Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 406 Not afraid of death

Chapter 406 Not afraid of death
"It seems that this zombie king knows that we are here for her. He is quite confident. He knows that we are coming to kill him, but he still does not hide. He also told us that he is in that position. Isn't he afraid of death? "Li Jie said very angrily after hearing the captain of the investigation.

"First of all, whether we can go there is another matter, and we have seen that zombie king before. He is very powerful, and we are not absolutely sure to kill him, and he is waiting for work now, but we, when we get there, are different. Energy and stamina consumption is too great, we will be at a disadvantage when the time comes, and there are zombies everywhere, and we have more than 4000 people left besides these injured," Kaneki analyzed.

"And now we have more and more wounded, and our speed has also dropped a lot. If this continues, I dare not say the consequences," Jin Mu continued.

"What do you mean, let's leave all the wounded and rush towards the zombie king quickly, right?" Li Jie asked.

"That's not what I meant. I just analyzed the situation we are in now. Everything should be arranged by the boss, right?" Jin Mu continued.

"We absolutely can't leave the wounded, but we can't be dragged on like this forever. If this drags on, it won't do us any good, and it will make the current situation worse and worse, so we At this moment, there must be a better way to solve this problem," Lin Hua said.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Jinmu and the others were also silent. They all knew that their speed could be increased by leaving these wounded behind, but the wounded yuan left behind would become food for the zombies.Lin Hua couldn't do this, and Jin Mu wouldn't do it either!If you don't do this, the situation will get worse and worse, and they will definitely not stick to the zombie king!And they couldn't retreat back into Xueyun City at this time, there was no turning back when they opened their bows!

When everyone was thinking about this matter, the long-range power user who took care of the wounded came to him, Lin Hua, and the others and told Lin Hua that many wounded expressed that they did not want to drag everyone down, and they knew that this mission was to kill Zombie king, if this goes on, if the zombie king doesn't kill everyone, he will be dragged down to death.Wanting the leader to let them go, Lin Hua and the others fell silent for the next time after hearing what they said.

"Let the flying ability user send all the wounded back, and then gather all the flying ability users in the city to transport the wounded back and forth," Lin Hua said to the ability user behind him.

"This is indeed a solution. If there are more and more injured people, the dozens of flying supernatural beings will not be enough," Jin Mu said.

"Now we can only take one step at a time, at least we can leave one person alone now," Lin Hua said.

Because Lin Hua and the others didn't rush out of Xueyun City at all at this time, a group of flying supernatural beings flew over from all over the sky, and then they transported those injured supernatural beings to the city to recuperate. After going back and forth like this twice, all the wounded were sent back to Xueyun City!
"Xuewu Guiwu, can the two of you control the range of your large-scale skills?" Lin Hua said to the two of them behind him!

"Only attack the front if possible," Xue Wu said.

"I can control it too," Ghost Dance said.

"Xuewu, you come first, control the range to the front and release your skills, you don't need to use Ghost Dance now, there are no wounded, tell the people behind to speed up, and keep up," Lin Hua said.

Then all the people behind went to inform about it. After about 1 minute, everyone knew,

"Xuewu, let's start." Lin Hua said to Xuewu. In fact, Lin Hua can also control the range of the range of skills, but because he has to deal with the zombie king later, he let Xuewu release the skills.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xue Wu released a large-scale skill meteor shower directly in front of him. Since it was already night, the sky in front of him suddenly rained fire, and the zombies in front were burned.Awow roared.

"Ghost Dance, it's your turn," Lin Hua continued.

At this time, Ghost Dance also released its ability to corrode acid rain within the range where Xuewu released meteor fire rain just now. At this time, the sky is no longer raining fire, but some black liquid is falling. After the liquid is stained by zombies It is highly corrosive, so Lin Hua and the others were basically wiped out by the large-scale skills of Xuewu and Ghost Dance in front of them, and there was a vacuum of about 8000 meters without living zombies. Then, Lin Hua and the others rushed forward desperately, and the people behind followed closely.

