Chapter 412 Victory
"You are the zombie king, you should know that this world is divided into many areas." Lin Hua said to the laughing zombie king

"Yes, I have heard that, and the district we are in is the [-]th district, and it is still a very small district. The larger the number of these districts, the lower the strength of zombies in this district. Those powerful zombies in the first five districts Its existence is simply beyond our reach," said the Zombie King.

"You seem to know a lot of things. Since you are about to die, tell me all your secrets. Anyway, I decided to take an adventure in the Abyss of Night," Lin Hua said.

The zombie king looked at Lin Hua after hearing Lin Hua's words, then shook his head and said, "You think I'm a high-level zombie king, but I know I'm nothing, needless to say anything else, just now We are in the [-]th District, and any monster that comes out of the Yongye Abyss in the particularly difficult sky gate is enough to destroy me. If you want to become stronger and protect Xueyun City, you must first eliminate Yongye. Those powerful zombies in the Abyss of Night, but Xueyun City will be wiped out sooner or later." The Zombie King said, but Lin Hua found that there was a look of fear in the eyes of the Zombie King when he said the Abyss of Eternal Night. The zombie king who was about to die could feel it at this moment, fearing that the existence in the Abyss of Eternal Night must be very powerful to the point of terror.

"Even if the Abyss of Eternal Night is powerful, as long as she wants to destroy Xueyun City, she is destined to be destroyed by me." Although Lin Hua knew that the zombie in Abyss of Eternal Night was powerful, Lin Hua believed that he would definitely destroy Xueyun City. I will defeat all powerful enemies and protect Xueyun City.

Seeing that the zombie king who is so confident at this time is no longer talking!Maybe the human being in front of him can really defeat the existence that turned himself into a zombie!

"Thank you for telling me to block the door, but I won't let you go," Lin Hua said.

"I know, I've already said what I know, get rid of me now," the Zombie King said sadly.

Although Lin Hua had some sympathy for the experience of the zombie king, she was no longer a human being at this time, and she was also the commander of the zombie attack on Xueyun City, so Lin Hua did not show any mercy and went to the zombie king At this time, the zombie king saw Lin Hua walking in front of him, knowing that he was about to die, so he slowly closed his eyes!After Lin Hua saw that the zombie king closed his eyes, he chopped off the zombie king's head, and the zombie king died in Lin Hua's hands.After Lin Hua took out the zombie king's heterogeneous core, she walked towards Xueyun City.

At this time, all the supernatural beings in front of the east gate of Xueyun City are cleaning up the heterogeneous cores left by certain zombies. Although there are more than 2 supernatural beings, the number of zombie corpses is dozens of times more than that of supernatural beings. , the number of heterogeneous cores they collected seemed to be particularly slow, and at this time, all the ordinary people in Xueyun City no longer saw the slightest fear of zombies on their faces, and their faces were full of smiles. Because this zombie siege is an upgrade of human beings for them.

They don't have to die, they are all cleaning up the unused stones on the city wall, and those women are cooking!

At this time, Xue Wu and the others were anxiously waiting for Lin Hua's return at the east gate.Because Lin Hua had been gone for about seven hours.They didn't know Lin Hua's situation at this time, so they seemed very anxious.

But soon Lin Hua appeared in their field of vision, and after about ten minutes, Lin Hua walked to the position of Li Jie and the others at the east gate!

When Xuewu saw that it was really Lin Hua, she hugged Lin Hua directly, and she was already sobbing, "I thought I would never see you again," Xuewu said.

"I'm back now, haven't I come back safely?" Lin Hua finished speaking and gently took Xue Wu's hand that was hugging her tightly.

"Okay, what's going on now?"

"This time, all the remaining zombies have been eliminated, and now all the supernatural beings are cleaning up the heterogeneous cores left by the zombies on the battlefield," Li Jie said.

"Ordinary people in the city are cleaning up the extra boulders on the city wall, and those women are cooking outside," Gu Tian said.

"Has the boss zombie king been killed?" Li Jie asked.

"Well, the Zombie King is dead," Lin Hua replied calmly.

