Chapter 421
"I'm particularly interested now, why do you have such a pure ice attribute ability, and each of your skills is so powerful, although I feel contemptuous of your behavior, but for your skills I still admire it," Lin Hua said at this moment, facing the ice-cold humanoid monster on the ice platform.

The icy humanoid monster was so angry just now because Lin Hua's words angered him, but when he heard Lin Hua's words and praised her at this time, the anger towards Lin Hua couldn't help but reduce a lot and said, "Look. Come on, you don’t understand anything, so I’ll tell you today, because I have a heart of ice, so my skills are so powerful, and my ice attribute ability is so refined.”

"Heart of Frost, will eating this thing give great benefits to ice attribute supernatural beings?" Lin Hua asked after hearing the ice humanoid monster.

When the ice humanoid monster heard Lin Hua say that he wanted to eat the heart of ice, he couldn't help but open his eyes, and then he laughed in a particularly disdainful manner. At this time, he felt that Lin Hua was talking big, because he thought that Lin Hua had no It's not her opponent, that's why he behaved like this!
And Lin Hua saw that the ice humanoid monster didn't answer her words, but kept laughing at herself, without any feeling of anger, because she just wanted to know more about the ice heart at the moment.So Lin Hua went on to say, "Don't you feel that I am not your opponent, so why not tell a dying person?"

And when the ice humanoid monster heard Lin Hua's words, he knew that Lin Hua had admitted that she couldn't beat the ice monster, and then he said joyfully, "The heart of ice is unique, and there are too few ice-type abilities. Yes, so it is also very rare, but unfortunately I happen to have a heart of ice, the function of the heart of ice is that if it is eaten by others, it will pass on all the forest energy of ice attribute that it carried before to the new one. Inheritor, and her ice attribute ability will become more pure, that is, what you call the ability strength will become better and higher," said the ice humanoid monster.

Lin Hua was even more shocked when she heard the words of the ice humanoid monster, because this ice heart is so powerful, it can increase the strength of her own ice attribute abilities, and she can also obtain those original skills. This is simply a rare treasure. Moreover, the powerful ice humanoid monster in front of me actually has such a heart of ice. It is too difficult to find the heart of ice in this apocalypse, because it is originally an ice-attributed ability user or There are few monsters, but I didn't expect to meet them today.Lin Hua knew that this might be God's favor for her!This ice figure knows a lot, it seems that we can get some useful information from him!

"You seem to be very familiar with this space." Lin Hua said the second time. Lin Hua wanted to use the vanity of this ice humanoid monster to obtain more information, so he praised this ice humanoid monster first.

"That is, I have always lived in this space, and no one is more familiar with this space than me." At this time, the ice humanoid monster was a little complacent after being praised by Lin Hua!
And Lin Hua was secretly happy when she saw that the ice humanoid monster had been fooled at this time, but she didn't show it on her face. If she was discovered by this ice humanoid monster, then she would have to All previous efforts have been wasted.

"Are there any creatures with a heart of ice besides you in this world?" Lin Hua asked directly.

"No, there is no heart of ice in the whole world except me, but there is a heart of fire and a heart of ice that have similar functions, but it is useless to tell you, you are about to die in my heart I have it in my hand, and it is useless to say it," said the ice humanoid monster.

When Lin Hua heard this humanoid monster say that this world should not have a heart of ice, she couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed, but when she heard that this world still has a heart of fire, she couldn't help being a little excited, because Xuewu's attribute is With the fire attribute ability, with the help of the heart of fire, Xuewu will definitely become more powerful.So I directly asked the ice humanoid monster, "Since I'm going to die, why don't you tell me these things, let me die clearly."

When this humanoid monster heard Lin Hua's words, he felt the same way. Anyway, he is not in a hurry to kill these people now, so it's okay to tell them. Anyway, he hasn't spoken for a long time. On the body of a fire snake, he is in the first mountain after I left this open area in the direction I approached just now, where the temperature is extremely high all the year round, that fire snake even held me in her hands I have suffered a lot," said the ice monster.

