Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 432 The Dark King

Chapter 432 The Dark King

Several people searched for nearby shopping malls and crossed a street, and found a relatively large figure standing at the street police station, about three meters long, walking towards the gate of the police station.

This zombie is a little different from other zombies, because her body does not rot like other zombies, and the skin color of her body is not so pale, but very close to the color of human skin!Both her arms are full of muscles, and she looks like a very powerful guy.But when Lin Hua saw her hands, she was sure that this guy was a zombie, because her hands could no longer be called hands, but two huge claws, and there were five claws on the two huge claws. A sharp and long nail, about 20 centimeters long, like a dagger.Although her strength is only the third level of extraordinary, but Lin Hua can feel that this zombie is definitely a dangerous guy!The zombie entered the police station directly. Since the zombie didn't find him, an unnecessary battle was saved.

Several people continued to search the large shopping malls along this street, but when they cried over the zombie entering the gate of the police station just now, they found that the three-meter-tall zombie was standing quietly at the gate, Then he stared at Lin Hua and the others vigilantly, but he didn't attack Lin Hua and the others, and Lin Hua and the others ignored her, just walked over like this!
"Boss, why don't you kill the zombies in that police station?" Li Jie asked when several people had left the police station far away.

"That's right, boss, the zombie just now has the strength of the third level of extraordinary, why don't we kill that zombie?" Gu Tian also asked with some doubts.

"The zombie just now is not as simple as it appears on the surface. Although she has the strength of the third level of extraordinary, but if I fight her, I may not be able to kill it. Didn't you find that there are no zombies around him?" Lin Hua said

A few people thought for a while, what Lin Hua said was that no zombies were found near the police station.

"If I'm not mistaken, he is the zombie slayer," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Looking at the name, it should be a zombie, so why don't the zombies dare to approach him?" Li Jie asked.

Because few people have never heard the name of this zombie slayer!

"Zombie slayers belong to those human beings who have practiced kung fu, are masters of kung fu and have a strong heart. They are infected into zombies, but they have not completely turned into zombies, and they still have a trace of reason. Normally, they will not Those who attacked humans were just killing those zombies to improve their own strength. Although the zombie slayer just now had the strength of the third-level extraordinary, in terms of combat power, she should be able to defeat the zombies of the third-level extraordinary. It can be said that the slayer is one in a million, and it rarely appears." Lin Hua told Li Jie and the others what she knew about the zombie slayer.

"It turns out that this zombie slayer is actually a good zombie, and there are actually good people among the zombies," Xue Wu said.

"Well, but the number of zombies is too rare. Tens of thousands of martial arts masters and people with strong hearts may appear after being infected." Lin Hua continued, because she had encountered such a zombie in the last ten years. Slayer!So she was very impressed. If humans didn't attack her, then the zombie slayers wouldn't take the initiative to attack humans either.

"Then why didn't we say hello to you just now?" Li Jie continued to ask.

"Because this zombie slayer, although I didn't feel hostility in his eyes just now, he didn't have much friendliness either.

"Well, boss, you really know a lot of knowledge, and you even know this one-in-a-kind zombie slayer," Li Jie said with some admiration.

After hearing Li Jie's words, Lin Hua didn't say anything, because he couldn't tell them the secret deep in his heart.

After walking for two more streets, a few people finally found another large shopping mall, but unfortunately, this large shopping mall was the same as the Tongfu shopping mall they first encountered, and the inside was severely damaged.

"There's no need to look for shopping malls anymore, because I feel that every shopping mall should be almost destroyed, and there won't be any good things left," Lin Hua said.

"The boss is right, there are already two shopping malls, all of which have been destroyed," Li Jie said.

"Let's find a place to rest." Xue Wu looked at the rising blood moon and said.

"Well, find a place to rest"

In this way, several people stopped in front of the Vanilla Griffin Hotel, and after killing the zombies wandering around the door, they entered the hotel.Find a spacious room!

"Tonight, there will still be a shift of two people." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she took out some food from the space ring and distributed it to the rest of the people.After a few people finished eating, they started to eat the heterocores obtained in the hospital to increase their level. Lin Hua didn't eat it, because she was protecting the few people from being attacked when they leveled up.

