Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 395 The Effect of the Boulder

Chapter 395 The Effect of the Boulder

At this time, those close-combat supernatural beings moved up another batch of big stones, but this time the stones were about twice the size of those just now!Such a stone can directly kill a low-level amethyst zombie.The weight of the stone strengthens gravity.

Then apply gasoline on it, and push the amethyst-level melee supernatural power to the upper edge of the city gate, waiting for Lin Hua's command.

And Lin Hua saw that although many low-level Amethyst zombies were crushed and burned to death, the big stone thrown just now was almost moved to the sides by the low-level Amethyst zombies behind.

"Smash" Lin Hua shouted again.

Then those big stones covered with gasoline fell on the city gate again and again!And Xuewu directly fired hundreds of rockets at these big rocks covered with gasoline, and the big rocks that were pushed down just now were smashed to death many low-level amethyst zombies after being pushed down.And after those big stones covered with gasoline were ignited, some zombies were also burned to death, which blocked their speed of pulling the stones. It took about an hour or so, and the stones were pushed down through many waves.

"Boss, how about this stone?" Li Jie shouted.

When Lin Hua and the others looked at Li Jie and the others, they found that Li Jie, Xiao and Lin Yisang, and about 100 melee superhumans were struggling to push a boulder about 20 meters long.Lin Hua and the others went over to help them move the boulder after seeing it. With Lin Hua and the others joining in, everyone felt a lot more relaxed. They quickly pushed the big boulder to the edge of the city gate wall, and then moved towards the big stone. The boulder spilled six barrels of gasoline.Prepare to push down.

At this time, the low-level amethyst zombies below are still cleaning up the stones that were pushed down and set on fire!
"Boss, is this rock strong enough?" Li Jie said.

"Well, at least she can delay these low-level amethyst zombies for a long time," Lin Hua said.

"We spent a lot of effort just now for this stone," Xiao Zhan said.

Just then the burning boulders below had been pushed away. "Push" Lin Hua said again.

Then Kaneki and the others pushed this piece of more than 20 meters down!When the boulder fell, it killed at least 20 Amethyst zombies.Then Xuewu set the boulder on fire. At this time, the amethyst zombies rushing from behind gave a pause when they saw the burning boulder, and then they were still frantically pulling the boulder, but they moved it for a long time , without much movement, at this time Xiao Zhan and the others transported a lot of big rocks up again!
"Everyone has been tired for a long time, now take a rest, and don't have to move the rocks," Lin Hua said.

Then Xiao Zhan, Li Jie and the others also sat down on the ground. They were exhausted just now, especially the huge rock just now. It can be said that they have used all their strength.

"Leader, the ice wall is almost melting away," said an Amethyst user at this time.

Then Lin Hua went to look at the ice wall. At this time, the ice wall was almost melted by the fire for a long time!Lin Hua directly created another ice wall at the position of the ice wall that had not yet melted away.At this time, the big boulder still didn't move much from the position just now.But the fire above has been much smaller.

"Spray gasoline on the boulder, and the fire on the boulder will be much smaller," Lin Hua said.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the three Amethyst supernatural beings took a large oil barrel and sprinkled gasoline on the boulder. When the gasoline was sprinkled on the boulder that was about to extinguish the fire, the fire burst into flames instantly. !

And many of the low-level amethyst zombies who moved the boulder were burned to death. They used their bodies to extinguish the burning boulder.But every time when the fire was about to be extinguished, a lot of gasoline would be sprinkled on the east gate, and then the fire continued to burn ragingly. After more than two hours like this, although the big boulder was moved a little, But at most it is about two meters!At this time, Lin Hua and the others were constantly observing the situation below!

"This big boulder is really useful. It has been on it for more than two hours. It has only been moved to such a small position now. I think it will take a day for them to completely remove this boulder," Jin Mu said.

"Many low-level amethyst zombies have been burned to death by the fire on the huge boulder. Why, there are so many rushing over. How many zombies are there?" Gu Tian said.

"Yeah, I checked just now, and within 10 minutes just now, at least a hundred Amethyst zombies were burned to death, and there are hundreds of low-level zombies," Li Jie said.

