Chapter 410
The zombie king began to keep defending against Lin Hua's epee attack, and he had to pay more attention to Lin Hua's ice blade attack. Although those ice blades would not cause fatal damage to him, but Lin Hua's ice blade, They are all attacking his two arms. If he is attacked by the ice blade, his arm will be injured, and it may lead to defeat at that time!

At this time, Lin Hua saw that the zombie king started to defend against his attack, and he was very careful. He was very careful when the ice blade he released was facing his two arms to avoid injury, and he understood this. The zombie king knows his intentions!However, Lin Hua kept releasing ice blades to attack the zombie king's two arms. Instead, he released more ice blades, which made the zombie king more passive and hastily defend. Hua knew that his chance had come!Once again, dozens of ice blades were released to face the zombie king's arm, and then he directly used his skill to move the ice phantom and disappeared to the left side of the zombie king. Blade's Zombie King released the skill Black Ice Cage, and the Zombie King was immediately controlled by the five-meter Black Ice Cage, and then Lin Hua once again used his skill to move the ice phantom and disappeared, coming to the place where Lin Hua disappeared at the beginning. position, and released the skill triple phantom to the zombie king facing left at this time!
As for the Zombie King, he saw Lin Hua disappear after resisting all the ice blades that Lin Hua had released at him just now. He knew that he was going to attack him, and then he turned his head and didn't find Lin Hua. He felt that Lin Hua was on his left. side, when he turned his head to look to the left, Lin Hua disappeared again!And a big ice cage appeared around him. At this time, he was swinging a huge ax towards the pillar on the left of the ice cage. Just when the huge ax was about to hit the pillar of the ice cage, the zombie king suddenly felt a Feeling a particularly strong danger, he felt that Lin Hua was in the position just now, then he turned his head and found the huge ice giant sword already on his head, knowing that it was too late for him to dodge, the huge ax was already The pillar of the icy cage was smashed, but the zombie king had no time to take back the huge ax to defend, so he let out a roar, but this roar was made before the first ice giant sword of Lin Hua's triple phantom fell. , It wasn't from the pain after he was hit, so it was an order.It can also be said to be an instruction. After hearing the roar of the zombie king, all the zombies started to attack Lin Hua frantically!Because Lin Hua was fighting against the zombie king just now, all the zombies did not attack Lin Hua, but the roar of the zombie king just now told them to kill this human.

At this time, the Zombie King had been struck by the first ice giant sword, and once again let out a thunderous roar, but this time it was not an order, but two roars of pain. When the ice giant sword shattered, the ice under the Zombie King's feet was broken, and the second ice giant sword fell, hitting the body of the Zombie King again, and the Zombie King once again let out pain. The roar was even more heart-piercing than the roar just now. At this time, the zombie king's feet had sunk more than 20 centimeters into the ground, but when the third huge ice sword fell, the zombie The king had already taken back the huge ax that had cut through the icy cage just now, and then exhausted all his strength to resist the third and strongest huge icy giant sword.There was a bang, and then the huge ice sword shattered, and the zombie king's feet sank again, but he resisted the third huge ice sword, although he was already thin and seriously injured at this time. , but finally saved his life!And when Lin Hua saw the third icy giant sword fall, the zombie king had already pulled back his huge ax to resist, he sent several ice blades towards the zombie king again, aiming at his two arms.

After the Zombie King had resisted the huge ice sword, he didn't expect that Lin Hua would attack him again, so he didn't have much defense. Both arms were directly injured by the ice blades that shot at him, Then the huge ax fell to the ground.

At this moment, Lin Hua was already surrounded by those zombies rushing madly.And the zombie king stared fiercely at the surrounded Lin Hua. If the zombie king hadn't issued an order before being hit, he might be dead now.

Because the Zombie King knew the power of Lin Hua's triple phantom, when he saw the first huge ice sword coming towards him, he knew that he could not dodge it and he would be seriously injured, so after being attacked Before the hit, the order was to kill this person, so the group of zombies rushed towards Lin Hua desperately!However, what she didn't expect was that although she withstood the last huge ice giant sword, she didn't expect that she would suffer such a serious injury, and in the end this person was tired and attacked her two arms. Although it was not broken, it was seriously injured, otherwise the huge ax of the weapon would not have fallen.

Now that she no longer has the ability to fight, seeing Lin Hua being held back at this time, she was about to run away, and once again let out a thunderous roar, and then all the zombies rushed towards Lin Hua even more frantically, There are Li Jie and the others.The zombie king was escorted away by dozens of amethyst zombie statues!
At this moment, Lin Hua knew that the zombie king was seriously injured and planned to escape, but now she was firmly held back. If this zombie king escaped this time, all previous efforts would be wasted.Therefore, this zombie king must not be allowed to escape, and Li Jie and the others saw that Lin Hua had seriously injured the zombie king, but the zombie king felt like running away, and they were also very anxious, but they were rushed by these zombies. It was so tightly surrounded that it was impossible to rush through.

At this time, in Xueyun City, all the supernatural beings were inside the wall of the east gate of Xueyun City, waiting for the signal from Lin Hua and the others, ready to go out and kill the enemy at any time.

"Li Jie sent out the signal to tell everyone to come out and fight back the zombie army," Lin Hua shouted loudly.

After Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua's words, Li Jie quickly took out the big flare gun that was strapped to his waist, and then sent a signal to the sky.

When the people in the city saw the signal released by Li Jie, they were very excited at this moment, because it meant that they were going out to attack the army of zombies, and it also meant that they were going to win the final decisive battle!Then the Amethyst supernatural being in charge on the east gate let dozens of supernatural beings go down the rope to clear away the big stones blocking the city gate, and then all the supernatural beings on the east gate walked down one after another After entering the city gate, more than 2 supernatural beings were already standing under the east city gate. They were all armed with their weapons and ready to go out to fight. They had been waiting here for a long time. After many hours, all their supernatural beings gathered here.

"Everyone is ready to fight against the zombie army," the Amethyst supernatural being who came down said excitedly.

And those who heard the words of this amethyst supernatural being are all full of fighting spirit, because they have been suffocated in the past few days, and they can only keep defending the attack of zombies in the city. They can finally go out to face the horde of zombies and finally end the battle.

When Jin Mu and the others saw Li Jie's signal, they knew that Lin Hua and the others had succeeded.At this time, the exhaustion on everyone's faces had long since disappeared.

"Everyone is ready to move forward and join the boss, this zombie siege is about to win," Jin Mu shouted to everyone behind him.

After seeing the signal just now, everyone already knew that Lin Hua and the others had already killed the zombie king before sending out the signal, but after listening to Jin Mu, they were sure that more crazy attackers were besieging their zombies.

At this time, Lin Hua kept killing the zombies besieging him.At this time, the zombie king could no longer be seen. Lin Hua was very anxious at this moment. If he didn't kill the zombie king, then their zombie siege would not be successful.But Li Jie and the others were already surrounded and could not come to help.

"Li Jie, I'm going to hunt down the zombie king. You stay here and they join us." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she immediately released the skill Absolute Freeze. In an instant, the zombies 8000 meters in front of Lin Hua were frozen, and only a few of them were amethyst-level. All the zombie ice sculptures turned into pieces with a "cracking" sound, leaving only heterogeneous nuclei everywhere. At this time, the zombie king had escaped far away, about [-] meters away, but Lin Hua still found him, and directly used the ice shifting phantom to keep chasing the zombie king.

And the stones blocking the gate of Xueyun City have been cleared, the city gate is wide open, and all the supernatural beings rushed out!The head-on confrontation with the zombie army has begun.

(End of this chapter)

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