Chapter 419
"Bang bang bang" a series of explosions sounded, and the whole gasoline station caught fire instantly, and the deformed monster was also blown out by the explosion of the gas station, flying about ten meters away!At this time, there was basically nothing left of the deformed lower body!But he wasn't dead yet.He continued to let out low-pitched growls, probably because he was blown up and lost his lower body pain!Lin Hua directly drew out her epee, Wufeng, and directly pierced the deformed monster's head. When Wufeng pierced the deformed monster's head, the low-pitched roar of the deformed monster stopped. Lin Hua Take out her heteronucleus.Said.

"I'm in a bottleneck state right now. With this alien core, maybe I can reach the third level of extraordinary, so I'll take this first." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he put the alien core into his mouth, and then sat on the ground. I closed my eyes.

And Li Jie and the others were not angry because Lin Hua directly wanted this heterocore.They all did it one after another and came down to watch the surrounding situation, and also looked at the blazing gasoline station, which was still making the sound of explosions.After about half an hour, Lin Hua slowly opened his eyes. At this time, he felt that he had successfully leveled up, and now he had reached the third level of Transcendence, and now the abilities and strength in his body had increased. Quite a lot.

But Li Jie and the others saw that Lin Hua had already woken up at this time, and they all stood up. It worked.

"It feels like it has become a lot stronger. After the successful impact, I feel that the power of my triple phantom has increased a lot, and her release speed has also increased a lot," Lin Hua said.

"Congratulations, boss," Gu Tian said.

However, the explosion at the gasoline station attracted all the zombies wandering around, and they were approaching Lin Hua and the others at this time!
Lin Hua and the others saw these zombies. There were not too many of them, but their lowest level was platinum level, and there were a few amethyst level ones.

"I'm here by myself, I just want to test how much the strength of the third-order supernatural power has increased." After finishing speaking, Lin Hua drew out the epee Wufeng and rushed towards the group of zombies.After Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua's words, they didn't do anything, and watched Lin Hua's massacre at this time.

At this time, Lin Hua directly used Gravity Wufeng to chop off the head of the Amethyst Tier 20 zombie in the front, and then dodged the attack of the zombie on the left, and the epee Wufeng pierced the back of the zombie attacking Lin Hua.At this time, the group of zombies surrounded Lin Hua, and Lin Hua immediately released the skill Ice Bind, and used the Ice Shifting Phantom to disappear directly within the siege of these zombies, and appeared behind a zombie.In this way, more than [-] zombies were all killed by Lin Hua's hand-to-hand combat. Then he took out all the different cores and distributed them to Li Jie and the others.

"The strength of the third level of extraordinary power has been improved very little. It's just that the supernatural powers in the body have increased, and the increase in skills is more obvious." After the battle just now, Lin Hua talked to several of them about her feelings after the upgrade.

"Boss, haven't you noticed that your speed has increased a lot, especially after using the Ice Shifting Phantom, there was a slight pause before, but now there is no such pause, it just disappeared, and then appeared in an instant," Xue Wu said .

After being told by Xuewu, Lin Hua found out that this was really the case, so the ice-moving phantom has also increased a lot!
"Let me just say, the higher the level, the more difficult it is, so there must be a big change after the leveling up," Li Jie said.

"Well, everyone, rest well, let's move on, it's not good to stay in this empty place all the time," Lin Hua said

"Well, that kind of feeling is too bad, it feels like someone will be watching at any time," Ghost Dance said.

A few people continued to move forward!

"Do you feel that this space gate is very different from the previous ones?" Lin Hua said while walking.

"It doesn't feel different, it's just that the level of monsters here is relatively high, and I don't feel any danger," Li Jie said.

"Yes, it's scary if there's no danger. I haven't been to other heavenly and empty gates, but the one I went to last time is completely different from this one. Although that one is said to be an intermediate difficulty sky gate, it feels special there. It is depressing and dangerous, but it does have a completely different feeling here, giving people a relaxed and non-dangerous feeling, and don't forget that this is the most difficult door to outer space," Heisha said.