"It seems that you are too idle, and you still have time to count zombies. If you feel nothing, just move the stone." Gu Tian said

At this moment, Lin Hua discovered that the zombies had moved the boulder by about four meters and started attacking the ice wall.Lin Hua shot the ice blade directly at the amethyst zombies, and the heads of the amethyst zombies who attacked the ice wall fell off, and then the zombies behind continued to attack Lin Hua, turned their heads and shouted at the people behind "Throw the big stone towards the position where the boulder moves, and then move the stone below"

After the people behind heard Lin Hua's words, Xiao Zhan and the others continued to move the boulders, and a few Amethyst supernatural beings came over and threw big stones towards the gap in the moved boulder, hitting those who attacked the ice wall. Zombies!
In this way, the situation soon stabilized again!

And those big stones thrown down to fill the gap of the big boulder, although they were also burning, were quickly removed again.

And Lin Hua and the others kept throwing these big rocks full of gasoline towards the gap in the boulder.The two sides are at a stalemate like this!Although the efficiency of those zombies moving this boulder is very high, and it takes a lot of energy to move the low-level amethyst zombies, but as time goes by, the gap is getting bigger and bigger!
Lin Hua saw the scene at this time, and knew that within a few hours, this huge rock would be removed.

"Are there any other rocks this big, Xiao Zhan?" Lin Hua turned her head and said to Xiao Zhan.

"There are no such big ones, and the big ones are about five meters now!" Xiao Zhan said.

"Try to find some fresh stones. The zombies that come here are all about the third-order amethyst. Look at these amethyst zombies, they are going to die soon," Lin Hua said.

Not long ago, when Xiao Zhan and the others transported them, they were all about three meters long, and the largest ones could be five meters long.Then the stone was still sprinkled with gasoline, and then dropped.As time passed, the huge stone was finally pushed to the left side of the city gate by these amethyst zombies, and then Lin Hua continued to direct and throw the big stone down.

"There are fewer and fewer big stones now, and the stones on the walls of the gates and walls are almost exhausted, so there should be no more in a few hours," Xiao Zhan said.

Now most of their battles with these zombies rely on these big stones and then adding fire to sustain them. If the stones are gone, these zombies will climb the city wall and break through the city gate sooner or later!But at some point, Snow Cloud City would be lost.

"Boss, why not demolish all the buildings close to the city wall, so that more building stones will come out. Although they are not as strong as those natural stones, they are enough for these zombies," Jin Mu said.

Lin Hua looked at the buildings around the city wall. Although none of them were too tall, they should be enough if they were demolished.

"Okay, Lin Yisang, you are in charge of dismantling the buildings near the east city gate. Don't cause any harm. If you want to demolish that building, first check to see if there are still people inside, and then let some people come down from the city wall to carry the stones. Those three If there are enough stones on the city wall, they won’t always be demolished, mainly at the east city gate,” Lin Hua said to Lin Yisang.

Lin Yisang heard Lin Hua's words and took them directly, and some people went to demolish the buildings near the East City Gate.

"If the boss does this, will it cause some people's dissatisfaction?" Gu Tian asked.

"After the zombies attack the city, the Ice and Snow Alliance will be responsible for helping them rebuild it. If it is not demolished now, it will not be able to resist the zombies attacking the city, causing the zombies to attack in. What is the use of their buildings at that time? Zombies appreciate and live here," Lin Hua said.

In this way, the buildings near the east city gate were quickly demolished one by one under Lin Yisang's command, and then the stones were transported to the city wall one after another.The smaller ones under two meters were transported to the city wall of the East City Gate, and those huge stones were all made on the East City Gate!

At this time, the following situation is that there are large stones on the left and right sides near the east gate of Xueyun City. These large stones are retreated by the zombies, and the stones on both sides of the gate are almost full.

Since these zombies are still cleaning up the thrown stones, their offensive has been reduced a lot at this time.

"Boss and these monsters have reduced their offensive a lot now, and now the pressure on the city wall has decreased a lot, and more people can rest for a while," Li Jie said.

"This is good news, this will give our family a better chance of winning," Xuewu said.

(End of this chapter)

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