Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 420 Ice Humanoid Monster

Chapter 420 Ice Humanoid Monster
"It turns out that the temperature is so low because of that person. The boss is very powerful. The surrounding area is covered with ice for a hundred meters, and he can also reduce the temperature in such a large area," Li Jie said.

"Well, I feel that this person's ice attribute ability is particularly mellow," Lin Hua said.

At this time, the figure turned to look in Lin Hua's direction as if he had discovered Lin Hua and the others.

"It was discovered," Heisha reminded.

"Well, this person is very powerful," Lin Hua said.

At this time, the figure no longer seemed to be walking forward, but turned around and walked towards Lin Hua and the others step by step.

"Boss, it's coming towards us," Li Jie said when he saw this figure walking towards them.

"Be careful, everyone, be prepared to fight at any time," Lin Hua reminded again.

This is the second time Lin Hua has reminded them, so Li Jie and the others also take it very seriously!

At this time, the figure is getting closer and the temperature is getting lower and lower.Lin Hua and the others saw the true face of this figure clearly through the faint moonlight from the blood moon at this time. This figure can be said to be completely not a human being, because her body is entirely composed of thick ice, and Her face is also very unclear. Lin Hua can feel a very powerful ice attribute in his body, especially when Lin Hua sees the weapon of this ice monster, she is firmly attracted The gaze, this icy humanoid monster is holding a rhombus-shaped icy epee with a body of about [-] centimeters, which is longer than his own epee Wufeng, but these are not what attract Lin Hua. What attracted Lin Hua was the bursts of ice-attribute abilities emitted by this icy epee.If Lin Hua's guess is correct, this ice sword can greatly increase the ice attribute.

At this time, the humanoid monster had already stopped 50 meters in front of Lin Hua and the others!

At this time, the humanoid monster was staring at Lin Hua and the others closely, because he could see in Lin Hua's eyes that the human in front of him particularly liked his weapon.

"This epee of ice is called the Eight Wonders Frost Sword, and it has both ice and water attributes," the humanoid monster said to Lin Hua.

When Lin Hua heard the words of this humanoid monster, she was particularly shocked. Ordinary weapons have no attribute bonuses at all, and only good weapons can give her own attribute bonuses. But there are too few good weapons. Although my epee It is very easy to use, but he does not have any attribute bonuses, and the ice giant sword in front of him actually has two attribute bonuses, and it is also a bonus of ice attribute and water attribute, which is simply prepared for himself , How could Lin Hua not be shocked?

"Good name, good sword" Lin Hua said to the humanoid monster.

And Li Jie and the others were also very happy when they heard the humanoid monster introduce that this epee has ice and water attribute bonuses, because they all know that Lin Hua's epee Wufeng does not have any attribute bonuses at the moment, and Lin Hua Birch's attribute happens to be the added attribute of this epee.At this time, they also wanted to help Lin Hua take the sword back.

"I can see that you are also of the ice attribute, and you are particularly interested in my eight strange cold sword," said the humanoid monster.

"Well, I'm also of the ice attribute, but I'm still of the water attribute. This sword is tailor-made for me, but you are the owner of this sword, so I won't snatch it," Lin Hua said.

"Well, what you said is very reasonable, but I said I want to kill you," said the humanoid monster.

"Then you are giving me an excuse to snatch your weapon," Lin Hua continued.

"Haha, it depends on whether you have the strength or not." The humanoid monster said, and then directly released a skill at Lin Hua and the others. In an instant, Lin Hua and the others were controlled in a huge ice cage.Lin Hua didn't feel much in this ice cage, because she herself has an ice attribute ability, so she liked this temperature very much, but Li Jie and the others sneezed a few times because of the cold.

At this moment, Lin Hua was particularly shocked that the level of this ice humanoid monster was the same as his own. Why was the skill he released so powerful? It might be due to the addition of the great ice sword in his hand.

Then Lin Hua didn't think about it anymore, because just now when Lin Hua and the others were controlled by this ice humanoid monster, he released dozens of ice blades at Lin Hua and the others, and Lin Hua directly shot at them. A huge ice wall was released in front of them to resist the ice blades flying towards them, and then Lin Hua, Li Jie and the others directly chopped the pillars of the ice cage.Then they ran out, you hid somewhere far away, and after Li Jie and the others heard Lin Hua's words, in order not to drag Lin Hua down, they all ran to a position [-] meters behind Lin Hua.Standing there watching the battle between the two of them.

