Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 426 The Doctor Holding the Scissors

Chapter 426 The Doctor Holding the Scissors

"I don't know if there are any particularly powerful zombies in it, so I can get some high-level alien cores, and Gutian will be upgraded." Lin Hua said, and the few people walked towards the city that had already been breached while talking. go!When a few people walked to the city gate, they saw a few zombies with huge axes in their hands wandering back and forth. At this time, they seemed to have found Lin Hua and the others, using their bloody and dirty tongues He kept licking his lips, and walked towards Lin Hua and the others step by step, as if he wanted to eat Lin Hua and the others raw.

"Boss, I'm coming, you can just watch it." After Li Jie finished speaking, he drew out the epee dragon pattern on his back, and aimed at the head of the zombie who raised a big ax to chop Li Jie at the front.

"Crack" that zombie's head was chopped to the ground by Li Jie!With a bang, Li Jie blocked another zombie's huge ax with the epee dragon pattern, then kicked the zombie back several meters, and then fell down!Then Li Jie cut off the necks of the remaining two zombies one by one, and the zombie kicked down by Li Jie staggered up at this time, and continued to chop with his big ax towards Li Jie Come on, Li Jie directly killed the last zombie with a sprint with a dragon-patterned epee. Although the levels of these entourages were already at the Amethyst level, they all died in Li Jie's hands. Then Li Jie quickly took out their abilities and gave them to Gu Tian, ​​who then ate them.But it's still not enough to upgrade, it's still a little bit worse.

A few people slowly backed away from the blood-stained gate, and then the gate slowly opened. At this time, dozens of zombies on the street near the gate were looking at Lin Hua and the others because of the sound of the gate opening. !Then he rushed towards Lin Hua and the others like crazy, but Lin Hua, except for the two mages Xue Wu and Gui Wu, took out their weapons one after another, and rushed towards the group of zombies.At this time, Xuewu released the newly learned skill Burning Pain and released it on the tallest zombie among the group of zombies. In an instant, the fireball the size of an egg penetrated the head of the fourth-level amethyst zombie, and then his The body got up.Then Xuewu continued to control the egg-sized fireballs to attack the zombies non-stop, and soon these dozens of zombies died in the hands of Lin Hua and the others, and then several people quickly cleaned up the heterogeneous cores!

At this time, a few zombies came staggeringly from the front of the street. Lin Hua and the others ignored them. They were now responsible for cleaning up the heterogeneous cores, and Xuewu released Pain Burning again. After Lin Hua and the others cleaned up the heterogeneous cores, Those zombies were already dead, so Li Jie ran over at this time and took out the heterogeneous cores of those zombies.

"Let's go quickly, or the movement here will attract more zombies. Let's not walk along the main road of the city gate, but the side road." They walked along a small path, and Li Jie and the others followed closely.A few people soon came to the hospital in this city. This hospital has already changed!

"Go in and see if there are any medicines that we can use. If there are any surplus medicines, take them back to the alliance. When the zombies attack the city, there will not be enough medicines," Lin Hua said.

"Okay, I happen to know a lot of medicines," Gu Tian said.

Lin Hua walked in the front, and Li Jie and the others were behind Lin Hua. When a few people walked to the door, they saw through the glass door of the hospital several nurse zombies in white coats, eating a lying on the bed. What about the zombie dogs on the ground!

Lin Hua and Li Jie pushed open a glass door alone, Xuewu directly released the burning pain, and the egg-sized flame quickly rushed towards those few because Lin Hua and the others opened the door and made a sound, looking up at Lin Hua Several of their nurse zombies, bang, some of the first nurse zombies were burnt in pain, concentrated their heads, and their bodies burned and fell directly to the ground, while the remaining nurse zombies reacted at this time, stood up and were about to charge towards Lin Hua and the others. Come, but none of them came to Lin Hua and the others were all killed by the painful burning of egg-sized flames.

"Sister Xuewu, your skill is really powerful. It's like a missile. Can you still kill zombies?" Li Jie said while taking the different core.

"After this skill is released, I have been controlling it all the time, or I don't need to control it, but if I don't control it, it will cause random attacks. If I control it, the ability will be consumed quickly," Xuewu said.

