Chapter 407

"I will release my skills later and I will rush forward when I hear the sound of ice shattering, keep up and don't fall behind." Lin Hua said to Heisha and the others
Those who wanted to follow Lin Hua all agreed with one voice.

Then Lin Hua directly released the skill Absolute Freeze to the zombies in front, and then the zombies in front instantly turned into zombie ice sculptures, and then there was the sound of ice sculptures breaking, "Papapapapa" Lin Hua and the others rushed forward directly!Since Lin Hua and the others are above Amethyst, without the drag behind them, they rushed out about 6000 meters and arrived at a position about [-] meters away from the Zombie King. Those low-level Amethyst zombies were directly killed. Lin Hua killed it instantly.

At this time, the Zombie King also saw Lin Hua and the others rushing here!But the Zombie King's face is already full of smiles at this time.After Lin Hua and the others left, Jin Mu commanded the remaining group of supernatural beings to fight!Because Lin Hua and the others rushed out directly, the pressure on them, the supernatural beings, became even greater.

"Everyone just hold on until the lord kills the zombie king." Jin Mu comforted everyone at this time.

At this time, Ghost Dance released its grip of darkness to control the speed of the amethyst zombies in front, and then he also wanted to summon a dark warrior of the third level of amethyst!Xue Wu kept releasing her skills to attack the Amethyst zombies in front of her.

Due to the damage and deceleration of Ghost Dance's Dark Grip plus Xuewu's flame attack.Lin Hua and the others rushed to the zombie king's position very quickly.As for the zombies near the Zombie King, maybe Lin Hua killed too many yesterday, but there weren't many left. There were only a lot of platinum zombies, but there were three extraordinary first-order zombies.

"Aww!" At this time, the Zombie King saw Lin Hua and the others had rushed here and let out a thunderous roar!Then the zombies around Lin Hua and the others had stopped attacking.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others began to be wary of this zombie king in silver armor and holding a big ax in his hand.

"I didn't expect you to come here for the first time," said the Zombie King.

"How can I kill you if I don't come here?" Lin Hua directly explained its purpose.

"You should be the strongest in this city. Although we are at the same level, you have the absolute strength to kill me," said the zombie king.

"I want to try, I have a much higher chance of killing you than you of me," Lin Hua said again.

"Believe it or not, if I give an order, all the zombies will rush towards you, and you will have no chance to kill me at all," said the zombie king.

"You're so conceited, you feel like you can kill me, that's why you made them stop," Lin Hua said.

"My only goal is to break this city. I just need to kill you, and this city can be broken easily. Do you think I will fight you one-on-one?" Zombie King said.

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, you are doomed to die here today" Lin Hua continued.

"Okay, then I'll see if you have the strength first." After the zombie king finished speaking, he didn't issue an order for the group of zombies to attack them, but raised his big ax and walked towards Lin Hua step by step.

Lin Hua looked at the zombie king walking towards her step by step without the slightest fear. Even if he felt a strong danger from this zombie king, he didn't have any fear at night. It's still the same sentence, no matter what Jing Tian had to kill him before he could solve this zombie attack.

There is a question that I am very curious to ask you, Lin Hua said.

At this time, the zombie king stopped walking after hearing Lin Hua's words and said, what's the problem.

"How many zombies are there?" Lin Hua asked.

"There are still about hundreds of thousands. If you don't come out today, I will decide to fight the city myself tomorrow morning, but you have not exhausted me. You are the most powerful one in the city I destroyed. The longest one," said the zombie king.

"It's a great honor for the zombie king to give me such affirmation, but there is one thing you said wrong, these destroyed cities do not include Xueyun City," Lin Hua said to the zombie king.

"How do you have such confidence? Your strength depends on these few people." After finishing speaking, the Zombie King pointed at Ji Lijie and the others with his huge axe.

"Don't you look down on people, what do you think you are?" Li Jie couldn't help but said angrily when he heard what the zombie king said Bahan was afraid that this powerful zombie king would come directly to kill Li Jie.

After listening to Li Jie's words, the Zombie King said without the slightest anger, "If you think you can do it, you can come over and see who can't do it, how about it?"

