Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 413 Expansion of Snow Cloud City

Chapter 413 Expansion of Snow Cloud City
"That's right, what we have to deal with now is what happened after the zombies attacked the city," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, let's deal with the zombie siege first, and think about other things," Xuewu said.

"By the way, we will count the number of deaths in this zombie attack," Lin Hua said.

"Okay, boss, leave this to me," Brother Yu said.

"After the zombie siege, whoever picks up the alien cores left by the zombies will belong to them. This time, they will not be divided collectively. After cleaning up the battlefield, let everyone take a good rest for a day, and then deal with other things. After all I have been busy fighting for several days," Lin Hua said.

"Well, I really didn't expect this time, we actually survived this zombie siege," Jin Mu said.

"It is inevitable to survive the zombie siege, because as long as the boss is there, everything will pass, and if the boss is in Xueyun City, it will not be attacked," Li Jie said.

At this time, Jin Mu really understood why Li Jie and the others trusted Lin Hua so much, because Lin Hua would do what Lin Hua promised, and as long as Lin Hua was there, they would be safe and Snow Cloud City would not be breached.

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, let's go rest first. We'll talk about things tomorrow. I'm really tired today, so I want to take a good rest," Lin Hua said.

But Li Jie and the others all exited the conference hall one after another, because they all knew that Lin Hua was the most tiring one in this battle, especially when they fought against the zombie king today, and then went to chase and kill the zombie king!So they must be exhausted. Although they wanted to talk to each other again, they all left.

And after Lin Hua saw that they were all leaving one after another, he also returned to his room. Although Lin Hua was already the leader of the Ice and Snow League and ruled Xueyun City, Lin Hua was not alone like the previous gang leader. They lived in a villa with many people serving them. Lin Hua lived with Li Jie and the others as before, and Xuewu and Li Jie lived next door.

Lin Hua, who was lying on the bed, couldn't fall asleep anyway. He was reminiscing what the Zombie King had said to him, about the extremely difficult Heavenly Gate in the mountains, and the Eternal Night Abyss in the deepest part of the Heavenly Gate. Although it is particularly dangerous, it is particularly attractive to Lin Hua. Lin Hua is not a timid person. If she was a timid person, he would not be where he is today. Even so, Lin Hua is still a little bit worried. Because the zombie monster in the Abyss of Eternal Night is too powerful, when the zombie king was still at the platinum level, she was already at the extraordinary level, and during the period when the zombie king was promoted from the platinum level to the second level of extraordinary How terrifying will the strength of the Buddha and monsters in the Abyss of Eternal Night increase to? Moreover, this time the zombie attack on the city was planned by the zombies in the Abyss of Eternal Night. If they failed to break through Xueyun City this time, they will send even stronger soldiers next time. The zombies came to attack Xueyun City.And now I am in the [-]th district, which can be said to be the lowest level of zombies, but the most powerful zombies in this area are not what I can deal with now, so I must continue to increase my strength , so as to face the next zombie siege.Therefore, I must go to this space gate when the time comes, and I will go there after the zombie attack is settled, no matter how dangerous it is.

Lin Hua thought about these things, and felt that the more he thought about it, the more headache he got, so he simply stopped thinking about it. After Lin Hua stopped thinking about anything, he felt his eyelids getting heavier, and then fell asleep. Maybe it was these few days Lin Hua never had a good rest.

For Lin Hua's sleep, she slept for a day and a night, and only woke up in the morning of three days.Lin Hua felt a little hungry, and wanted to go out to find something to eat, and happened to see Li Jie and Gu Tian, ​​and neither of them had eaten, so the three of them went to eat together.

"Boss, you said that you can really sleep. You slept for a day and a night. If you don't wake up today, I plan to call you tonight." Li Jie said while eating.

"It may be that I have been too tired in the past few days, so I have only slept for such a long time. When I first woke up, I saw that the position of the sun was similar to that before going to bed. I thought I hadn't slept for a long time, but I didn't know it was already I slept all day and all night," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, the corpses of the zombies have almost been burned, and now everyone is busy rebuilding those buildings," Gu Tian said.

