Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 399 9 Dead 1 Life

Chapter 399 Nine Dead Lives

"I also agree with Li Jie's statement. Before the establishment of our alliance, when there were only a few of us, it was to survive, but now our alliance has grown stronger, and now it is to protect more people. The door must be saved," Gui Wu said.

"Li Jie, you finally said it, once I agree with your words," Gu Tian said at this time, Gu Tian made a face at Li Jie after speaking, and he also expressed his opinion.

"I also agree with Li Jie. I don't know much about human beings, but I have been in contact with you for a long time, and I know that these people must be saved," Heisha said.

"I also agree with Li Jie's words. If our family doesn't save these people now, it will be very sad. Maybe our city can be defended if we don't save these people, but if we save them, we can do it in a proper way," Xuewu said.

"I also agree that if we don't save people this time, it will do more harm than good to our Ice and Snow Alliance. This risk is worth taking," Jin Mu said.

Then some Amethyst's supernatural powers agreed, and only a few disagreed.

"Since most of you agree to save these people, I agree too," Lin Hua said.

"However, I plan not to open the east gate, but to open the north gate. The north gate is surrounded by a narrow mountain road, and monsters are not conducive to attacking. However, since the distance is relatively long, I don't know what will happen, so I plan to volunteer this time. , because this time the zombies must be of a higher level, and they will be even crazier, this time it can be said that they are close to death, I don't want to force everyone and me to save people," Lin Hua said.

"I'll go" Li Jie said

"I'll go too," Xiao Zhan said.

"Boss, Ghost Dance and I will also go this time. Although we are not melee ability users, we are not inferior to any melee ability users," Xuewu said.

"Okay, as I said, it's all voluntary this time." "Li Jie, go and inform the North Gate that my gate will be there at that time, and tell them that they are ready to respond at any time. Well, Xiao Zhan, Li Yilang, you two are separated. Go to the west gate and the south gate and talk about these situations, especially this time is voluntary, and this time is dangerous, and only those with melee abilities can participate. Bring people over after half an hour, and gather here "Lin Hua said.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Li Jie, Xiao Zhan, and Li Yilang went to inform them one after another!

Those who were going to go down with me all stood by my side, but if Lin Hua had something to say, this time it was a voluntary participation and everyone knew the danger, so not many people stood up, and in the end only a few people from Lin Hua's team There are also golden wood plus twelve amethyst supernatural powers, and more than 200 melee supernatural powers.

And about half an hour later, the dog king, Li Yilang came over with three amethyst supernatural beings and more than 60 supernatural beings.Then brother Xiao Zhanyu and six Amethyst supernatural beings and more than 80 supernatural beings came over!And at this time Li Jie is back!
Lin Hua looked at the number of people at this time, Xuewu, Guiwu, Li Jie, Gutian, Heisha, Jinmu, Dog King, Brother Yu, Xiao Zhan, Lin Yisang, Li Yilang, Zhang Wandao and 21 more There are more than 400 supernatural beings in Amethyst.And the group of mutant dogs of the dog king Zhang Ren.

"Okay, everyone has eaten just now, if you are not full, go to eat, there are still more than 20 minutes, this may be your last meal, are you afraid?"

"There is a boss, I'm not afraid," Li Jie said at this time, and he didn't take this time seriously, but had a nonchalant expression on his face.

"Not afraid" everyone expressed their opinion at this time.

"To be honest, I'm really a little scared. After joining this time, if my group of dogs come back, they will all be at the extraordinary level. I can't control this, what should I do?" At this time, the dog king Zhang Ren saw that the atmosphere was a bit Embarrassed as a joke.

And everyone who heard it laughed, especially those supernatural beings who were going, they laughed even more happily!

"Xuewu write down the list of these people," Lin Hua said, turning her head to Xuewu.

"If you can come back alive this time, everyone is counted as a Grand Duke. The rewards will be distributed to you after the zombie attack, so you all have to come back alive." Lin Hua said, because Lin Hua is very aware of the danger this time. , the possibility that these ordinary supernatural beings can come back is very low. This time they went out and really narrowly escaped death.But there are still so many people following him out to save others.

In this way, the time passed by every minute and every second, and the one-hour deadline would soon be reached, and at this moment, the zombie king let out a thunderous roar again, Lin Hua knew it was a reminder Watching Lin Hua and the others.

