Chapter 427

Several people walked along the corridor on the tenth floor to the emergency exit according to the indicator lights on the ground. All the doors in the doctor's room along the way were closed, only the door at the back, the one next to the emergency passage, was closed. open.At this time, Lin Hua and the others slowed down when they reached the fourth-to-last door, because there was the sound of some heavy objects hitting the table inside the last open door.

"Be careful, after being quiet for a long time, suddenly there is a sound, there must be zombies inside," Lin Hua reminded again

"Mmm Good"

Lin Hua walked in the front, holding Baqi Hanjian tightly and walking slowly step by step towards the last open door.When Lin Hua walked to the door and looked inside, it turned out to be a doctor zombie in a white coat who kept hitting the table with his surgical scissors. The surface of the table had already been pierced with many holes. Just tied it.This doctor zombie in a white coat is already at the second level of extraordinary strength.But judging by his appearance, he has only reached the second level of Transcendence not long ago.Lin Hua and the others walked into the room, and the zombie in a white coat noticed Lin Hua and the others entered the room, raised his head, and slowly looked at Lin Hua and the others!Then he pulled out one of his scissors that had been inserted into the table, and rushed towards Lin Hua and the others.

"Li Jie, go and deal with him, be careful," Lin Hua said to Li Jie.

With a bang, Li Jie's epee dragon pattern directly knocked into the air the scissors of the zombie doctor wearing white trigrams, and the flying scissors shattered the glass behind him. "Pa la pa la" the sound of glass falling.

At this time, the zombie doctor in a white coat lost his weapon, and began to use his sharp claws to fight Li Jie's dragon-patterned epee non-stop.

At this time, Li Jie didn't use his skills, so he obviously didn't have a favorable situation in fighting this doctor in a white coat.

"Use your skills, Li Jie, or you won't be his match," Lin Hua reminded again.

When Li Jie heard Lin Hua's words, he directly activated all his skills. At this time, Li Jie's eyes were already red. Li Jie, who was still at a disadvantage just now, directly reversed the situation on the battlefield!
There was a sound of "bang bang bang" metal impact. At this time, Li Jie had become more and more courageous in the battle, beating the doctor in the white coat more and more passively defending.

Li Jie stabbed directly at the chest of the zombie wearing a white coat with the dragon pattern of the epee, and the zombie doctor in the white coat saw Li Jie's heavy sword directly stabbing towards his chest, and hurriedly used his sharpness The two claws resisted, Li Jie saw that the epee was resisted by the zombie wearing a white coat with sharp claws, and directly kicked the zombie's abdomen fiercely with his right leg.

With a bang, the zombie in a white coat was kicked by Li Jie onto the table behind. Before the zombie in a white coat could get up, Li Jie rushed over with the heavy sword and dragon pattern in his hands. It directly pierced the head of the zombie in a white coat with a dragon pattern.

"Ho Ho Ho!" The man in a white coat let out a roar when he was about to die. Li Jie once again pierced the zombie's head with force, and then the voice of the doctor zombie in a white coat stopped abruptly. .

However, because of the dying roar of the doctor zombie wearing white gown clothes, the doors of the doctor's rooms that were closed just now were all smashed open, and many zombies rushed out of it, although their level was not as good as The zombie that was killed by Li Jie just now had a high level, but their level can still be considered to be around the Amethyst level!Lin Hua and the others were not in the doctor's room where Li Jie was fighting, but in the corridor. Lin Hua was the first to react when seeing the doors of the closed doctor's rooms being knocked open!A wall of ice was released directly at the penultimate door, instantly resisting the zombies rushing out of the nearest door.

At this time, Xuewu and the others also reacted, Xuewu directly released the skills Hot Explosion, Burning Pain and Ghost Dance directly released the skills Corrosion Arrow and Dark Grip!Lin Hua didn't make a move, because Lin Hua didn't need to make a move at all, because the swamp formed by the ghost dance skill Dark Grip was very corrosive.And Xue Wu's skills burned in pain, the egg-sized flames rampaged through the group of zombies, those zombies who rushed out of the door just now fell down one by one, many of them were ignited to find fire.

