Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 434 The Slayer Vs the Zombie King

Chapter 434 The Slayer Vs the Zombie King

"Yes, boss," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua thought for a moment after hearing what they said, and then said, "That zombie slayer's combat power is enough to deal with zombies of the extraordinary fourth rank. If we encounter more powerful zombies, we will have to retreat after we go."

After Lin Hua finished speaking, several people knew what Lin Hua was worried about, because even they were not easy to deal with zombies above the fourth level of Transcendent.

Seeing a few people who didn't speak after listening to his Hua, Lin Hua went on to say, "Get it and see, if you can help, give it a shot, if you can't, then leave."

"Okay" several people said in unison.

After several people prepared to help the zombie slayer, they all went downstairs.Walking behind these zombies, they found that Lin Hua's zombies were directly killed by Lin Hua and the others!

At this time, the zombie slayer had already walked out of the police station, because he saw the city's zombie king standing outside.

This zombie king looks somewhat similar to this zombie slayer, and his height is also close to two meters, but he is not as strong as the zombie slayer. Compared with the zombie slayer, her physique is much thinner, and its weapon is a It is a Tang knife, and it is an enlarged version of the Tang knife. Although her height is acceptable, but his physique is thin, it seems that he is not suitable for her physique with this Tang knife. The face of the zombie king is completely different from the arrows of the zombies. , is not much different from normal humans, except that her face does not have any blood heat, but is pale, and her skin is also particularly pale, just like the pale color of a dead person.

At this time, the zombie king was staring at the zombie slayer surrounded by zombies.Said, "Have you broken through?"

"Well, just now, when you summoned the zombies to deal with me, you killed a few zombies and ate their different cores and broke through." The zombie slayer said slowly, the zombie slayer was completely innocent at this time. Surrounded by the crowd, he felt scared, because apart from the zombie king, he didn't take the group of zombies around him seriously at all.

"Then I've helped you," the zombie king said viciously. The first thing he did when he broke through was to come and kill the zombie slayer.But he didn't expect that his summoning of zombies would allow this zombie slayer to advance successfully. If he had known that things would turn out like this, he would have come directly to kill this zombie slayer.Because although this zombie slayer is only one level behind him, it is only the fourth level of extraordinary, but he is the fifth level of extraordinary!But the Zombie King knew that this zombie slayer now had the strength to fight himself after breaking through the third level of the extraordinary and reaching the fourth level of the extraordinary!
Because the zombie king had a tie with this extraordinary third-level zombie slayer when he was in the fourth level of extraordinary. Although he has upgraded to the fifth level of extraordinary now, this zombie slayer has also broken through to the fourth level of extraordinary, which is not as good as the third level of extraordinary. Tier was easy to deal with at that time.

"Otherwise, if you broke through to the fifth level of extraordinary, I really wouldn't be your opponent, but now that I have broken through, I won't be afraid of you," said the zombie slayer.

"Do you really think that you are my opponent after breaking through to the fourth level of extraordinary?" The zombie king said coldly.

"At most, you injured me. Do you think you can kill me with your speed?" The zombie slayer said jokingly.Because he didn't fight this zombie slayer once or twice, so he knew the strength of this zombie king very well. Although he broke through to the fifth level of extraordinary this time, his strength has greatly increased, but it is impossible to kill those who have broken through to the fourth level of extraordinary. self.

"No matter how much it costs to be alone this time, I will kill you." After the zombie king finished speaking, he stopped talking and walked towards the zombie slayer with his weapon, the half-enlarged Tang knife.

The zombie slayer saw that the zombie king was not talking but was walking towards him at this time, knowing that the battle was coming, he wanted to open her arms and rush towards the zombie king who was walking towards him.

And these zombies around are watching all this with great interest, they hope that the zombie king can kill this zombie slayer, because this zombie slayer is like a natural enemy to them, if they encounter it, they will be killed Lose.

There was a burst of bang bang bang, the collision sound made by the enlarged version of the Zombie King's Tang Dao and the sharp nails of the Zombie Slayer.

