Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 411 The Endless Corpse King

Chapter 411 The Endless Corpse King
And even though Li Jie and the others were worried about Lin Hua, they didn't continue to move forward, but retreated as if to join the people behind, while Ghost Dance released the skill Corrosion Acid Rain, and Xue Wu released the skill Meteor Fire Rain in two large areas The skill instantly killed a lot of zombies.Then they continued to retreat towards Jinmu and the others, and Jinmu and the others came towards Li Jie and the others.

Lin Hua kept chasing the zombie king with the ice-moving phantom skills, and there were still a large number of zombies rushing towards Lin Hua in the acid rain of zombies, but Lin Hua found that the zombies were not so dense at this time, and It is too few, knowing that the zombie army is not much, still using the skill of shifting ice phantom to chase the zombie king, when he is about to meet the zombie army, he releases the skill Absolute Freeze again.But this time when all the ice sculpture zombies were shattered, there were only a few zombies behind, but there were still dozens of amethyst zombies around the zombie king.At this time, the distance from the Zombie King was about 2000 meters. Lin Hua still used the ice shifting phantom to chase after him, but when he was more than 500 meters away from the Zombie King, he found that his power consumption was too large. If this continues and all his abilities are exhausted after chasing the zombie king, he will also be killed by the amethyst zombies around the zombie king.So he stopped using Ice Shifting Phantom, and ran directly after the Zombie King.

And there were very few zombies on the road. Some zombies blocked Lin Hua and were directly killed by Lin Hua with an epee without a front.

Because these are low-level zombies, they did not delay Lin Hua for much time, so Lin Hua kept running and chasing the zombie king, and the number of zombies became less and less. In the end, Lin Hua could basically see The zombies next to the zombie king in the distance are gone, and no zombies can be found anymore.

At this time, Li Jie and the others had joined Jinmu, and they were desperately killing these zombies. Due to Lin Hua's absolute freezing and Xue Wu's large-scale skills, they eliminated many zombies. And the zombie king was wounded and escaped, which resulted in no more zombies coming to gather, so the more zombies were killed, the fewer the zombies!At an obvious speed, the army of zombies was slowly disappearing. The battle lasted for about three hours and it was basically over. At this time, only scattered zombies remained on the battlefield.At this time, the supernatural beings all went to kill these scattered zombies.

At this time, Xuewu arranged for all the supernatural beings to clean up the battlefield, and then collected the heterogeneous cores. Because the battlefield was over, these killed zombies left a large number of heterogeneous cores.

In this way, time passed bit by bit, but they still didn't see Lin Hua's return. At this moment, everyone began to worry about Lin Hua.

At this time, Lin Hua was still chasing the zombie king, and the distance between them was getting closer and closer.In the end, the distance was less than 100 meters, and the Zombie King sent a few amethyst zombies to stop Lin Hua, but they were all killed by Lin Hua. Finally, the Zombie King There is only one Amethyst fourth-level zombie standing beside him, supporting the zombie king and running non-stop!

Seeing that there was only one zombie next to the zombie king, Lin Hua directly used the ice shifting phantom to rush to the front of the zombie king, blocking the zombie king's retreat, and then the zombie king stopped running because she knew I was doomed to die here today, so he sat on the ground, and the remaining Amethyst zombie rushed towards Lin Hua, Lin Hua directly released the skill ice blade on the neck of the rushing Amethyst zombie, Then the rushing Amethyst zombie fell to the ground, his neck had been severed by the ice blade.

Lin Hua went over and took out his different core and put it in his mouth, then sat down on the ground, panting heavily, because he was so tired from running just now, and after so many battles, Lin Hua Hua is also not in a hurry to kill the zombie king, because the zombie king has lost all his fighting power at this time, and Lin Hua can easily kill him.

"I didn't expect that I would be defeated by you in the end," the zombie king said first.

"Well, I said that Xueyun City will not be destroyed," Lin Hua said.

