Chapter 408 Powerful
With a bang, the two collided violently.Lin Hua knew that he would be at a disadvantage if he continued to fight like this. He was going to use the skill of shifting ice phantom to sneak attack the zombie king, but he hadn't encountered a good opportunity yet, because he wanted to kill him with one blow, and he didn't want this The powerful zombie king has too much defense against him, so he started to fight against the zombie king!
At this time, the Zombie King chopped off Lin Hua's left abdomen directly. He saw that Lin Hua didn't dodge at all. He thought that this way he could kill Lin Hua directly, but he just thought that his big ax wanted to hit Lin Hua. Lin Hua suddenly disappeared.The zombie king suddenly felt bad, and immediately turned his head to see Lin Hua who had just appeared. At this time, Lin Hua's epee Wufeng was about to stab the zombie king's head, and was directly caught by the person who turned around. The zombie king resisted with a big axe.

"I was almost killed by you just now. It seems that I have been more careful." The zombie king said, because if the zombie king hadn't reacted quickly, she would really have died under Lin Hua's epee. However, she reacted quickly and blocked it with his ax directly, so that she didn't die.

At this time, Lin Hua heard the zombie king's words and did not answer anything, and directly swung the epee Wufeng to attack the zombie king. Lin Hua was already very surprised at this moment, because he clearly felt It was enough to kill the zombie king, but he couldn't do it. The zombie king who suddenly reacted and turned his head turned his head to block it with an axe. After that time just now, this zombie king must be even stronger. If he is not vigilant, Lin Hua's sneak attack will always fail, so if he is vigilant, the chance of a successful sneak attack will become even lower.

Bang was another impact, but this time Lin Hua didn't use the Ice Shifting Phantom to attack the Zombie King, because she knew it would be impossible.Now Lin Hua is a little passive at this time, because the zombie king knows about her ice shifting phantom.How to defeat this zombie king? This was Lin Hua's idea at this time.

Ice-shifting phantom can't be used now. If I suddenly attack him with an ice blade when confronting him, then he will use an ax to block the ice blade that he sends out, and then use the ice-shifting phantom to appear behind her , Direct triple phantom!It should be able to deal with him!
At this moment, Lin Hua had a good idea, and after confronting the Zombie King again, when he stepped back, he shot six ice blades directly at the Zombie King, and then Lin Hua directly used the ice-moving phantom to appear. 15 meters behind the Zombie King!Directly facing the zombie king, he released the skill triple phantom.At this moment, Lin Hua felt that the Zombie King would be seriously injured this time.

At this time, the ice blades that Lin Hua released towards the zombie king were all resisted by the zombie king one by one, but at this time, the zombie king knew that he must be thinking about it again when he saw Lin Hua disappearing. Sneaking at him, he turned his head and saw the first icy giant sword of the triple phantom that fell at this time.

The Zombie King saw this huge ice giant sword attacking towards him and directly blocked it with his huge axe.When the first ice giant sword shattered, the Zombie King knew that the ice giant sword was resisted by him, and he did not suffer any injuries, but another even bigger ice giant sword came over!Knowing that he couldn't fight recklessly, he rolled directly to the left. The huge ice giant sword hit the ground and shattered, and then the third ice giant sword still hit the ground and shattered.Seeing the big pit on the ground that was smashed by the two remaining huge ice giant swords just now, the zombie king is now secretly surprised. The human being in front of him is much stronger than he imagined. If he dodges, if he takes it hard, I am afraid that he is already seriously injured on the ground.

At this time, Lin Hua's heart was overwhelmed. This was the first time he encountered the first triple phantom and then avoided the remaining two. This zombie king's reaction ability and strength are proof.It seems that this time should be the most difficult battle!
"It seems that I have underestimated you so much. If I hadn't dodged in time just now, the researcher was seriously injured by you," said the zombie king.

"You are also the strongest person I have encountered so far, and you were also the first to avoid my triple phantom just now," Lin Hua said.