Because he once fought with the fire snake, but in the end he was injured and escaped.Although both of them have the strength of the third level of extraordinary, and their attributes are completely opposite, the same restraint, but that fire snake should be at the top of the third level of extraordinary, so he was knocked away.

After hearing what the ice humanoid monster said, Lin Hua secretly noted down the location of the fire snake, and went there directly when the time came.

"I have one last question to ask you," Lin Hua said.

"Okay, I'm going to kill you after I finish speaking," said the ice humanoid monster.

Lin Hua was tired of seeing the ice humanoid monster at this time, so he could only say this and ask the last question.Then he said, "How is the strength in the Abyss of Eternal Night?"

When the ice humanoid monster heard Lin Hua's question about the Abyss of Eternal Night, its body trembled involuntarily.At this time, Lin Hua also clearly felt the change of the ice humanoid monster!
"Why is it that you don't know the strength of Eternal Night Abyss?" Lin Hua continued to ask.

"I've only been to the outer edge of the Abyss of Eternal Night, but the strength of the outer edge is similar to mine. I haven't been inside because my strength is not enough," said the ice humanoid monster.

After hearing the words of this ice humanoid monster, Lin Hua also had a general understanding of the strength of this Abyss of Eternal Night. The outer periphery of the Abyss of Eternal Night is filled with some extraordinary second-order or extraordinary third-order strengths, and the inside is probably the least. It's all about the existence of monsters of the fifth level of extraordinary or epic level!
"I've finished asking all the questions, are you ready to face death?" said the ice humanoid monster, because she had completely lost all patience at this time, and now he wanted to kill Lin Hua and the others directly. Then ate them all.

"Well, I didn't expect you to be so impatient." Lin Hua said, because Lin Hua felt that the ice humanoid monster had completely lost his patience and didn't want to answer his own questions at all, so he planned to beat him directly!
"Snow Sword Over the Sky" At this time, the ice humanoid monster directly released a wide range of offensive skills at Lin Hua, and the special skill "Snow Sword Over the Sky", at this time, only the sky corresponding to the huge ice table was already gone. A series of sharp ice swords were thrown down. Seeing the situation at this time, Lin Hua didn't dare to slacken the slightest bit of slack and directly controlled the body. The black ice shield on her body was much thicker, wrapping herself tightly.Because Lin Hua knows that although this range skill is not very large, it has a range of at least 1000 meters, and the damage is also very high, at least higher than his two range skills.So he didn't use the ice-moving phantom to avoid it, but thickened the black ice body to resist.

At this time, the humanoid monster released this skill because it was afraid that Lin Hua would use the instant disappearing skill to avoid it, but he found that the range of her instant disappearing skill was not very far, so it used this skill to prevent him from using it. The ability to dodge, but at this time Lin Hua only thickened the body of the black ice, and did not intend to dodge at all, which made this ice humanoid monster unavoidably a little bit more dismissive.Because she felt that this move could at least seriously injure Lin Hua.

After the rain of swords all over the sky passed, those ice swords did not pierce Lin Hua's body of black ice, and at this time Lin Hua was not injured at all. Although the rain of swords all over the sky just now did quite a lot of damage, if Lin Hua He might have been injured without thickening the ice shield, but Lin Hua thickened the ice shield, so he successfully resisted it!And the icy humanoid monster couldn't help but get even more angry, because he felt that Lin Hua didn't dodge her attack, thinking that he could at least seriously injure Lin Hua, but Lin Hua was fine, without the slightest sign of injury, which meant that the full Tian Jianyu didn't break through her defense at all.

Seeing the performance of the humanoid monster at this time, Lin Hua couldn't help being happy and said, "It seems that your attack has no effect on me, so I will attack instead," Lin Hua said.Immediately afterwards, Lin Hua released the mysterious ice cage directly at the icy humanoid monster!Although it is not as big as the ice cage of this ice humanoid monster, but it has strong defensive power, but it is enough for Lin Hua. This ice humanoid monster belongs to the mage type, and her reaction and strength are not as good as fighters of the same level. Response is fast!Lin Hua released the triple phantom directly at the passively controlled ice humanoid monster.

(End of this chapter)

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