Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 418 The Deformed Monster

Chapter 418 The Deformed Monster
Although the relative level of these mutated locusts is relatively low, they all walk in groups, at least hundreds of thousands of them in a group. Many supernatural beings are willing to fight monsters of the same level and are unwilling to encounter swarms of mutated locusts. It can be seen that these mutated locusts of horror.

However, these mutated locusts have a fatal wound that they are afraid of fire. A big fire can wipe out a group of their mutated locusts. At this time, Lin Hua was talking about mutated locusts with Xuewu and the others.

"Boss, let sister Xuewu burn them to death," Li Jie said.

"It's very difficult for them to attack in the sky. Xuewu, you just use your flame restraint to surround us, and then use the flame shield to block the top. When the mutated locusts see us like this, I think they will attack us." They will retreat," Lin Hua said.

At this time, the swarm of locusts soon came to a distance of more than 50 meters from Lin Hua and the others.After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xuewu released the flame restraint to keep them firmly in the flames, and then released the skill Flame Aegis to block the top tightly.Just like this, a few people waited for the attack of the mutated locust swarm that was slowly approaching after the fire.

When this swarm of mutated locusts flew towards Lin Hua's outer fire wall, they made a sizzling sound, and then brought out a particularly unpleasant smell of burning.In this way, this group of mutated locusts kept rushing towards the wall of fire, and then they were burned, leaving only the different cores. Continue to release the shackles of flames, and it may last for about ten minutes!But the swarm of locusts didn't seem to have any intention of retreating or changing direction. Lin Hua knew that the swarm of mutated locusts was planning to extinguish the flames, and then eat them all.

"This swarm of mutated locusts intends to eat us all, so they have no intention of retreating," Lin Hua said.

"Well, seeing them aiming at the flames like this, they are like a group of zombies besieging Ice and Snow City," Li Jie said.

"I'll directly release the meteor fire rain to those locusts flying behind," Xuewu said.

"Well," Lin Hua said, because there is nothing else to do at the moment. The endless death of this swarm of locusts has left them with no other way. I thought they would fade away if they attacked for a while without any results, but I didn't expect it to be so. So many locusts died after such a long time, but the remaining mutated locusts continued to attack the flames without a trace of fear.

Xuewu released a large-scale skill meteor fire rain directly at the group of mutated locusts flying from behind, and the sky above the group of locusts began to rain flames, and soon the speed visible to the naked eye, most of the behind The locusts were burned by the rain of fire and fell to the ground, and soon the swarms of locusts behind disappeared!And the locusts that hit the flames in front were slowly burned to death.

At this time, Xuewu withdrew her skills, and then Lin Hua and the others saw that the ground was full of different cores from the place of origin, as well as the bodies of those mutated locusts that had not been burned.

"Sister Xuewu, let's unleash her skills, or the different cores of those locusts are not easy to pick up," Li Jie said.

Then Xuewu did not release the meteor fire rain, but cast dozens of large fire walls on the ground of these mutated locusts that were not completely burned. In this way, the corpses of these mutated locusts that were not completely burned were completely burned. , and after Lin Hua and the others picked up these heterogeneous cores, they continued to walk in the direction of the Abyss of Eternal Night!And a few people walked and ate a lot of these platinum heterocores. Although the level was a bit low, the good thing was that there were a lot of them. Although none of them had upgraded, the abilities in their bodies had also increased a lot, especially Lin Hua. , At this time, it has reached the stage of the second-order bottleneck of the extraordinary.However, when all the different cores were eaten up, he still failed to attack successfully.

"Hey, the shock was not successful, it seems that a high-level heterocore is still needed," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, you are still keeping people alive. I don't feel like I have broken through the second level of the first level of the extraordinary. You will soon reach the third level of the extraordinary. It is really better than others." Li Jie said a little Said without anger.

"Well, the level of the boss is increasing really fast. It seems that our efforts have also made an impact. Don't lower the level too much," Gu Tian said.

