Chapter 401 Fatigue
Seeing that Li Jie and the others were surrounded again, Lin Hua released the triple phantom directly at the outermost zombies. When the three huge ice giant swords passed, about 20 amethyst zombies died. At this time, those Amethyst zombies found Lin Hua's figure and started chasing Lin Hua. When Lin Hua saw these Amethyst zombies gathering, he released the skill Triple Phantom. Switch positions, come to these amethyst zombies and kill them.

At this time, Gui Wu and the others have blocked the junction of the north city gate and the east city gate with stones, and in front of this blocked road is a swamp area about [-] meters long created by Gui Wu!When monsters pass through this swamp area, they will be slowed down, and some will be directly corroded by the black liquid and die directly!Whenever a large number of zombies rushed over, the two of them switched back and forth and released their skills to block those rushing zombies and win more voices for Lin Hua and the others. However, due to the low level of the remaining zombies, basically They were all killed in seconds, but there are too many zombies behind, and one after another is rushing over!

At this time, Li Jie and the others were already very tired, because those zombies at the amethyst level had very strong attacks, they could only get close to them with all their strength to resist their attacks, and they felt that now every time they killed one It takes a long time to make an Amethyst zombie, maybe it's because they are too tired! "Hold on, you guys. I'm cleaning up outside, and it will be over soon." Lin Hua said loudly to Li Jie and the others who were surrounded after killing an Amethyst level five zombie.

When Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they became motivated again.Lin Hua gave them the motivation to replace them!At this time, Lin Hua kept using the ice shifting phantom to kill the group of amethyst zombies. After half an hour, they were finally cleaned up!At this time, Li Jie and the others also sat down on the ground and panted heavily, but Lin Hua didn't sit down, and then watched the zombies that continued to rush towards them.Their rank is so low that there is nothing to worry about.

"Drop the rope from above!" Lin Hua shouted loudly. After hearing Lin Hua's words, several ropes were lowered directly from above, and then Li Jie and the others also got up and climbed up along the ropes. When they saw Lin Hua After they have all come up, Ghost Dance and the others will not delay there anymore!At this time, they also consumed too many abilities, because the abilities with a large area consume the most abilities.

At this time, Xue Wu and the others also walked towards Lin Hua and the others, and after gathering together, they all came to the North City Gate!At this time, there are many people on the north city gate, they are all the people who went out with Lin Hua and the others just now, dog king Zhang Ren, Xiao Zhan, Li Yilang and so on!
"The group of people has been arranged, have you checked to see if they are infected with the virus?" Lin Hua asked.

"Only four people were infected with the virus and turned into zombies, and they were killed long ago," Nie Quanqi said.

"Because Lin Hua once told her that when a group of ordinary people enter the city, they first check whether they have been infected by the virus and turned into zombies. If they are, they will not be left alive."

"This time, the Zombie King is really insidious. He first sent Amethyst-level zombies to hunt him down, then arranged for four extraordinary-level zombies to mix in with the crowd, and finally sent people to bring the virus," Jin Mu said.

"But he was insidious, but we got rid of them all. She is insidious and our boss is much smarter than her. We can't suffer when there is a boss," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, don't look at how insidious she is, but didn't he succeed that time because he was dealt with by the boss?" Gu Tian said

But Lin Hua didn't say anything when she heard what they said. She was observing the army of zombies under the city at this time. No longer attacking Beicheng, they retreated again, still retreating to their original position.

Seeing that there was nothing else going on at the North City Gate, Lin Hua took Li Jie and the others back to the East City Gate. Dog King Zhang Ren and the others also returned to their own city gates one after another!
Lin Hua, who was walking along the city wall, saw that monsters attacked them because they went out to save people just now, making these superpowers and ordinary people guarding the city closely stare at the army of zombies outside the city!

At this time, the army of zombies outside the city looked even more terrifying under the blood-red moonlight of the blood moon!

