Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 405 Investigation

Chapter 405 Investigation
"Because there are too many zombies in the zombie army, our main purpose this time is to kill the zombie king, not to destroy the zombies, so try to rush towards the zombie king's position.

We have about 200 people in this operation.I'm going to divide it into four parts front, back, left, and right.When we went out to face so many zombies, we had a small number of people, so we had to gather together. The front was the most stressful, so I and all the supernatural beings were in front. Xiao Zhan and Zhang Wandao were in charge on the left, and Nie Quanqi and Lin Yisang were on the right. In charge, Brother Yu and Li Yilang are in charge at the back. Xuewu and Guiwu are in charge of all the long-range attacking supernatural beings. Those who can make up, we must not let the zombies break through our battle circle.Also, don’t expand the occupying circle too much, just enough to use it!When the substitute sees that the supernatural person in front is injured, he will go up and try to protect the long-range supernatural person and the wounded in the middle. If they are scattered, the leader of the Ice and Snow League will be responsible. If there is no leader, the most powerful person will be responsible.

"Notify the city gate in front not to attack those zombies rushing towards the gate, let them clear away the stones blocking the gate," Lin Hua said to the guard.

After the guard heard Lin Hua's words, he went straight up to convey Lin Hua's order!

At this time, Lin Hua and the others were staring closely at the crazy zombies outside the city gate moving the big stones blocking the gate, instead of attacking the zombies under the city gate, they quickly cleared the big stones. At that time, Lin Hua had already activated the Xuanbing body protection, and drew out the epee Wufeng from his back, and stroked the epee back and forth. The epee Wufeng had accompanied Lin Hua to defeat many powerful monsters, and it was the same this time. Yes, you can defeat this zombie king.So that the group of supernatural beings who went out with Lin Hua to face the zombie army can return triumphantly. At this time, Li Jie also fully activated her skills and drew out her epee dragon pattern. Under Hua's guidance, and his desperate practice is already very good, but compared with Lin Hua, it is still a little bit worse.

"Everyone is ready, the door will be cleared soon when the door is blocked," Lin Hua shouted loudly.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, everyone behind became vigilant!Standing at the forefront were Lin Hua, Heisha, Jin Mu, dog king Zhang Ren and her three dogs, Gu Tian and some Amethyst-level melee abilities.

At this moment, everyone is waiting for the moment when the city gate opens!Then they rush out.

"Bang" the city gate slowly opened, at this time Lin Hua directly fired hundreds of ice arrows towards the front, and the zombies that were about to rush in fell down one after another, and Lin Hua and the others rushed out directly !In this way, when they came, they rushed out, Lin Hua and the others slowly made their circle bigger and bigger, so that after about fifteen minutes, all the supernatural beings left the city gate, and when everyone came out, the city gate opened again. It closed slowly once.And the people in the battle circle were moved back by these supernatural beings when they were moved away by monsters to block the gate, and once again blocked the city gate honestly.

"The gate of the lord's city has been blocked, we can move forward," shouted a power user behind.

"Okay, everyone is moving forward slowly. The long-range superpowers mainly attack the zombies in front, followed by those on both sides." After Lin Hua finished speaking, their battle circle of more than 200 meters slowly moved towards the direction of the zombie king. up.

And when Lin Hua and the others rushed out, the zombies who attacked the city gate and the city wall stopped attacking, and instead attacked Lin Hua and his team, and the people on the city wall rested one after another.However, there are still some people watching the situation under the city wall, because Lin Hua has ordered that when they attract the attention of all the zombies, most people can rest, and some people must be left to observe the zombies all the time The situation of the army, in order to avoid being counterattacked by the zombie army and attacking the city wall, then it would be meaningless for Lin Hua and the others to come out and fight the zombie army to the death!
At this time, Lin Hua and the others can be said to have no pressure, because the current level of zombies is the lowest.

