Chapter 431 Fire
"I still have more than 50 barrels of gasoline in my space ring. Throw it directly and ignite it. It will catch fire and explode. If any pregnant zombie with a belly can escape, see if he is injured. If he is injured, kill him , if there is nothing to escape, let's run away." Lin Hua directly expressed her thoughts!
"Okay, this method is really good, but it feels a bit wicked," Gu Tian said.

"You don't care if you deal with zombies. Do you know how many people he has killed? If we killed this zombie today, it can be said that many people's lives were saved." Li Jie said.

When several people heard what Li Jie said, they all felt that it was very reasonable. If an extraordinary fourth-order zombie went to attack the city, it would definitely be unable to resist with the current human strength, and it would cause many human casualties. After killing the fourth-tier female zombies, it can be said that many people were saved.

Now that they had a solution, Lin Hua and the others came to the door of the monitoring room for the first time. At this time, there was still no sound in the monitoring room, and it was very quiet inside.Lin Hua didn't go in, because Lin Hua had gone in just now and knew the general layout inside.

At this time, the pregnant zombie with a belly had been staring at the huge surveillance screen, looking for Lin Hua and the others, hoping that they had already retreated, but at this time he was particularly disappointed because they had not noticed that these people had left.

At this time, Lin Hua took out more than 20 large oil barrels from the space ring, and then several people unscrewed the lid on the gasoline oil barrel.

Li Jie, Lin Hua, Gu Tian Heisha and the others were holding a large oil drum, Gui Wu and Xue Wu were holding the doors on both sides of the monitoring room, and several of them threw those oil drums into the monitoring room one after another.

The pregnant zombie with a big belly just heard the sound of Lin Hua and the others making oil barrels outside, and thought it was a few people discussing how to deal with him, but when he heard the sound of those big oil barrels being thrown into the monitoring room, he knew Not good, these humans wanted to burn themselves to death, because the lids of the oil drums that were thrown in were unscrewed, and the gasoline filled inside flowed out one after another. At this time, he moved his body slowly, but Her speed was too slow, as slow as the speed of the tortoise in the tortoise and the hare race. He was sitting in the deepest part of the monitoring room, in front of the monitoring screen, only 80 meters away from the door, but Lin Hua and the others This one has already thrown all the gasoline pain into the monitoring room. He has not moved to the door. At this time, the ground in the monitoring room is full of gasoline, and the body of the pregnant zombie has a lot of gasoline, especially It's the stomach that has been on the ground, and it is stained with a lot of gasoline!

Lin Hua and the others saw that more than 20 barrels of gasoline had been poured in. Before the pregnant zombie rushed out, they concluded that her moving speed was extremely slow, or she could not move at all.

"Everyone retreat one after another" Lin Hua led the others to retreat to the back, when they were about [-] meters away!Lin Hua said, "Xuewu, light the gasoline"

After Xuewu heard Lin Hua's words, she directly fired skill rockets at the gasoline pain in the monitoring room.

With a sound of "huh", the gasoline in the monitoring room touched the rocket released by Xuewu and was immediately ignited.

At this time, the pregnant zombie with a big belly had climbed to the gate of the huge monitoring room and was still more than 20 meters away, but at this time the gasoline in the monitoring room had been ignited by Xue Wu's skills, and soon the entire monitoring room was on fire, and that Because the body of the pregnant zombie with a big belly was stained with a lot of gasoline, it was also set ablaze.

In the distance, Lin Hua and the others were the same, keeping an eye on the door of the monitoring room, because they wanted to see what the maternal zombie would look like after it came out, and whether it could be injured.When the few people heard the painful roar of the pregnant zombie with a belly, they couldn't help but feel their scalps go numb. This should be the scariest roar that Lin Hua and the others have ever heard.

About 3 minutes after the monitoring room was ignited, non-stop explosions began to occur inside!

"Bang, bang, bang" bursts of blasting sound, because those gasoline and oil barrels are getting higher and higher due to heating, and when they reach a certain point, they will explode.

And at this time, the mother with a big belly was very close to the door, and the gasoline barrels that Lin Hua and the others threw into the monitoring room were all near the door, so the explosion of gasoline pain directly exploded this mother with a big belly. .