After more than half an hour, the three of them, Xuewu and Guiwu Heisha, reached the third-order supernatural strength, and Guiwu learned a new skill, which is to summon the dark king, which summoned a third-level supernatural with a big sword. The whole body is dressed in a black warrior, but her figure is very tall and strong, about two meters high.When he summoned the dark king, Lin Hua and the others were taken aback. At first they thought it was a monster, but seeing that the dark king didn't attack a few people, and stood quietly behind Ghost Dance, So several people knew that it must be a monster summoned by Ghost Dance's newly learned skills.

Then after Ghost Dance woke up, she told a few people that when she successfully broke through to the third level of extraordinary, she learned a new skill that could summon the Dark King to fight, and the level of this Dark King was the same as the level of the summoner.However, after summoning the Dark King, no other monsters can be summoned.Depressed enough for him.

"Just be content with it. How powerful your skills are. You have directly summoned a thug of the same level. What's the use of those low-level dark warriors you summoned?" Li Jie said.

"Yeah, you're already very powerful now, and now that you have this bodyguard, you can kill any zombies at the third level of the extraordinary by yourself," Lin Hua said.

After hearing the words of a few people, Gui Wu felt right. With this dark king, there is no need to summon a dark warrior.

And Gutian has already broken through to the second-order extraordinary strength. At this time, Gutian Li Jie has the second-order extraordinary strength, Lin Hua, Xuewu, Guiwu, and Heisha have the third-order extraordinary strength.

After Lin Hua saw that several people had successfully leveled up, he also began to challenge his own level. After eating all the different cores except for the abnormal core of the extraordinary fourth-order pregnant zombie, he still didn’t feel like upgrading. In the end, he He decided to eat the heterocore of this pregnant zombie to see if he could reach the fourth level of extraordinary.

Because after reaching the fourth level of extraordinary, Lin Hua's combat power has increased sharply, because at that time he can release the clone of the skill Ice Mystery, and there will be two Lin Hua at that time.

Then Lin Hua didn't hesitate, and directly ate the different core of the pregnant zombie with a big belly, and then the different core of the pregnant zombie with a big belly was filled with a lot of supernatural powers. In that space full of ice attribute abilities, practice skills and see the changes of skills, but there is no big change, only the clone of the ice mystery can be used.Lin Hua summoned another Lin Hua in this space full of ice attribute abilities, but this Lin Hua is completely a supernatural body, her strength is the same as Lin Hua, Lin Hua controls this supernatural body and Lin Hua releases skills Fighting with myself, except for the rebirth of the ice mystery and the clone of the ice mystery, other skills can be used, and the power used is the same as that of Lin Hua's release skills, but this supernatural body, Lin Hua, consumes The supernatural powers in Lin Hua's body, now the supernatural powers in Lin Hua's body can only last for about half an hour to fight.

That is to say, when Lin Hua's powers are used up or Lin Hua dies, the power body will disappear.Although it can only be wrong now that half an hour is not too long, it is enough for Lin Hua.In the future, the level will increase and increase, and the time when the supernatural body will exist will be longer and longer.

When Lin Hua woke up, several people were looking at Lin Hua, because they all knew that if Lin Hua succeeded in the impact, then he would release the clone of the Frost Profound Truth, and then two Lin Huas would appear. up!They want to see this amazing skill.

"Boss, have you successfully leveled up?" Li Jie asked directly when he saw Lin Hua woke up.

"Well, it's the fourth level of Transcendence," Lin Hua said slowly.

"Is the avatar of the Boss's Ice Profound Truth usable?" Gu Tian said.

"Yes." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she knew that a few people were staying up and waiting for her success to see this new skill.
Lin Hua directly released the clone of the skill Ice Mystery, and then a pure supernatural body Lin Hua appeared in front of Li Jie and the others.This supernatural body looks exactly the same as Lin Hua, and they both carry a handful of strange ice on their backs, and even the clothes they wear are exactly the same. The supernatural body in the space ring in Lin Hua's hand I also have it on hand.

(End of this chapter)

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