At this time, Lin Hua and his team were all first-tier extraordinary except for Lin Hua, who was second-tier extraordinary.In the evening, several people came to a gas station that had been abandoned for a long time. This gas station was full of blood stains. Lin Hua and the others watched the surrounding environment vigilantly to see if there were any monsters or zombies around.

Then a few people walked towards the cabin behind the gas station. Li Jie kicked open the door of the cabin with a "bang", and then saw three amethyst zombies wandering back and forth inside the cabin. Jiegu Tianheisha and the others rushed over, killed the three of them, and then took out their different cores and ate them!Then several people walked upstairs along the ladder of the cabin, but there was nothing upstairs, not a single zombie.

Lin Hua and the others saw that there were no more zombies inside. They thought it was better than being outside, so they planned to rest here.

At this moment, Lin Hua, Li Jie, Gutian and the others could not bear to look at the surroundings of the gas station from the window on the second floor. The surroundings of this gas station were so empty that there were no buildings. The only thing there was the gas station in front of it and now A few people stayed in the cabin.

"Boss, why do I feel a leak?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua.

"Well, I feel the same way, because the surrounding area is very empty, and this is the only building, so you can feel this way," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, did you say that nothing will come and attack us at night?" Gu Tian asked worriedly at this time.

"If there are any monsters, they will definitely come here first, don't worry," Lin Hua said.

"Well, what?" Li Jie heard Lin Hua's first half was okay, but when he heard the second half, the water he was drinking almost didn't spit out.

"Boss, what is that thing?" Gu Tian said, pointing to the distance!
Then Lin Hua and Li Jie followed Gu Tian's finger and looked there.Although the distance is far away, a huge monster can be vaguely seen running towards the gas station!The distance was getting closer and closer. Only now did Lin Hua and the others see what it was. This monster was very tall. At this time, ordinary giant zombies were even bigger. It was about six meters long, and there were two of him. The arms are not the same thickness, the left one obviously received several rounds than the right one, the monster's right arm is particularly strong, compared with his other limbs, it is particularly uncoordinated.And the difference between this monster and the giant zombie is that the giant zombie has sharp claws, but he doesn't.But in his bloody mouth, it can be clearly seen that her two sharp fangs were exposed when she closed her mouth.Her level is the first level of extraordinary, but she also belongs to the strength of half stepping into the second level of extraordinary.

"I've never seen this kind of monster, and it's hard to say that it's a zombie, but it still looks a bit like a giant zombie," Li Jie said.

"Let's run out. That monster seems to be running towards the gas station. If it breaks through the gasoline, an explosion will affect us." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he walked outside, and Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua They all followed the statue of Lin Hua and walked outside. At this time, the monster was less than 300 meters away from the gas station.After Lin Hua left the cabin, she walked straight to the back, about 50 meters away from the gas station.At this time, the monster had rushed into the gas station, and then walked towards the cabin step by step.

Lin Hua saw this deformed monster walking towards the cabin, and knew that this monster should be going for them.But why didn't this deformed monster find them when they came out just now? A doubt formed in Lin Hua's mind, but when the deformed monster raised its head, all doubts disappeared. They saw this The monster has no eyes. They were too far away to notice it just now, but now they can only see clearly at a distance of more than 50 meters from this deformed monster.

Then his eyesight is not good, so how did he know he was going to the cabin? Could it be that he relied on his nose? It is said that the nose of an animal is sometimes better than the eyes, so it seems true. The scent that belonged to them was released, so this monster went towards the cabin.If he found out that Lin Hua and the others were not in the cabin, he followed the smell and chased him to his current position. With his huge body and the impact of running, it was impossible for everyone present to bear it.

"Xuewu released the skill to ignite the fuel tank inside the gasoline station, and blow up this deformed monster." Lin Hua turned to Xuewu and said
Xue Wu directly aimed at the gas tanks at the gas station and released her skill Pyro-Blast. At this moment, the deformed monster seemed to have discovered Lin Hua's scent, and turned her huge head towards Lin Hua and the others.But it was already too late, the pyroburst released by Xuewu had already ignited the oil drums in the petrol station.

(End of this chapter)

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