Chapter 397
There was another blow and another collision. At this time, Zhang Ren had already bled too much. In addition to this time's duel of strength, some hallucinations appeared.Seeing that Lin Hua and the others had arrived, a smile appeared on his blood-stained face, and then he passed out!
That first-order extraordinary zombie was walking towards the dog king Zhang Ren who was lying down step by step with a big knife!Just when there was still a distance of one meter, he was about to raise his knife and slash at the dog king Zhang Ren who fell on the ground. With a bang, the gate of the South City Gate opened again, and all the zombies looked at the opened gate. !At this time, Lin Hua and the other five rushed out with more than 300 close-combat supernatural beings!And when seeing that extraordinary first-order zombie was about to kill the dog king Zhang Ren, Lin Hua instantly released the ice bondage, and then about 20 meters above the ground, an ice surface formed, and then Lin Hua disappeared!The extraordinary first-order zombie who used the machete to slash the dog king Xiangren lying on the ground fell to the ground before the machete could fall!Because Lin Hua appeared behind him at this time, and directly pierced his head with the epee Wufeng.

"Brother Zhang, wake up, I'm Lin Hua" At this time, Lin Hua kept changing the dog king Zhang Ren!At this time, Zhang Ren opened his eyes with difficulty, "You are here, but fortunately you persisted."

"Just wake up, you go back quickly, it's enough to leave this door to me," Lin Hua said because Lin Hua heard the guards inside and they said that the dog king Zhang Ren rushed out by herself and didn't let anyone follow her, and then went out. Just let the door be blocked with stones, his intention was very obvious and he didn't intend to go back alive, he just wanted to drag Lin Hua and the others.

"I can't fight anymore, I can still control this group of mutant dogs," said dog king Zhang Ren.

At this time, Lin Hua looked at these mutated dogs, although many of them had died, but there was already an extraordinary red Tibetan mastiff.He knew that it might have just broken through.

At this time, the four of Heisha and the others were dealing with an extraordinary zombie, and the other was walking towards Lin Hua.

"Give you two extraordinary first-order alien cores, will you be able to advance?" Lin Hua said.

The dog king Zhang Ren didn't speak, just pointed to the black dead mutant dog next to him.

"Okay," Lin Hua said, and directly threw the alien core of the first-order extraordinary zombie that he killed just now to the dog.Then he raised his epee Wufeng, and faced the walking zombie of the first rank, it was the triple phantom.

And this extraordinary first-order zombie saw the huge ice giant sword falling and blocked it with his big axe, but after three ice giant swords, this extraordinary first-order zombie was directly chopped into pieces, Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom's Skill, go directly to the alien core left by this extraordinary first-order zombie to pick up the alien core, and then return to Zhang Ren's position, let's throw this extraordinary first-order alien core to this black mutant dog feet.

Now there are still seven extraordinary first-level zombies. Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom to first eliminate the first-level extraordinary zombies that the amethyst mutant dog dealt with, and then helped the first-level extraordinary golden retriever and Tibetan mastiff to eliminate them. The two extraordinary first-order zombies who fought against each other.With the addition of these amethyst mutated dogs, the pressure on these supernatural beings has been reduced a lot, and Lin Hua, the big golden retriever, and the red Tibetan mastiff went to help Li Jie and the others, and soon the remaining five All the first-order extraordinary zombies were also killed.

At this time, the black dog that ate two extraordinary first-order heteronuclei has gradually grown in size, and the hair on his body has also become darker and brighter. Lin Hua knows that he has also successfully advanced. .

Although the current dog king Zhang Ren is only at the fifth level of Amethyst, he already has these three mutant dogs of the first level of extraordinary, and there are also a group of mutant dogs that are not low in level. Everyone is easy to win.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others are now killing those low-level zombies rushing towards them!

At this time, there were already several dead supernatural beings. Lin Hua knew that these extraordinary supernatural beings had been dealt with now, and it was time to go back!

"Brother Zhang, you will control the group of dogs to go back first, we will block these stones, and then put a rope on the city wall, and we will go up again," Lin Hua said to the dog king Zhang Ren.

"it is good"

"Everyone shrinks the circle and controls the city gate. The gate will open after 1 minute inside the city," Lin Hua shouted.

After listening to Lin Hua's words, all the supernatural beings were a weak combat circle, and then slowly approached the city gate for 1 minute, and the city gate opened again.

