Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 400 Perseverance

Chapter 400 Perseverance
At this time, Lin Hua and the others also discovered the situation at this time. Lin Hua directly used the ice-shifting phantom to come directly behind an extraordinary zombie and smashed his head directly. Heisha's speed was extremely fast, and he was also very fast. It rushed behind an extraordinary zombie and directly grabbed the neck of that extraordinary first-order zombie with its sharp claws.And the remaining two extraordinary zombies also stared at Lin Hua and Heisha vigilantly!Due to a change just now, although the time is very short, the army of zombies behind has already caught up, because no matter how fast ordinary people run, they are not as fast as zombies!And Lin Hua used the Ice Shifting Phantom skill to quickly get rid of the remaining two extraordinary first-order zombies, but the army of zombies behind them had already rushed over!At this time, I still have Xuewu and the others unable to release these large-scale skills, because they are too close to these ordinary people, and this will hurt these ordinary people.

Now I can only fight against the group of amethyst zombies behind, and those ordinary people with supernatural powers are responsible for cleaning up these fast zombies, but because these ordinary people run too slowly, the fast zombie army I chased after him!At this time, Lin Hua and the others were also very stressed dealing with these Amethyst zombies, they were not as easy to kill as those ordinary zombies!And the supernatural beings on the city wall released their skills, and ordinary people used bows, arrows and guns to eliminate some zombies for Lin Hua and the others!
"Ghost Dance releases the skill that slows you down on the right side of ordinary people." Lin Hua shouted, and then Ghost Dance released his skill Dark Grip, and instantly formed a circular swamp of more than 20 meters on the right side of the group of ordinary people , and the black liquid in the swamp is still bubbling!At this time, the low-level zombies passing through the swamp were immediately corroded after being stained with the black liquid, and their speed slowed down a lot.At this time, Ghost Dance saw that his skills were very useful, and then released the grip of darkness near the supernatural beings protecting the periphery of ordinary people, and then the zombies within the range were much slower.And the pressure on those ordinary supernatural beings has also been greatly reduced.However, the pressure on Lin Hua and the others did not decrease in the slightest. Those Amethyst zombies were sticking to Lin Hua and the others like a plaster. At this time, several Amethyst third-level power users were injured, and one of them was directly injured. Eaten by zombies, several injured were supported by other supernatural beings and followed this group of ordinary people against the city wall towards the north gate!

After running like this for about 40 minutes, I finally saw the junction of Beichengmen and Dongchengmen more than an hour later, because there is a big mountain there, and the intersection there is very small, only more than 20 meters away. "Hold on, everyone, just stick to that intersection." At this time, the supernatural being who led the way shouted, but at this time they saw the intersection from a distance, but there was still a long way to go.

"Boss, why do I feel that these zombies are getting harder and harder to kill!" Li Jie shouted at Lin Hua, but the knife in his hand didn't stop.

"It's not that they are hard to kill. Didn't you see that those zombies are at least Tier [-] Amethyst zombies? You thought they were bronze zombies, one by one," Gu Tian said.

"But it's not a way to fight like this. We need to find a way to get rid of these amethyst zombies. Otherwise, we will kill them all when we get to the city gate. come out to kill these zombies," Li Jie said.

"If I find a way to separate these amethyst zombies from the low-level zombies, I can kill them all," Lin Hua said.

"In front of the boss is the corner of the city wall. The road is very narrow. When the time comes, we will block all the monsters there, and then slowly clean up the rushing zombies. Let Xuewu, Sister Guiwu and the others go up to the city wall to release their skills. Come to resist the low-level zombies behind, and then let's slowly clean up the remaining Amethyst zombies, won't it be fine?" Li Jie said

"That's fine too, let's put a rope on it and pull the two of them up," Lin Hua said.

"The two ropes on the top of the city wall will pull Sister Xuewu and Sister Guiwu up." Li Jie shouted to the people on the city wall, and soon two ropes were released ahead, and Guiwu and Xuewu heard Lin Hua’s plan was to say that the rope quickly reached the top of the city wall, and then they ran non-stop, and soon they reached the corner where the east city gate and the north city gate meet, and then Xuewu sent someone to notify Some big stones were built from the east gate to the inside, and they will be used to close the road later.