At this time, Lin Hua is responsible for keeping the ice wall from being broken.Soon those zombies fell to the ground, some were already dead, some were on fire, and they kept rolling on the ground trying to extinguish the flames on their bodies, but Xue Wu on the side of the ice wall used the fire control technique to put them away. These zombies were burned collectively regardless of whether they were dead or not.In less than ten minutes, these zombies had been completely burned, only their different cores remained on the ground.Because Xuewu's fire control technique is particularly good, it didn't cause the entire floor to catch fire, and then a few people went over and directly picked up the alien core on the ground.Then continue to go upstairs through the stairs of the emergency exit.

"Boss, how do you feel that the level of zombies in this hospital is so high? The level of zombies killed on our two floors just now is not low," Li Jie said

"Yeah, Boss, I think there should be some problems with this hospital, or there wouldn't be so many zombies with such a high level here, and these zombies are all from inside the hospital, and there isn't any zombie from outside. Commonly speaking, these zombies should have left the hospital a long time ago, why don't they go out?" Gu Tian said.

At this time, the more people think about it, the more strange it becomes, because as Gutian said, these zombies don't go out, and they are all inside the hospital. According to the habit of zombies, they should like to go out to find humans as food. , but they would rather eat the corpses of their companions than go out, as if they were controlled by something in this hospital.

"Let's go to the [-]th floor first to get the medicines, and after taking them away, we'll go through each floor to see what's going on," Lin Hua said.

"Well, let's see what is the reason for keeping these zombies from going out," Xue Wu said.
A few people then walked towards the [-]th floor. From the tenth floor to the eighteenth floor, there was not a single zombie.When a few people walked out of the safe passage and came to the general drug warehouse on the [-]th floor, they found that many lights in the corridor on the [-]th floor were broken, and the remaining lights were all flickering. Measure it in a while , it will be turned on after a while, and several windows here are open. When the outside wind blows in, the curtains are blown back and forth, and these lights are turned off for a while, Gives a particularly eerie feeling.

A few people didn't care about 21, and followed the prompts on the top road signs, and soon a few people came to the warehouse specially used to store medicines, and the warehouse for storing medicines hadn't been locked with a big lock yet. , Lin Hua directly smashed the lock with his Baqi Hanjian.Then Lin Hua pushed away the warehouse full of medicines, and several people checked inside that there were no zombies in the medicine warehouse room at all.Now Gutian is very busy, because few people don't know medicine very well.But Gutian is different, because she has studied medicine since she was a child, so she is not very unfamiliar with all medicines!

At this time, Lin Hua handed Xuewu her space ring, and they packed up the medicines in the medicine storehouse and put them into the space ring.

And Lin Hua and Li Jie stared vigilantly at the flickering corridors around the drug store.Because Lin Hua had a feeling that something was approaching them.If it wasn't for this feeling, Lin Hua and Li Jie would have gone over to help pack the medicines.

However, in the basement at this time, a zombie wearing the dean's clothes led a group of zombies slowly approaching the eighteenth floor from the staircase where Lin Hua and the others came in!Among the group of zombies, the zombie wearing the dean's clothes is the most powerful. He is already at the third level of extraordinary strength. He holds a samurai sword more than one meter long in his hand, and there are two deputy dean zombies behind him. There are more than 200 zombies and a group of zombies. Their strengths vary. The lowest level is Platinum Level [-], and then there are Amethyst Level and Extraordinary Level.At this time, their target was the few people in the drug storage warehouse on the [-]th floor upstairs.

Because one of the existences they are very afraid of is the female worm zombie, what Lin Hua and the others guessed is correct, because the reason why all the zombies in this hospital did not leave the hospital is that this female worm zombie controls all the zombies in the entire hospital. Zombies, and all zombies are particularly afraid of this female zombie, so no zombies dare to run out. , and the female worm zombie discovered that outsiders were massacring zombies in the hospital, so he gave the strongest zombie other than himself, the zombie wearing the dean's clothes, an order to kill those people on the [-]th floor.

(End of this chapter)

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