"But this time it was not wiped out, and next time I might not be so lucky. There are many zombie kings who are stronger than me! After all, Xueyun City will be wiped out, and there is no escape," the zombie king continued. said
"As long as I am the owner of Xueyun City, Xueyun City will definitely exist until the end." Lin Hua said, there is a lot of confidence in his eyes, because as long as Lin Hua is around, he will do his best to protect Xueyun City, Because he didn't want to see, like the Baidi City was breached in the last ten years, everyone became food in the mouths of zombies!

At this time, the Zombie King saw the strong confidence in Lin Hua's eyes and remained silent for a long time!
And Lin Hua did not speak during this time, just staring at the sun that had just risen at this time, thinking that four days had passed since the zombie siege this time, and today happened to be the fifth day, but the zombie siege had already passed. It's over, and it's Xueyun City's victory.

At this time, the Zombie King saw that Lin Hua didn't speak, but stared at the sky and said, "Do you know why I am so powerful, and why I gathered zombies in that mountain range to attack Xueyun City?"

"Why?" Lin Hua stopped looking at the sky after hearing the Zombie King's words, but looked at the Zombie King and asked

"My strength and the reason why I gather zombies in that mountain range is because there is what you humans call the outer space gate, and this outer space gate is said to be a particularly difficult one, so it will attract a large number of humans to take risks , but everyone who went there was eaten by me, so my strength has grown so much," said the zombie king.

"The door to the sky, and it's a particularly difficult one," Lin Hua asked in surprise.

"Yes, which one is particularly difficult, but I have also heard that it is particularly dangerous, there are many particularly powerful monsters and zombies, but the most dangerous is the deepest part of the outer sky gate, there is a place called the Abyss of Eternal Night , where the sun does not shine all the year round, the monsters there should be the most powerful in this outer space," the Zombie King continued.

At this time, Lin Hua heard the words of the Zombie King and began to study carefully. Although this space gate is very difficult and dangerous inside, danger and reward coexist. If you want to become more powerful You must go to this empty gate of outer space.Only where you go can you hunt more advanced monsters and obtain more advanced heterocores, so that your strength will continue to grow.Evernight Abyss Lin Hua once heard it in the memory of the last ten years. There is no sunlight all the year round, and it is particularly dangerous. There are some very large existences in it. There have been many powerful supernatural beings in the last ten years. I have been to the Abyss of Eternal Night, but few survived, and I heard that most of the people who survived were outside the Abyss of Eternal Night. They have never been to the inside. They said that the innermost part of the Abyss of Eternal Night lived in a person with the least strength It was an epic fifth-order demon, so no one ever went to the Abyss of Eternal Night again.

But at this time, I knew the news, and I didn't know if I was destined to take risks somewhere!
"Why did you tell me this news?" Lin Hua was a little confused now why the Zombie King told himself this good news. Could it be that he wanted to improve his strength to protect more humans!
"The purpose of my telling you is to let you go inside to die, because my brother and I are both supernatural beings like you, and they are particularly excellent supernatural beings. At that time, when we were still platinum level, me and In which mountain range did my younger brother take an adventure, a powerful zombie came out of that space gate, at least as strong as me now, he didn’t eat me and my younger brother, but infected us, and then we were controlled by him , guarding the mountain, preventing many supernatural beings from taking risks in the outer sky gate, but he suddenly appeared half a year ago, and asked me to gather all the nearby zombies to attack the nearby cities. At the beginning, those cities were all destroyed. I broke it easily, but this time I failed in Xueyun City." The Zombie King told his story.

And Lin Hua was shocked when he heard Zombie King's words. The zombie who was infected with Zombie King's virus was already at the second level of Transcendence when Zombie King and the others were platinum, so after such a long time, he His strength must have reached a very terrifying level!And she is also the mastermind behind the zombie attack!If it weren't for some powerful zombies, I'm afraid the army of zombies wouldn't gather so many zombies to attack the city.

"I guess the zombie that infected us with the zombie virus is the monster in the Abyss of Eternal Night, and it should be the strongest person in the Abyss of Eternal Night. The reason why I want you to go is because I want you to be infected as a zombie, that's all." It's just simple," the Zombie King laughed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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