Although they despise Li Jie, they are all fighting, but they are all paying special attention to Lin Hua's battle here, because Lin Hua wins them to win, and if Lin Hua loses, even if they win, Xueyun City will be defeated. Breakthrough is also a matter of time.When they saw that the zombie king avoided Lin Hua's triple phantom, they were also very surprised. What surprised them was the strength of this zombie king. Lin Hua had encountered many powerful monsters in so many battles, but every time The triple phantom can cut through the waves, but this time the zombie king directly caught the first huge ice giant sword, and also avoided the remaining two.It seems that even if his boss wins this battle, it will not be particularly easy.

And the more than 20 Amethyst powerhouses knew that their leader of the Ice and Snow Alliance was very powerful, especially her skill, but when they saw the scene just now, they all began to fear the zombie king!I was especially afraid that Lin Hua would not be the opponent of this zombie king, and all of them would die in the hands of the zombie king!
At this time, Jinmu was also under great pressure. Although the zombies there were all the lowest, the army of zombies couldn't be killed. The zombies in front had just fallen, and a large number of zombies rushed over from behind again!At this time, many people are already exhausted, but they are all persisting, waiting for their undetermined result, that is, Lin Hua kills the zombie king who killed the zombie army, and then they win the zombie siege Well, if Lin Hua fails, then they will all be swallowed up by zombies continuously!

Jin Mu is still encouraging everyone at this time, their lord will surely return in triumph and kill the leader of the zombie army, the Zombie King.And this group of supernatural beings worked even harder after hearing Jin Mu's encouragement.Because at this moment, they already believed that their leader, Lin Hua, would be able to kill the zombie king of the zombie army.

"I really like to hear such words, but today I will definitely kill you," the zombie king said again. This is not the first time the zombie king has said it!

"Then give it a try," Lin Hua continued.

Then the two started fighting together again!

And Li Jie is now fighting with that extraordinary first-order zombie. Although Li Jie can fight across levels after fully unlocking his skills, the strength of this extraordinary first-order zombie he is fighting with is far higher than other extraordinary first-order zombies , the strength of this zombie has vaguely touched the second level of extraordinary, although it has not fully reached the second level of extraordinary, but it is not much worse.

So at this time, Li Jie's battle with this zombie who is about to reach the second level of extraordinary is also particularly stressful. It's not bad if he doesn't live. The way of play, I was afraid to fight, but only one was defending, and at this moment, Li Jie knew that although he was now suppressing the zombie who had stepped into the second level of the extraordinary with half a foot, he would attack the zombie with the second level of the extraordinary with half a foot. Zombies at the first level defend passively, but after a long time, this zombie who has half a foot into the second level of extraordinary will react. Seeing that he is now directly defeating this zombie who has half a foot in the second level of extraordinary.

At this time, Li Jie used his epee dragon pattern to directly step into the chest of the second-level superhuman zombie with half a foot, and blocked the second-level superhuman zombie with his sharp claws. The chest wants to block Li Jie's attack. At this time, Li Jie's swordsmanship is already very superb because he has been studying with Lin Hua for a long time. Although there is a distance from Lin Hua, he can still retract it freely. Suddenly, Li Jie retracted the epee dragon pattern that had been stabbed in the chest of this half-footed second-order superhuman zombie just now, and the zombie who had half-stepped second-level superhuman saw Li Jie's sudden He retracted the epee that was about to pierce his chest. He knew that there must be a fraud in it, so he hurriedly retreated to the back, but how could Li Jie miss it so easily when he finally got the opportunity, and released it immediately. The skill Broken Shield used the epee dragon pattern to slash at the left arm of the zombie who had half a foot into the second level of extraordinary, and the zombie who had stepped into the second level of extraordinary with half a foot was already impossible to retreat after seeing his image, but Both of his sharp claws were in front of his chest, in order to resist the sword that Li Jie stabbed him in the chest just now, but at this time Youjue slashed at his left arm with another sword, and it was too late to resist at this time.It was too late, and then it was too fast, Li Jie's sword broke the shield in an instant, and directly cut off the left arm of the zombie who had half a foot into the second level of Transcendent.

And the left arm of this zombie who had stepped half a foot into the second level of extraordinary, immediately let out a heart-piercing roar.

(End of this chapter)

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