"By the way, I plan to expand Xueyun City, because now Xueyun City has successfully resisted a zombie attack, and its reputation must be much bigger. At that time, many people will come to Xueyun City. If With the current scale of Xueyun City, it must not be able to hold more people, so all Yunxue City must be expanded," Lin Hua said.

"That's right, I think it's best to expand the north gate and west gate directly to the back next to the mountain, and expand the east gate to the mountain in front of the east gate, so that we can deal with the next monster attack Just guard the east gate," Li Jie said.

"It's best to raise the city wall by five meters, so that monsters can't climb up the city wall even more. If the current city wall didn't use stones and cooking oil, the zombies would have already climbed up the city wall, and there is The gates of each city need to be enlarged, so that a lot of people can rush out at once, especially the east gate, the gates of the city are big enough to look grand," Gu Tian said.

"By the way, we will have breakfast later, and let all the main members of the Ice and Snow League come to the meeting," Lin Hua said.

"Okay boss, I'll notify you now," Li Jie said.

Seeing that Li Jie finished eating, Lin Hua immediately went to inform others, and Lin Hua and Gu Tian came to the conference hall of the Xueyun City headquarters to wait for everyone to come to the meeting. After about half an hour, Everyone came to the conference hall and sat down.

"This time, everyone is here to discuss the expansion of Xueyun City, because the failure of the zombies to attack the city this time will definitely bring a great reputation to our Xueyun City, so that more people will come to Xueyun City. Yuncheng defected to our Ice and Snow Alliance, and Xueyun City will definitely not be able to accommodate so many people, so Xueyun City must be transformed," Lin Hua said.

"I think this transformation is also necessary, because the monster siege has already destroyed many buildings. When expanding the city, the buildings destroyed by the monster siege will be rebuilt, and this time I feel that we The city walls are not high enough, and the city defenses are not very good," Kaneki said.

"Kinmu is right. During this city defense, I seriously felt that the height of the city wall was not enough, and it was not strong enough. The impact of the giant zombie that was going to the funeral could not be stopped at all. If the boss didn't come up with that If the impact force is broken down, the city wall must be broken, and there are too few tools for city defense, and the power of the catapult is too small," said Li Yilang

"What Li Yilang said just now are very real shortcomings. If these can be improved, maybe the next time the zombies attack the city will be easier for us to face, and we will not encounter anything like this time. The situation is resolved only when it arises," Xuewu said.

"Also, the power of our weapons for ordinary people is too small. This time it is just because of the large number of people. If the city becomes bigger, the city wall will be bigger, and the defense force will be more at that time. By then At that time, there were too few defensive personnel, so powerful weapons were needed for ordinary people, and there was also the suppression of zombie viruses. Zombie viruses are fatal to ordinary people, and once they are infected, they will lose their lives. The panic of ordinary people all stems from ordinary people's fear of death," Gui Wu said.

"Yes, in fact, the zombie virus is the scariest thing. As long as this is resolved, we can fight the zombies to the end." Li Jie said, it can be said that they have suffered from the spread of the zombie virus this time, if Lin Hua hadn't left the city in time to attack If the Zombie King is killed, Xueyun City may have been breached, Zhang Wandao said.

"Everyone, let's talk about all our shortcomings in the face of the zombie siege this time. Only by speaking out can we make improvements, so that we can face the next zombie siege more calmly," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, there is another serious problem. All the color levels are not good. No matter what happens, these people on the scene are the main force. The others are just the final battle. There is another time to save people and clean up the platinum zombies. I have gone out before, but the casualties were heavy. Our sect does not lack a strong main force. What is lacking now is most of the ordinary combat power. Even if this time the zombie attack left a large number of alien cores, everyone can improve their strength, but If you want to improve your strength even more, you have to go out to take risks, but you can’t go out all at once, and leave some people behind. I suggest that a dozen or dozens of people go out and form a team to kill zombies to improve their strength.” Jin Mu Said a lot at once.

"Another point is that since the west gate and the north gate are close to the mountain, we can directly use the city wall to connect the mountains behind. At that time, we can save two city walls. At that time, there will be a lot of people left to help guard the east and south city walls. The city wall is not against the mountains, but there are several mountains 5000 meters in front of the south gate, and our gate can pull the city wall there, which reduces the defense force a lot,” Gu Tian said.

(End of this chapter)

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