Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 398 The Vicious Corpse King

Chapter 398 The Vicious Corpse King

"Congratulations, the advancement has been successful." Lin Hua said when he saw that Zhang Ren, the dog king, had successfully advanced.

"That's right, now Brother Zhang, he can fight four first-order Transcendents by himself," Li Jie said.

"If I face you, a first-order Transcendent, I will lose," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"Brother Zhang, don't praise me, if you praise me, I'm going to float," Li Jie said.

After hearing what Li Jie said, some people laughed out loud.

"Brother Zhang, I have an idea now, that is to rush over and kill that zombie king directly," Lin Hua said to the dog king Zhang Ren.

"This idea is too risky. You rushed over yesterday and you know the situation of the Zombie King," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"But if this continues, we are the only ones who fail in the end. These zombies have been killed for a day and a half, and we don't know how many there are," Li Jie said.

"Now we have to wait until the zombie king can't take it anymore, and then see what to do. Although we can't delay for too long, it would be a waste of manpower to rush over now, and it would be too late to go to the zombie king." We don't have much combat power, how can we defeat this zombie king then?" Dog King Zhang Ren said.

"I don't agree to rushing over now, at least the gate can still stabilize the current situation. What our gate has to do now is to see the tricks. Now the people on the gates are taking turns to rest, and everyone We don’t lack any resources, and now we don’t have much loss, but there are so many zombies that die every hour, and sooner or later they will all die, and then the zombie king will not be able to stand it,” Jin Mu said.

"I know this idea might be risky, but who can be sure that we can beat the Zombie King?" Lin Hua continued.

"That's right, the two flying ability users who passed by in the afternoon came back to report, and there are still a large number of zombies gathering here! And there are still many Amethyst zombies at the Zombie King," Li Jie said.

"Let's wait and see for a day. If you can't go out then, I will accompany you," said Dog King Zhang Ren.

"Yeah, the boss is waiting for a day, maybe the situation will change tomorrow," Gu Tian said.

After hearing what they said, Lin Hua also knew that her idea was too risky, but in this way, they can still take the initiative, and won't be so passively beaten by the zombie king, but once they can't drag the zombies, they will become very Passive, it may be even more difficult for them to kill them when the time comes!Waiting a day doesn't make much difference!So Lin Hua was also going to listen to their advice and was waiting for a day.

"Well, let's wait for another day. If the stalemate continues, we will fight. I don't want to make us passive," Lin Hua said.

"Okay, I'll accompany you when the time comes," Dog King Zhang Ren said.

"Boss, I will go too," Li Jie said.

"At that time, you won't be able to think about it, ha," Lin Hua said. At this moment, his mood suddenly relaxed a little, because she was too nervous for a day and a half!Fearing that it would be Xueyun City's turn to be attacked by monsters in the ten years of the last days, this is not the result he wants to see, so the eight of them will be so nervous, but the situation has stabilized now, now just wait until tomorrow It's time to do it!
At this time, the zombies under the city stopped attacking the south gate again, and then Lin Hua and the others discovered through the binoculars that all the zombies at the south gate had already gone towards the east gate.

"Brother Zhang, I'm going back to the east gate first, and I will inform you in time if there is any situation. Don't take such risks. I don't want to lose a brother." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he walked towards the east gate. They all followed Lin Hua away!

Lin Hua and the others had been walking on the outer city wall, and saw that there were many people on the city wall at this time. Due to fatigue, many people fell asleep on the inner side of the city wall, and those who were fighting saw Lin Hua and the others walking beside them. The eyes are full of admiration and respect all the time, this is from the heart, because if there is no Lin Hua, the Xueyun City may have been destroyed long ago, and it will not persist until now, and the leader brought Li Jie and the others The four of them fought in the zombie group for about ten hours, and finally came back!Their strength is also admired by these supernatural beings and ordinary people.

Soon Lin Hua and the others walked through the city wall to the east gate. At this time, the east gate was also particularly stable. It was no longer low-level amethyst zombies rushing towards the gate, but some silver and gold zombies.