Lin Hua and the others below the city didn't have the speed of Xuewu and the others, and they were walking backward step by step.In this way, about ten minutes later, the ordinary people in the front had reached the junction of the East City Gate and the North City Gate. At this time, those supernatural beings also blocked the group of low-level zombies there one after another. And Lin Hua and the others were about to pass through this junction at this time.

"Li Jie, Jin Mu, Gu Tian, ​​Heisha, and Brother Zhang control the three extraordinary mutant dogs. Let's temporarily block the road and delay until they enter the city gate." Lin Hua said.

At this time, Gu Tian controlled the remaining ghost trees to block the one near the mountain.The rest were resisted by Lin Hua, the others and the dog!

"Ghost Dance releases the Grip of Darkness to control those low-level zombies," Lin Hua shouted at Ghost Dance.

Then Ghost Dance released the skill Dark Grip behind the amethyst zombies.Six consecutive releases created a swamp of more than 60 meters.

At this time, the top is also constantly pushing stones towards the ground to smash the Amethyst zombies rushing from behind, and then Xuewu releases rockets, igniting those big stones.In this way, Lin Hua and the others persisted here for about half an hour!At this time, the North City Gate has been opened, Nie Quanqi and the others came out with supernatural beings to welcome those ordinary people!

"Brother Zhang, you should go back now, and bring back all the mutated dogs, or the mutated dogs won't be able to climb the rope later," Lin Hua said to the dog king Zhang Ren.

"Then the dog king Zhang Ren knew that Lin Hua was doing it for the benefit of his group of mutant dogs, and without saying anything, he directed the group of mutant dogs to retreat to the back. Gu Tian was controlling the ghost tree to block the position just now, but Since it was the Amethyst Zombie's attack, the Ghost Tree couldn't resist for too long, so Gu Tian retreated directly to the rear, summoning the Ghost Tree to resist, and only Lin Hua, Heisha, Jin Mu, Li Jie and the others resisted the Amethyst Zombie in the front. Four, because the dog king Zhang Ren is very fast, when all the ordinary people reach the north city gate, the dog king Zhang Ren also arrives at the north city gate. Soon those ordinary people all went inside the north city gate, Nie Quanqi Commanded to close the city gate, and then their supernatural beings outside moved a lot of boulders to block the city gate, and Lin Hua and the others couldn't resist it now!

"Boss, the city gate is almost blocked. They are coming up with a rope, and now we can get monsters inside." Gui Wu shouted, at this time Lin Hua released the ice bondage and said, "I will release it later and absolutely freeze you guys." Just like running behind, after seeing me blocking this place with an ice wall, let's clean up these amethyst zombies"

Lin Hua said, and then Lin Hua released the triple phantom on the monster in front of him. After being killed by Lin Hua's triple phantom, Lin Hua appeared in that position, and directly released the skill Absolute Freeze on the zombie army, and then disappeared directly. .Those high-level amethyst zombies appeared in an instant, and all the zombies within [-] meters in front of Lin Hua were frozen!Then with a crackling sound, these passive zombies were directly shattered!

But when Li Jie and the others saw it, the four of them turned around and ran away.And those high-level amethyst zombies that were not frozen were still chasing Li Jie and the others.

And the frozen zombies in the back are about 2 meters away!All the army of zombies behind continued to rush forward, and at this time Lin Hua was still waiting for the group of high-level amethyst zombies that were not frozen to run forward. After about 100 minutes, there would be more than [-] amethyst zombies Passed, and the zombie army behind is about to reach this position.

At this time, Lin Hua released Absolute Freeze once, and then shouted loudly at Ghost Dance and the others, "It's time to start, first block the road, and then release skills"

Then Ghost Dance and the others directly ordered the people on the city wall to push the stones down.And because the zombies rushing from behind were once again formed a [-]-meter vacuum zone by Lin Hua's absolute ice motion, they were running towards this contact point at this time.

At this time, Lin Hua kept chasing these Amethyst zombies with the Ice Shifting Phantom, and Li Jie and the others found that Lin Hua was coming, but they stopped running and started to fight these Amethyst zombies.At this moment, Li Jie and the others were already surrounded by these amethyst zombies!But although the few of them were surrounded, they didn't have the slightest fear or fear, because they knew that Lin Hua would arrive soon.

(End of this chapter)

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