And when these zombies saw the city gate open, they attacked Lin Hua and the others even more frantically, but none of the zombies could rush in.

At this time, the dog king had already retreated into the city, and his group of mutant dogs also slowly retreated into the city one by one.

Then when all the mutated dogs retreated into the city, the south gate was slowly closed this time.

"Everyone, make the circle smaller, slowly move all around to the city gate, and then block the gate, just like doing at the east gate," Lin Hua said loudly
Because these people had gone out with Lin Hua and the others at the East City Gate, they all knew what to do. In this way, about two hours later, the South City Gate was firmly blocked again and again.But at this time, there were already more than 50 injured people, and some died in the mouth of the zombies!
"Brother Zhang, prepare to put the rope!" Lin Hua shouted to the top of the city wall again!The dog king Zhang Ren was seriously injured, but they went back to rest, but continued to watch Lin Hua and the others fight from the top of the city wall!
When Zhang Ren, the dog king, heard Lin Hua's cry, he quickly let down more than a dozen ropes in Lin Hua's battle circle, and then these business houses were pulled to it one by one.

At this time, Lin Hua's circle became smaller and smaller, because those people with supernatural powers slowly climbed up the rope, and in the end, there were still five of Lin Hua and the others left.

"Haha, Boss, there are still five of us left," Li Jie said!
"I'll wait until I release my skills and they'll be absolutely frozen. When they're frozen, put the rope on," Lin Hua shouted loudly.

After finishing speaking, Lin Hua directly released Absolute Freeze, and in an instant, the zombies in front of Lin Hua and [-] meters away on both sides were all frozen.Then a rope was lowered on the city wall, and Lin Hua and the other five climbed up along the rope.

When they climbed halfway, they heard the sound of "cracking" ice sculptures breaking, and then all the frozen zombies shattered.At this time, the group of zombies saw Lin Hua and the others climbing up the city wall, but it was already too late.


"Brother Zhang, how is the injury?" Lin Hua said to the dog king Zhang Ren after coming up.

"It's nothing serious. If you didn't come over quickly, I think I'll be able to see you again," said the dog king Zhang Ren

"After the boss heard the news, he knew that with your personality, he would go out by himself, so we rushed over immediately, but fortunately we caught up," Li Jie said.

"It's okay this time. Although I was injured a little and dozens of mutated dogs died, but two of them have broken through. Maybe it's a blessing in disguise," Dog King Zhang Ren said.

"By the way, did you pick up the extraordinary cores just now?" Lin Hua said.

"I picked one up," Li Jie said.

"I picked it up too, Heisha said.

"The monster rushed over before I had time to pick it up," Gu Tian said.

"Me too," Kaneki said.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua took out the three extraordinary first-level heterocores that he had obtained by helping those mutated dogs kill extraordinary zombies, and handed them to Zhang Ren.

"You gave me two just now, and the one I killed myself is already three. I can't take this." When the dog king saw Lin Hua handing over the three first-order extraordinary cores to him , did not answer.

"This is what you should have achieved. If you hadn't rushed out to fend off those extraordinary zombies, Xueyun City would have been breached by zombies now." Lin Hua handed the alien core to Dog King Zhang Ren again and said.

At this time, Li Jie and Heisha also handed over their different cores!

"Brother Zhang, just accept it. If the boss tells you, you can afford it. These few heteronuclei are nothing compared to the lives of the people in the city," Li Jie said.

After listening to Li Jie and Lin Hua's words, he took the extraordinary core they handed over, and ate it directly.

Lin Hua and the others knew that he was attacking at this time, so they didn't disturb Zhang Ren, the dog king, and continued to observe the zombies under the city at this time. Without the few extraordinary zombies just now, these zombies could no longer get close to the city gate at this moment!
"Boss, you said that this zombie king is too cunning, he will make a lot of noise," Li Jie said.

"That's right, I said a long time ago that this zombie king already has a very high spiritual intelligence," Lin Hua said.

"If Brother Zhang's Hua didn't exist just now, the consequences would be unimaginable," Jin Mu said.

At this time, several people admired Zhang Ren, the dog king, because he went down by himself in order to cause more casualties.And how much courage is needed to block the city gate, and it still has the determination to die!
After about half an hour, the dog king Zhang Ren slowly opened his eyes!Because at this time he has broken through to the first level of extraordinary!At this time, he felt that its current abilities had increased a lot, and his mental power could control and move more mutant dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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