"It seems that the zombies can't stand it now. Those Amethyst zombies are almost dead." Li Jie said after seeing the situation at this time.

"It should be, otherwise they are all low-level zombies, and these low-level zombies can't touch the city gate at all, and they have to come to die," Gu Tian said.

"Even though it's stable now, don't let your guard down, the zombie king is very cunning," Lin Hua said.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone couldn't help but think of everything that happened in this day and a half. This zombie king is really very cunning, and very cunning, especially if it wasn't for the dog at the south gate this time. If Wang Zhangren reacted very quickly, and had resisted those extraordinary zombies in time, I am afraid that Xueyun City would have become a hell on earth by now.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" was another thunderous roar, Lin Hua and the others knew it was the Zombie King's cry!

And just after the roar of the zombie king, all the zombies slowly retreated to the back, about 3000 meters away!
"Boss, is the second wave of zombie siege over?" Li Jie said after the zombies retreated.

"Wait for half an hour and see what happens," Lin Hua said. The half hour passed quickly, and the army of zombies on the other side didn't show any signs of attack, but waited quietly for the zombie king's order.

"Let's pass the order to everyone to prepare for dinner, and then one-fifth of the people on the city wall will continue to guard the city wall, and the rest will rest temporarily, and the two captains of the reconnaissance troop will be sent to investigate the military situation. What is the zombie army at this moment? status" said Lin Hua

Then the two amethyst power users in the back went to convey the order after receiving the order!After about 20 minutes, Jiang Yuxin led the logistics women to deliver the food to the city wall!
Lin Hua and the others began to eat food now, but Lin Hua felt that the zombie army had retreated at this time, and the second wave of zombie siege was over. I don't know when the third wave of zombie siege will start. What tricks to use!

After Lin Hua and the others ate the food, the zombie army on the opposite side remained silent, but the captain of the scouting team flew back with bad news.

"Leader, we saw more than 800 humans behind the zombie army, and they were all ordinary people. They are walking towards the zombie king under the pressure of the zombies!" said the flying ability user.

"Got it, go back and rest!" Lin Hua said to the investigation captain.

After listening to Lin Hua's words, the investigation team leader flew towards the city.

"Boss, is this zombie king planning to let us rush to the zombie king to save these people?" Li Jie said

"The Zombie King's move is really insidious. In the past, many people would die if they saved people, but if they went to save people, these ordinary people would die, and ordinary people in the city will feel that our leader is inhuman, which will affect to the heart of the army," Kaneki said

At this time, Lin Hua had been thinking deeply when she heard what the scouting captain said. She knew that the zombie king must have some more cunning way to retreat at this time, but she didn't expect him to be so cunning.

When everyone saw that Lin Hua didn't say anything at this time, they knew that Lin Hua was thinking of a way to deal with it, so the time passed bit by bit, and another investigation team leader flew back after more than ten minutes!
"Leader, those ordinary people were not eaten by the zombie king, but the zombie king discovered my existence and did not attack me. Let me convey a word that he will let go of these humans in an hour." Hua said.

"Understood, you go down," Lin Hua said.

"It's so vicious, this zombie king!" Li Jie was already furious after hearing the words of the investigation captain.
"It's whether to save or not. They are ordinary people and can only open the city gate, so that the zombies will take the opportunity to attack. If we can't resist, the city gate will be breached. It's okay if we resist." Jin Mu said.

After listening to Jin Mu's analysis, Lin Hua fell into deep thought again, but this time the time was very short!
Then he said, "Whether to save or not, tell me what you think."

"I don't agree with saving people, it will cause more casualties, and the city gate will be breached, so all the efforts of the past two days will be in vain," said an Amethyst power user .

"I don't agree with saving these people, because now I don't know if these people are infected with the virus. If we don't save them and turn them into zombies, then our efforts will be in vain." Another Said the amethyst superhuman.

At this time, Xuewu and Guiwu didn't speak a word!
At this moment, Li Jie said, "I agree to save them. Even if they turn into zombies, I will kill them. But at this moment, they are human beings, so we should rescue them."

(End of this chapter)

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