At this time, the Zombie King also knew that Lin Hua and the group of humans rushed out to run for him, but he did not change positions, and was still in the same position where Lin Hua and the others saw him last time. Wang looked at Lin Hua and the others with great interest.

Now Lin Hua and the others are constantly attacking those zombies that are constantly rushing towards them in front of them!

"Boss, why do I feel that we haven't made any progress? After walking for half a day, it took us more than 100 meters. This is too slow," Li Jie said at this time.

"You thought it was the day when the boss used his skills and we rushed a few kilometers. Now we rushed forward step by step," Gu Tian said.

"If we continue fighting like this, some of us can do it, but those platinum-level supernatural beings will definitely not be able to stand it. I think we should try to find a way," Jin Mu said.

"I'm going to retreat first. I'm going to summon some plants to help them defend, which can reduce some pressure. I'm calling some stone men. Their boulder attacks can do considerable damage to these low-level zombies," Gu Tian said. Then Gu Tian retreated to the middle, summoned more than 20 stone men in the middle, and kept spitting out huge boulders to attack the zombies in front. Gutian once again summoned some ghost trees to control these ghost trees to defend the platinum-level abilities on the sides and rear. The pressure on these platinum-level abilities was reduced a lot. In the end, Gutian sent more than 200 ghost trees The Platinum Level [-] elf archers were summoned to help Lin Hua in front of them to attack from a distance. It was impossible for Gutian to summon so many before, but because its level has increased, the level of those elf archers has been raised to Platinum Tier [-], and the number has also increased a lot.

"It's much better like this, and the pressure has been reduced a lot," Li Jie said while waving the giant sword!
"To be honest, I really don't know how many zombies we have killed since the zombie siege," Jin Mu said.

"No less than 100 million at least," Lin Hua said.

"What a pity," Li Jie said.

"What's the pity?" Heisha asked.

"These more than 100 million alien cores were eaten by monsters, or they were eaten by myself. I can do it anyway. I have reached the epic level. When the time comes, I can kill them by myself. All of them will be wiped out," Li Jie said.

After listening to Li Jie's words, everyone was speechless!

At this time, Lin Hua thought that if they won Hua after this zombie attack, the heterogeneous core obtained in this war would be enough to make their Ice and Snow Alliance's strength steadily rise to another level.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others have been out for about an hour. Although the elf archers and stone men summoned by Gutian just now are helping a lot, the distance from the last time they saw the Zombie King It's still too far away. At their current speed, they won't be able to reach the Zombie King's position until the early morning of the next day!At this moment, Lin Hua couldn't help feeling a little worried.

With that zombie king's cunning, how could he not know that they came out this time to kill him!Will he change positions? Even if he doesn't change positions, how many people can they have left after sticking to the position of the zombie king.At that time, will they still have the strength to fight!

"Tell the captain of the investigation team to see if the Zombie King's position has changed." Lin Hua said to the people behind him. A flying ability user flew towards the zombie king.

"No matter where the Zombie King is or not, since we've already left, there's no turning back. We can't go back without killing the Zombie King," Lin Hua said again.

"Yeah, if we go back, it means that we failed to kill the zombie king this time, and those ordinary people who are afraid of zombies will be even more afraid, so our coming out this time has no effect. On the contrary, it just accelerated the collapse of the army's morale, and the city gate will definitely not be able to defend at that time, so no matter what, we must kill the zombie king and go back," Jin Mu said.

Everyone became more serious after hearing Jin Mu's words. They didn't come out for fun this time. Their mission was to kill the zombie king. If the zombie king doesn't die, they will die.

Although the level of zombies is relatively low, and the human superpowers are all platinum level, but because the number of zombies is too large and they are continuous, now there are some wounded, Lin Hua and the others are moving faster again. was lowered.

At this time, the two flying scout captains had already flown back. "The zombie king is still in that position, and he asked us to tell you that he's waiting for you there," said a scouting captain.

(End of this chapter)

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