Just now, the zombies behind were also confused, but they reacted instantly, and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others even more crazily. Their speed was much faster than Lin Hua and the others' battle circle. Lin Hua and the others had only run about 3000 meters away, and the army of zombies had already rushed over.

"This group of zombies ran very fast. This time it was not as far as last time. I remember we ran about 6000 meters last time," Li Jie said.

"Well, there are so many people and running 3000 meters in order to maintain the formation is already very good," Kaneki said.

"How many times can you release your skills?" Lin Hua said because Lin Hua knows that a wide range of skills consumes a lot of abilities, just like its absolute freezing can only be used up to six to eight times before it is consumed. All supernatural.

"It can be released about six more times," Ghost Dance said.

"Mine is about six times, but after six times, all the abilities will be consumed," Xuewu said.

"You can use two people and one person to release the skills twice, and then go back to rest in the middle to recover the abilities, or follow the sequence just now, and release the skills when the monsters rush over," Lin Hua instructed.

In this way, Xuewu and Guiwu respectively returned to the middle to rest after releasing their skills once.And because of the release of these two skills, they have advanced about 5000 meters this time!
"The boss is under a lot of pressure now, he is no longer a low-level zombie, now there are sometimes amethyst zombies in the platinum level," Li Jie said.

"It seems that the main gate is not far from the Zombie King. Let's work hard, everyone," Lin Hua said.

"The lord is increasing the number of wounded faster and faster, because the level of zombies has increased." A supernatural person came and reported the situation to Lin Hua.

"If things go on like this, all those platinum-level supernatural beings will become wounded in the area ahead of the Amethyst zombies," Jin Mu said.

How could Lin Hua not know, now that the distance from Xueyun City is getting farther and farther away, it takes more time for flying supernatural beings to go back and forth.

Lin Hua thought that now only his group of people could only walk forward, while the people behind slowly retreated into Xueyun City. This was the only way to do it, otherwise everyone would die here.

"Now we can only let those low-level supernatural users retreat to Xueyun City, and the high-level ones continue to charge forward," Lin Hua said.

"But, Boss is doing this," Jin Mu was interrupted by Lin Hua before he could finish speaking.

"I don't want to kill more people. Everyone can see the current situation. If they are going forward, they can only die here. Although it is far away from Xueyun City, the monsters there Their level is relatively low! It is easier for them to survive," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, or else a few of us rush forward, they want to stay here and maintain this formation, and they can join up when we kill the zombie king," Li Jie said.

"Do you think the zombie king is so easy to kill? I don't know how long it will take to kill the zombies. Can these supernatural beings last until that time?" Gu Tian said.

"All Amethyst fifth-level abilities and below returned to Xueyun City with their wounded," Lin Hua said.

After the guard heard Lin Hua's words, he turned around and informed the people behind him!
"The lord told me to take the wounded back,"

"If we don't leave, we won't be afraid even if we die"

"If you go back now, it's better to rush forward and die in the hands of the Zombie King."

And some of the injured wounded chose to commit suicide after hearing their words!Because they feel that they have dragged down a lot of people.

At this time, the guard came back and told Lin Hua and the others about their reaction with the wounded.

"Why did those wounded commit suicide?" Li Jie said in surprise.

Lin Hua had a painful expression on his face after hearing what the guard said. How could he not know what the wounded were thinking? Those wounded didn't want to drag Lin Hua and the others down. They couldn't fight anymore, and their speed was also slowed down by them. Not a lot.

"Jinmu taught you here, stay here until I kill the zombie king and come back," Lin Hua said to Jinmu.

"What boss, why don't you take me with you?" Kaneki said in surprise.

There must be an extraordinary superhuman commander here, and I will bring twenty Amethyst superhumans, Heisha, Gutian, Li Jie, Xuewu, Ghost Dance, and Dog King.I can just go to the door.

After Lin Hua finished speaking, she ordered another [-] people with amethyst abilities!
(End of this chapter)

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