"After what you said, it really feels like this. There is no feeling of depression. Compared with the outside world, this place is much more relaxed," Xuewu said.

"So this is the strange thing. The more relaxed you are, the more dangerous it is. It makes you die without knowing it. That's how it is," Lin Hua said.

"Yes, the boss is right. We were at the Heavenly Space Gate last time. In that environment, we had to be alert to the surrounding environment all the time. All Korean dramas are dangerous everywhere. After coming to this Heavenly Space Gate , without the slightest sense of danger, that's why our door unknowingly relaxed, which led to the discovery of the deformed monster and the group of zombies not far from our door," Gu Tian said.

"Our door can't be particularly relaxed by this relaxed environment. Remember that this is the most dangerous space door. Dangers exist everywhere. If you are not careful, your door may die here. So everyone must Better be careful. Lin Hua said

"Well, don't worry boss, we know we have to be careful," Li Jie replied.

"Well, this situation may be caused by the environment," Gu Tian said.

After Lin Hua's reminder, Li Jie and all of them are now vigilant!

Lin Hua and the others still didn't leave this empty area in the evening!

"Boss, why don't you leave, we've been away for almost a day, let's rest here." Li Jie said with some complaints
"Yeah, boss, although there is no shelter nearby, but I haven't heard any special sounds nearby, why don't you just rest here?" To be honest, this environment is quite scary, so they kept walking, and when the blood moon was hanging high above their heads, they didn't see any shelter, so they didn't want to leave .

"The main reason is that it's too open here. If we light a fire in the middle of the night, we will summon zombie song monsters," Lin Hua said.

"It's alright, just kill the monsters when they come, anyway, isn't there someone on guard at night?" Gu Tian said.

Seeing how many people were unwilling to leave, Lin Hua decided not to leave either! "Then let's rest here tonight." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took out some firewood and some food in her space. These were prepared when they set off. In this case there is nothing to burn.

Xuewu used his skills to light the firewood gathered in the middle, and then the six people gathered around the fire to cook and eat food.

However, shortly after Lin Hua and the others lit the fire, a few zombies ran out, and Lin Hua easily dealt with them.After talking for a while, several people rested one after another. Lin Hua and Li Jie are the first shift!
"Have you released your skills? Why do I feel so cold?" Li Jie added some firewood to the fire in the middle.

"No, I didn't release my skills, but I also felt that the temperature has dropped a lot, and it's still getting lower and lower," Lin Hua said. After Lin Hua finished speaking, he woke up Xuewu and the others because he felt To the wrong temperature.

And when everyone else got up, they all felt a burst of cold.

"Boss, are you really not using your skills?" Li Jie asked again.

"I feel as if something is approaching my door, otherwise the temperature near my door won't be getting lower and lower," Heisha said.

"Well, this thing must be of ice attribute, otherwise it wouldn't be really cold," Gu Tian said.

At this time, Lin Hua took out more firewood from the space ring and put it on the fire pile in the middle.Lin Hua is actually not afraid of you, because he has an ice attribute ability, the colder it is, the more he likes it, but Li Jie and the others are not, they can't stand it.At this time, everyone is alert to the surrounding environment!At this time, there was still nothing around.

"Boss, listen carefully to see if there are any footsteps," Heisha said, because Heisha is a tiger, so her hearing is much stronger than Lin Hua's and the others, and he can hear even the slightest sounds.

"Well, the sound of some footsteps is really very small. If you don't listen carefully, you really can't hear it." Xuewu just lay on the ground, then got up and said.

"Yeah, I heard it too, but the sound seems to be coming from the north," Li Jie said.

"I heard it too, let's go over to see if there is something dead, but be careful." After Lin Hua finished speaking, they walked north following the voice, but the further north they walked, the more they felt the temperature. It is obviously reduced a lot.When several people walked about 3000 meters to the north, they found a figure in the distance who kept walking forward.The ground within a hundred meters around this figure was already covered with thick ice, and every time he moved forward, there was more ice in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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