Soon Lin Hua and the others returned to the East City Gate. Everything here is fine, and there is nothing wrong at this moment!

"Leave an order to rest four out of every five people on each city wall, and leave one person to stare at the zombie army in front. Let everyone have a good rest. Now this war has been fought for more than two days, and everyone is exhausted. "Then the amethyst power user went to deliver Lin Hua's order.In this way, the people on the walls around Xueyun City finally took a break.

"You guys also take a break here for a while! I'll just take care of it," Lin Hua said to the people behind him.

"Boss, you haven't rested for a long time, why don't you rest first, Gui Wu and I will watch first, and call you when the time comes, how about you watch us rest?" Xuewu said.

"Okay." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she sat down and rested directly against the city wall behind, because Lin Hua was too tired at this time, it can be said that she had not rested for more than two days, and she had also experienced several battles. His pressure in the city was the greatest, and it was all in his heart, so Lin Hua soon fell asleep leaning against the city wall!
As for Li Jie and the others, they all fell asleep one after another. At this time, there were some necessary guards at the south gate, and there were three Amethyst-level supernatural beings. The only thing left was Xue. Wu and Guiwu are two people.

"It's really quiet now. The changes are so fast. Just now, there was a lot of killing noise. Now there is no sound from our place or the zombies on the opposite side." Xuewu said.

"Maybe the zombie army also needs to rest! Could it be that cunning zombie king is thinking of something worse to deal with us?" Ghost Dance said.

"No matter how many insidious methods he thinks of, they will be dealt with by the boss, because I trust her." Xue Wu finished speaking and looked at Lin Hua, who was resting against the city wall.In this way, Lin Hua and the others slept until dawn and nothing happened, but at this time Lin Hua and the others had already woken up!
"You two, go take a rest, it's been a night," Lin Hua said to Xue Wu and Gui Wu.

Then the two of them went to the place where Lin Hua was leaning against just now, they sat down and rested there.At this time, Lin Hua picked up the binoculars to observe the movement of the zombie army at this moment. They had no reaction at this moment and were still waiting for an order from the zombie king. If Lin Hua remembers correctly If so, it should have been like this last night before she rested.And one night passed, without the slightest change.After a while, Li Jie and the others woke up one after another. "Let's pass the order, let everyone prepare for dinner, don't call Xuewu and the two of them, they will rest," Lin Hua said.

After about half an hour like this, everyone had already eaten at this time, but the army of zombies on the opposite side still remained silent.

"Boss, is it true that this zombie king has nothing to do and is planning to retreat?" Li Jie said.

"I think it's almost the same," Kaneki said.

"He came here to attack Xueyun City with such great fanfare, but he hasn't defeated Xueyun City for two days, and retreated in such a disheveled manner, then this Zombie King must not lose his life," Gu Tian said.

"Maybe this zombie king is thinking of other ways, how to attack Xueyun City," Xue Wu said.

"I feel the same way. Zombies will not retreat if they attack the city. Although they have some wisdom, they are not human after all, so don't think about them with human thinking," Lin Hua said.

"I feel like it's time to fight to the death, because their amethyst zombies should be almost ready after that wave of attacks," Heisha said.

"Yeah, I said yesterday that I will call them this evening. Looking at today's situation, let's not call them. Maybe they will call back," Li Jie said.

"It is impossible for the zombies to retreat. I have experienced this zombie attacking the city before," Zhang Wandao said.

Everyone was silent when they heard Zhang Wandao's words. Although Zhang Wandao's Wanlong City in the [-]th District was not as big as Xueyun City, their monster siege was not as large as this time. It's over after the breach.And how could such a large scale end so quickly this time!It seems that the zombies will not end so simply.

"Leader, just now I found something at the Zombie King. Three very huge zombies appeared at the Zombie King. They are about ten meters away and their levels are relatively high! We can't see through the three huge zombies. strength" At this time, the captain of the investigation team came back to report the situation at the Zombie King.

(End of this chapter)

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