones in gasoline and push them to the front of the city gate. Don't push them down, wait for some amethyst zombies to rush over and push them down," Lin Hua said.

"Boss will burn down the city gate, and the zombies will rush in," Jin Mu said.

Because fire cannot be used here at the city gate, even if the city gate cannot be burned, it will be very crispy after being roasted by the fire, and it is easy to break through.

At this time, Lin Hua also knew their worries, knowing that fire could easily destroy the city gate!

"I have a way to prevent the fire from reaching the city gate," Lin Hua said.

But after hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone stopped worrying about these things, because Lin Hua said that if he had a solution, there would be no problem.Soon these large stones covered with gasoline have been pushed to the outermost side of the city gate.

"The melee ability users below Amethyst continue to make big stones here. It is best to push these big stones on the bigger ones. The Amethyst ability users will push these big stones in front. The stone Xuewu who will throw the stones will ignite these stones."

In this way, Gutian, Heisha, Jinmu and others with melee abilities above amethyst are ready to push these big stones at any time.

And at this moment, those amethyst zombies had rushed under the east gate.

"Push" Lin Hua felt.

After Lin Hua gave an order, Jin Mu pushed the big stones down one after another, and those low-level Amethyst zombies who were heading towards the east gate were killed by many big stones on the spot, but some of them were only injured. Those low-level amethyst zombies behind them were still charging towards here, moving the big rocks that had just fallen to the sides!

"Xuewu" Lin Hua said.

Xuewu knew that it was time to ignite and directly released more than 100 rockets. The big rocks that were pushed down just now were ignited, and those monsters saw that these stones were ignited, they still pushed these stones and moved them to the sides .They didn't care that the burning fire had set their bodies on fire.

At this time, Lin Hua's fire had already started, and a building with a thickness of more than two meters and a height of more than 20 meters was built directly between the boulders blocking the city gate and the boulders that were ignited. The 30-meter-long ice wall firmly wrapped the city gate!

And Jin Mu and the others saw that the city gate was firmly wrapped by the ice wall at this time, and they were not afraid of fire at all.They were all dumbfounded, and they admired Lin Hua even more psychologically. It didn't matter that he could come up with such a good idea and have such great ability to form such an ice wall.

(End of this chapter)

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