At this time, the ice humanoid monster released dozens of ice blades at Lin Hua again.When Lin Hua saw those ice blades attacking her, dozens of ice blades also sent out and collided with the ice blades from the ice humanoid monster, and then there was a burst of explosion sound.

Seeing that these ice blades were blocked by Lin Hua's ice blades, the icy humanoid monster slid directly on the ground with its great ice sword.Lin Hua suddenly felt something was wrong and directly used the skill to move the ice phantom to disappear from the position just now, and came to the position in front of the humanoid monster.

And there were a lot of huge thorns of ice where Lin Hua was standing just now. If Lin Hua hadn't dodged in time, Lin Hua might have been pierced by those thorns of ice piercing out of the ground at this time.At this time, Lin Hua couldn't help feeling a little wary of this icy humanoid monster because this icy humanoid monster didn't play cards according to the routine, came over and attacked directly, and then attacked Lin Hua and the others. Fortunately, he reacted in time. No loss.

"I didn't expect your reaction to be very fast. If you had reacted a little slower just now, you would be dead now," said the humanoid monster.

"It's just that I didn't expect you to be so shameless. It was just a sneak attack, but it's nothing. You're not human anyway, so it's useless to tell you these things." Lin Hua said, because at this time Lin Hua also particularly hated this The humanoid monster is too shameless because of her actions, and it is a sneak attack if she talks about it!At this moment, Lin Hua just felt sorry for the epee in the hands of this humanoid monster.

When the human-shaped monster heard Lin Hua's words, he was very angry and panted heavily, but Lin Hua couldn't see any expression on his face, because his face was just a piece of ice similar to a human face. !

"It seems that I said you, you are really angry. To be honest, if you use the Baqihan Sword, it will humiliate that sword. If that sword has its own wisdom, it may be I feel very disgusted with you," Lin Hua said, because Lin Hua just saw that the humanoid monster seemed very angry at what he said just now, so she wanted to be angry with the humanoid monster.

As soon as Lin Hua's voice fell, the humanoid monster became even more angry, and then the skill just now directly formed an ice cage of about two meters to directly control Lin Hua, and then swung the eight strange cold sword again. Facing the ground, Lin Hua knew that the icicles from just now were about to appear on the ground again.Then, using the ice shifting phantom again, the location was shifted.And the icy cage that controlled Lin Hua just now was directly shattered by the thorns of ice that emerged from the ground.

"Don't you only know these skills! It's useless for you to use this sword." Lin Hua said again because he wanted to drive this ice humanoid monster completely crazy.

At this time, the ice monster directly stuck the Baqi Hanjian on the ground, and then an icicle platform about a kilometer slowly rose under Lin Hua's feet and under the feet of the humanoid monster. The higher the height, the huge ice platform has risen about 20 meters in about one second.

At this time, Lin Hua really felt the power and purity of the ice attribute ability of this humanoid monster, because it was impossible for Lin Hua himself to create such a big ice table.And this icy humanoid monster can create such a large table by inserting the sword directly into the ground.

At this time, Li Jie and the others were also watching Lin Hua's battle all the time. They were also very surprised when they saw that the ice humanoid monster made such a big ice table. The ice attribute of this ice monster was different. It might be too powerful.It seems that it is not so easy and simple for Lin Hua to defeat it!

"This monster is so powerful, should we go over and help the boss?" Li Jie said.

"If the boss can't deal with it, then it's useless for the few of us to go there," Gu Tian said.

"Boss may not be defeated, haven't you seen it? Boss hasn't taken the initiative to attack until now, and has always been on passive defense," Xuewu said.

"Boss should be looking at all the skills of this ice monster," Ghost Dance said.

"Well, it seems that the boss meant that," Heisha said.

Lin Hua, who was with the ice humanoid monster at this time, also wanted to see the skills of this ice humanoid monster, because in this supernatural world, there are too few people with ice attribute abilities. Currently, Lin Hua only knows about the third gang of Baidi City. The guild leader Ice Demon is of the ice attribute, and then there is this ice humanoid monster in front of him, and the ice ability of this ice humanoid monster is so pure.So Lin Hua was not in a hurry to kill them.Because Lin Hua has already discovered the fatal weakness of this ice humanoid monster, that is, her long-range attack is particularly huge with the addition of that sword, but if he is fought in close quarters, he will be killed soon.

(End of this chapter)

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