"I'll leave the affairs of the city to you," Lin Hua said to the amethyst power users behind him. At this time, those power users felt guilty for not going with Lin Hua and the others this time because they were afraid of death.And how could Lin Hua fail to see what he was thinking at this time? Then he said.

"Actually, if you don't go this time, don't have too many thoughts. Just stay and defend the city."

"Don't worry, lord, we will definitely defend Xueyun City." At this time, an Amethyst's ability letter said.

"There is a road more than ten meters wide between the zombies in front of the leader," said a guard watching the zombie army with a telescope.

"Okay, everyone, get ready."

Then Lin Hua and the others directly talked about the rope on the city wall and went down the city, and then these supernatural beings also followed Lin Hua and the others to go down, and finally the dogs of the dog king Zhang Ren jumped down one after another.

At this time, some humans slowly came out of the main road.After Lin Hua and the others saw this group of humans, they walked forward one after another. Lin Hua had already drawn out the epee Wufeng, and the Xuanbing Bodyguard had been activated.Soon these more than 800 people slowly all walked out of the army of zombies!However, behind these humans, there are hundreds of Amethyst zombies and many platinum-level zombies. They did not kill these ordinary humans, but walked slowly with this group of humans. Keep a distance of about five meters!
"Boss, those zombies following this group of ordinary people are not very low-level, Li Jie said.

"Well, do you think that zombie king would be so kind and let them go so easily?" Gu Tian said.

At this time, when Lin Hua and the others were about 100 meters away from this group of ordinary people, Lin Hua and the others stopped advancing.

"Everyone is ready to fight," Lin Hua shouted.

Gu Tian summoned dozens of ghost trees for everyone to defend, and Ghost Dance summoned eight Amethyst Tier [-] dark warriors again, Li Jie drew out his sword and fully activated his skills.

The ordinary people in front were still walking towards Lin Hua and the others, but just when Lin Hua and the others were still about ten meters away from these ordinary people, the voice of the Zombie King remembered again, Lin Hua knew that it was a zombie The corpse king gave these zombies the order to do it. Lin Hua directly used the ice-moving phantom to come between the group of ordinary people and the zombies, and directly released a 30-meter-long ice wall, and then raised his heavy sword Wufeng to those in front of him. The amethyst zombies released the triple phantom skill, and after hearing the roar of the zombie king, those zombies started to rush towards the group of ordinary people like crazy.

And some Amethyst zombies closest to ordinary people were directly killed by Lin Hua's triple phantom.Li Jie and the others also rushed up at this time, and when the group of ordinary people saw the zombies chasing them, they ran like Li Jie and the others.

"Don't be afraid, everyone, just follow us." At this time, Lin Hua had arranged in advance the supernatural beings who would lead the way for this group of ordinary people, and these ordinary people followed the supernatural beings in front of them towards the north gate. Run in the direction!

"Meteor Fire Rain" and "Corrosion Acid Rain" saw the lost army rushing forward, Gui Wu and Xue Wu directly had a wide range of skills, and those low-level zombies were instantly killed, but this time the Zombie King sent None of them were low-level zombies, at least platinum-level zombies, but many of them were injured, and some were directly set on fire!
Absolute Freeze, Lin Hua also directly released Absolute Freeze on the rushing zombies, those who lost the amethyst below the second level were frozen by Lin Hua's skills, but there were still many that were not frozen, Lin Hua knew that they They are all Amethyst-level zombies, and they are all relatively advanced.There was a crackling sound, those frozen zombies were shattered, but those unfrozen zombies had already fought with Lin Hua and the others, and they were delaying Lin Hua and the others so that more zombies come over.

"Close to the city wall, the supernatural beings below the amethyst will protect ordinary people and retreat first, and those above the amethyst will be cut off at the end," Lin Hua shouted

Because now these Amethyst and below supernatural beings will die if they face the hundreds of Amethyst zombies behind!

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the Amethyst and above power users were all behind Lin Hua and Li Jie, and faced the chasing Amethyst zombies. When Lin Hua and the others were fighting, the few behind them wore Ordinary people in black robes tore up their robes one after another, and then attacked the supernatural beings around them. Several supernatural beings were suddenly attacked. They did not react in time and died on the spot, while the rest of the supernatural beings After seeing this change, they rushed towards these zombies one after another.However, the levels of these zombies are all extraordinary levels, how could those platinum supernatural beings be their opponents!
(End of this chapter)

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