"Try it and try it." Li Jie walked towards the Zombie King with his big knife in hand.But she was pulled back by Gu Tian and the dog king Zhang Ren, "Li Jie, don't be impulsive, there is a boss," Zhang Ren said.

Seeing that Li Jie was held back, Lin Hua didn't say anything, and continued to stare closely at the zombie king.

"Why don't you dare to be held back?" The Zombie King continued.

"He's only at the first level of Transcendent, so if he wants to fight, we'll fight," Lin Hua said.Lin Hua's words obviously told the Zombie King that Li Jie is only a first-rank superhuman, and if you fight him, you are a bully. You and I are of the same level, so we can only fight.

"Okay, okay, after I kill you, I'll kill him again." After the zombie king finished speaking, he walked towards Lin Hua one step at a time.

At this moment, Lin Hua saw the zombie king approaching him step by step, and immediately released the ice bondage!In an instant, ice appeared on the ground 20 meters near Lin Hua.Because this zombie king is the most powerful enemy Lin Hua has encountered so far, and this is not his life and death alone, it bears the lives of the whole city on its shoulders!In addition, Lin Hua felt a special danger from this zombie king.So Lin Hua was very careful at this time.

When the Zombie King saw the ice surface near Lin Hua, he shook his head unconsciously and said, "It's interesting." Then he still walked towards Lin Hua step by step.

"Boss, kill him carefully!" Li Jie shouted loudly at this time!

Lin Hua ignored Li Jie, who was staring at the zombie king approaching with special vigilance.When the zombie king walked to the ice surface made by Lin Hua, he quickened his pace and slowly turned into running!At this time, Lin Hua also raised his epee Wufeng and waited for the arrival of the Zombie King.

"Bang, bang, bang" the epee Wufeng and the giant ax of the zombie king made an ear-splitting sound of metal collision. "The strength is not bad. You actually bumped into me three times and didn't back down. It seems that you have some tricks." The zombie king said after the zombie king and Lin Hua had three head-on encounters just now.

"You too, the power is really great," Lin Hua said.

At this time, Lin Hua was already secretly surprised. Although he had bumped head-on with the zombie king three times just now, it was obvious that the zombie king hadn't used all his strength, and his speed was not the slightest on the ice he created. influences!With greater strength than himself and almost the same speed as himself, how could Lin Hua not be startled?

Bang was another fierce confrontation, but this time Lin Hua was taken a step back. Now the zombie king started to use all his strength. When the zombie king used all his strength, Lin Hua's strength was still stronger than this one. The Zombie King was close, Lin Hua tried not to confront the Zombie King at this time.

Use your superb swordsmanship to attack and defend the zombie king.This zombie king belongs to the type of strength plus speed. Its attack is completely opposite to that of Lin Hua. Lin Hua is a skill attack, while this zombie king is a power attack. The zombie king wants to fight Lin Hua every time. There was a collision of forces to show his strength, but Lin Hua deftly resolved each time, and the two can now be said to be in a draw.

"It seems that you don't want to fight hard with me anymore, so I can only force you to fight hard with me." The zombie king let out a thunderous roar again, but after this roar, a large number of zombies They rushed towards Xuewu and the others.Although they were all low-level, after seeing this situation, Lin Hua decided to make a quick decision, and it would not be good for anyone if this dragged on.

At this time, Lin Hua was no longer dodging the zombie king's attack, and kept attacking the zombie king, and the confrontation of strength was no longer dodging, but directly head-on.

"Haha, it's cool to fight like this," the zombie king shouted loudly.

At this time, Xue Wu and the others are in a situation where Li Jie is fighting a first-order extraordinary zombie, Gu Tian is fighting a first-order extraordinary zombie, and dog king Zhang Ren's big golden retriever is fighting a first-order extraordinary zombie.At this time, Xuewu activated its skill Blazing Binding, forming a large number of flames around him 15 meters away, those low-level zombies were directly ignited and burned to death, and they couldn't get close to him at all. Heisha also has eight third-level amethysts The dark warrior protects and then she releases her own skills, and those low-level zombies can't reach him at all.The dog king Zhang Ren formed a battle circle with more than 20 amethyst supernatural beings and those mutant dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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