"It's the same, the boss's skills are also powerful, but it consumes too much power," Li Jie said.

A few people are now walking towards the medicine storehouse on the [-]th floor. Just now, they saw that the elevator was not working well. They found that all three elevators were broken. Finally, a few people decided to take the stairs to the [-]th floor.Because there is no sunlight in the corridor, and the light bulb has already been destroyed!All the current lighting is completely illuminated by the two big fireballs in Xuewu's hands.

Lin Hua, Li Jie, and the others walked in the front, followed by Xuewu and Guiwu, and at the end were Gutian and Heisha, because although there were lights from Xuewu's two big fireballs, they were not very bright. , in order to prevent zombies from attacking behind, Heisha and Gutian walked at the back.

"Do you read ghost stories before the end of the world?" Li Jie asked.

"No, I don't have time to read it," Lin Hua said, because Lin Hua was the head of an underground organization before the end of the world, how could the head of an underground organization have time to read these things.

"I've seen some, and I heard that hospitals are very evil places, and every hospital has a particularly dark atmosphere," Ghost Dance said.

"And I also heard that places like hospitals and police stations are mass graves." Gu Tian was also on the wrong foot.

"Don't talk about it, it's so dark and degrading now," Li Jie said, because Li Jie usually has a lot of lists, but he is particularly afraid of ghosts and gods, so when he first started, the few people who talked about him scared him a lot. Let's talk.

"What's there to be afraid of? You're not even afraid of zombies now, but you're still afraid of that kind of thing." Lin Hua patted Li Jie on the shoulder and said.

This slap frightened Li Jie, "Boss, don't scare me, I'm really afraid of that kind of thing." like that!
At this time, Lin Hua and the others had just reached the sixth floor, and just as Li Jie finished speaking, they heard some small footsteps from the security guards on the sixth floor!
At this time, Lin Hua and the others listened to this voice, and Lin Hua said, "It looks like five or six."

Then Lin Hua didn't go up there, and walked directly to the security guards, and kicked the security guards away, and the two zombies who had just arrived at the security gate were directly kicked out by Lin Hua's huge feet. Li Jie He also kicked open another door fiercely.

At this time, several zombies from behind also came over, Lin Hua directly swung the nearest zombie and slashed at it, and Li Jie also slashed at the other zombie with the epee dragon pattern.Lin Hua released three ice blades at the remaining three zombies, and the two zombies kicked away by Lin Hua had already got up, and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others, but were killed by Lin Hua and Li Jie one by one. Solved it.The patient's inpatient area on the sixth floor should have heard Lin Hua's battle sounds. Zombies rushed out of those wards in twos and threes. They were all wearing hospital clothes, and their strength was no more than They are quite advanced, and they are all amethyst-level zombies. Lin Hua and the others are using their own weapons to fight the group of sick zombies rushing out of the ward. Lin Hua found that although these zombies wearing sick clothes They are all amethyst-level zombies, but maybe they were all sick before they were alive. They don't have much power, and their strength and attack power are the same as normal platinum-level zombies!
"Boss, these zombies in sick clothes don't seem to have much strength like mine, and they're not at their level at all," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, boss, it feels like they are platinum-level, let's take one at a time." Gu Tian also noticed that the group of zombies wearing sick clothes were not strong enough.

"It may be that they were sick before they were alive, so they turned into zombies after death, that is, they turned into sick zombies due to lack of strength," Lin Hua explained.

"This kind of zombie is really easy to kill. If all the zombies are like this, then it will be easy to upgrade," Heisha said.

Soon a few people cleaned up the zombies in hospital clothes who rushed out of the ward.Then several people walked upstairs!When several people reached the tenth floor, they discovered that the staircase had been blocked by thick cement.

"Go in and see if there must be other stairs." After Lin Hua finished speaking, several people walked towards the tenth floor. This tenth floor is the exclusive floor of the Brain Department. When I first entered this floor, there was no sound inside. !But Lin Hua and the others found that there was no sound on this floor, and stared at the surrounding environment more vigilantly.

"Boss, I dare say there must be something in this floor, even though it's so quiet," Gu Tian said.

"Well, everyone, be careful this floor is too quiet," Lin Hua reminded.

(End of this chapter)

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