"Li Jie, are you asking nonsense? If the boss didn't kill the zombie king, might the boss come?" Gu Tian said.

However, when everyone heard Lin Hua say that the zombie king had been killed, they all started cheering. Although all the zombies were killed this time, if the zombie king ran away, then the zombie king Zombies will gather again, and if there is another zombie attack, all their efforts will be in vain, but Lin Hua killed the zombie king, which means that there will be no zombies attacking Xueyun City for the time being. Then everyone can rest for a long time!Until the next zombie attack.

Then a few people started chatting outside the city, and at this time the inside of the city was already boiling. The news that Lin Hua had killed the Zombie King spread widely, and it didn't take long for everyone inside to know it. Already know about this.

"Boss, let's stop standing here, I think we might as well go back to the headquarters to rest now," Li Jie said

Then Lin Hua took Li Jie and the others into Xueyun City. Lin Hua walked into the city and found that everyone in the city was cheering!And when the people in the city saw Lin Hua and the others walking into the city, they gave way in the middle of the road. At this time, Lin Hua was already extremely respected by them, and it could be seen in their eyes!
If it weren't for Lin Hua and the others to protect Xueyun City, everyone might have become food for the zombies long ago, and they wouldn't have persisted in the four days of zombie attacking the city and persisted until their victory. If Lin Hua hadn't killed that In the words of the Zombie King, I don't know how long this zombie siege will last.Because Lin Hua killed the zombie king, the war ended so quickly, and they won.

When Lin Hua and the others were walking towards the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League, some people knelt down to Lin Hua and the others. Slowly, more and more people came. Lin Hua wanted to help them up, but saw more people kneeling to them. down.He stopped trying to help them up.

"You don't need to kneel down for us. We, those with supernatural powers, have supernatural powers to protect more ordinary people. Without the help of you ordinary people this time, we will not succeed in this zombie attack. This is not a It's the credit of the people, but the credit of everyone." Lin Hua said to these people who looked like they would kneel down.

And these ordinary people got up one after another after hearing Lin Hua's words, and they admired Lin Hua even more in their eyes.At this time, Lin Hua saw that everyone was up and continued to walk towards the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League!Soon a group of people returned to the headquarters of the Ice and Snow League, but Lin Hua and the others did not rest, but discussed the aftermath of the war in their conference hall.

"Boss, after the alien cores of those zombies are taken out, can the corpses continue to be placed outside the city wall?" Gu Tian asked.

"I suggest burying all the corpses, because this will not affect the image of Xueyun City, or else there are zombie corpses in front of the east gate, which is very unsightly," Jin Mu said.

"There are too many zombie corpses. Burying them all will require a lot of manpower and material resources. I think it's better to gather all the corpses and burn them collectively," Ghost Dance said.

"That's right, it's better to burn it, it's faster and doesn't require a lot of manpower and material resources," Li Jie said.

"This is fine, but in order to prevent ordinary people from contracting the virus, those who burn zombie corpses must let supernatural beings do it," Lin Hua said.

Because everyone present knows the power of the zombie virus, especially for those ordinary people who have no supernatural powers. If they come into contact with it, they will all become zombies. If the zombies attacked the city, if it wasn't for the [-] people who were saved, they would bring it back The zombie virus would not have infected so many ordinary people, causing panic among ordinary people. If Lin Hua and the others hadn't made a decisive decision to kill the zombie king directly, Xueyun City would have been destroyed by this time.

"The problem of the corpses of the zombies has been solved, but there are still many buildings in the city that have been destroyed, especially the east gate," Jin Mu said.

"You are responsible for this. The Ice and Snow League is responsible for those problems that destroy the city's construction because of the stone problem," Lin Hua said.

"Okay" Kaneki replied.

"After this zombie siege was successfully resisted by us, it will become famous at that time, and many people will come to Xueyun City at that time," Gui Wu said.

"With such an increase in population, Xueyun City needs to expand, but that's a matter for the future. What we have to deal with now is the current situation," Lin Hua said.

(End of this chapter)

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