At this time, the pregnant zombie with a big belly was covered in blood and flesh, and half of the huge belly had collapsed, and her whole body was burning.He kept roaring in his mouth, but the voice became lower and lower, and finally there was no sound at all.

Lin Hua and the others didn't wait for the pregnant zombie to come out, because he was probably burned to death.The fire burned for about an hour before it was extinguished.And within an hour, several people were staring at the door of the monitoring room, fearing that the pregnant zombie with a big belly would come out of the door. At the beginning, the voice of the zombie with a big belly could be heard. As time passed, the sound became smaller and smaller, and finally there was no sound at all.There was no sound, Lin Hua and the others didn't go in, they waited until the fire was about to go out, Lin Hua and the others slowly approached the monitoring room.

At this time, the wall of the monitoring room has been shaken a lot due to the explosion, and the iron door has lost its previous color.

Lin Hua was the first to enter, because it is still not completely sure that this extraordinary fourth-level zombie with a belly is completely dead. If a extraordinary fourth-level zombie counterattacks Li Jie, they cannot bear it.

Everything in the monitoring room has been burnt out, only the 20 or so gasoline lying quietly on the ground, but Lin Hua didn't find the body of the pregnant zombie, but found it under a gasoline drum. The heterogeneous core of the pregnant zombie with a big belly, and a pile of dust, this pile of dust is the shape of a female zombie with a big belly, Lin Hua knew that the maternal zombie with a big belly was dead, otherwise there would be no heterogeneous nucleus left, Lin Hua didn't know at this time I unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

After picking up the heterogeneous core, Lin Hua walked out. Just like that, several people went up the basement stairs to the first floor, and finally left the hospital building directly.

"I didn't expect that a zombie of the fourth rank of the extraordinary would be burned to death by the fire. I dare not even think about it," Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, maybe she really can't move, or else she wouldn't be able to escape from that not-so-big monitoring room for such a long time," Xue Wu said.

"Well, if this extraordinary four-level zombie with a belly can't sweep many cities outside, a second-level zombie king is so powerful, let alone a fourth-level extraordinary," Li Jie said.

"Yeah, it's really dangerous here. It's only been a few days since I've been here, and the monsters I've encountered are already fourth-order Transcendent monsters," Heisha said.

"I really don't know what level it will reach when it reaches the level of the legendary monster from the Abyss of Eternal Night," Ghost Dance said.

Several people left the hospital and walked along the street towards the front.However, because the explosion in the hospital just now attracted some nearby zombies, Lin Hua and the others cleaned up these nearby zombies and walked forward quickly, because they were within the range of not leaving the hospital as soon as possible, because now There are many zombies around, approaching the hospital.

"Boss, where are we going now?" Li Jie asked.

"I'm planning to go to the nearby shopping malls to see if there is anything we need. I wonder how long it will take before we can return to Xuewu City," Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, where can I find some necessities for life, it's best to find some new clothes," Li Jie said.

Then a few people searched for traces of the shopping mall. After searching for four days, they found a large shopping mall called Tongfu Shopping Mall on the street, but this shopping mall was relatively large.

However, Lin Hua and the others found that there were a large number of zombies wandering back and forth in front of the shopping mall. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Lin Hua and the others did not clean up these zombies, but walked along the periphery of the Tongfu shopping mall. Find another entrance, because every large shopping mall does not have only one door. A few people walked for a few minutes and found another entrance door of Tongfu Shopping Center on the left side of the building. This entrance does not have any zombies. Lin Hua and the others walked directly towards the entrance of Tongfu Shopping Center!
As soon as he entered the mall, he found two zombies hovering around the entrance of the mall. Lin Hua directly released two ice blades to kill the two zombies.Then a few people searched for some useful items on the first floor, but there was nothing good, because the mall was too damaged, Lin Hua and the others went up the stairs to the second and third floors. As a result, all the people simply did not go up, but exited the Tongfu shopping mall.Going to look for another shopping mall, hoping that the next shopping mall will not be destroyed as badly as the Tongfu shopping mall just now.

(End of this chapter)

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