"It seems that you are not as easy to deal with as before," said the zombie king, because just now he felt that the strength of the zombie slayer who had broken through the third level of the extraordinary had increased a lot, and he had broken through to the fifth level of the extraordinary. The power of this zombie slayer is about the same.

"Although your strength has improved a lot, it's not that simple to kill me," said the zombie slayer. The zombie slayer was telling the truth, even if the zombie king had broken through to the fifth level of extraordinary strength, but It is very difficult to kill yourself.

The zombie king snorted coldly when he heard the words of the zombie slayer and did not speak because she knew that the zombie slayer was right, and it was very difficult for her to kill it.

Then the two zombies fought again!
At this time, Lin Hua and the others had already arrived at the street of the police station following the zombies, and they could hear the fierce fighting sound of the zombie slayer and the zombie king from a long distance away!
"It seems that the zombie slayer has already fought that powerful zombie," Lin Hua said.

"Well, the sound of their fighting can be heard from such a distance, it seems that they fought fiercely," Heisha said.

A few people quickened their pace, and then Lin Hua and the others released their skills to kill all the zombies in front, because the level of these zombies is relatively low, Lin Hua and the others just collected a few amethyst-level alien cores , the others are ignored.

Soon Lin Hua and the others turned around the street and saw a group of onlookers watching the zombies!Lin Hua and the others couldn't see what was going on inside at this time, and then several people continued to walk towards the place where the zombie slayers were fighting.

However, some of the onlookers noticed Lin Hua's approach and rushed towards Lin Hua's group one after another.Lin Hua, Li Jie and the others took out their weapons and began to slaughter the zombies who were watching.And Ghost Dance is the extraordinary third-level dark king who summoned her. Because the zombies onlookers are relatively low-level, only a few of them are extraordinary. All Lin Hua and the others quickly cleaned up the zombies onlookers .

The zombie king and zombie slayer who were fighting found Lin Hua and the others.At this time, the zombie slayer didn't have much to worry about, because when they found Lin Hua and the others during the day, Lin Hua and the others didn't attack him, so he believed that it would be impossible for Lin Hua and the others to attack him now. .

When the zombie king saw Lin Hua and the others coming, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered, because she knew that Lin Hua and the others would definitely deal with her when they came.

"It seems that you are going to die here today," the zombie slayer said to the zombie king.

"Not necessarily, do you think they won't kill you after killing me?" said the zombie king.

"Even if you deal with me, it will be after killing you, and you don't need to worry about my affairs at all," the zombie slayer said.

And the zombie king couldn't help but become even more angry after hearing what the zombie slayer said.Attacking the Zombie Slayer was a lot crazier than before, but the Zombie Slayer didn't retreat at all when she saw the Zombie King like this, and she also attacked the Zombie King more and more crazily.

After Lin Hua and the others cleaned up the group of onlookers, they watched the battle between the Zombie Slayer and the Zombie King. Lin Hua found that the Zombie Slayer had already broken through the third level of the Extraordinary and now reached the fourth level of the Extraordinary. Lin Hua, the zombie king facing the slayer, couldn't see through her level. He guessed that the zombie king's level should be only the fifth level of extraordinary, otherwise he would not fight this fourth level of extraordinary zombie slayer, both of them were killed. Exactly wounded.At this time, Lin Hua admired this zombie slayer. With the strength of the extraordinary fourth level, he could actually injure the extraordinary fifth level zombie king, and their battle was not at a disadvantage.

"This zombie slayer is already at the fourth level of the extraordinary, which powerful zombie level is at least the fifth level of the extraordinary," Lin Hua said.

"This zombie slayer is so powerful that he can fight across levels like me," Li Jie said.

"Furthermore, she was not at a disadvantage in the cross-level battle, and she even fought with an extraordinary fifth-level zombie," Heisha said.

"Boss, are you going to help out if you can't get through it?" Gu Tian asked.

"Bang must help, but not now. When I seize the opportunity, I will go directly to sneak attack and strive for a one-hit kill. How can I say that this extraordinary fifth-level zombie is not so easy to deal with?" Lin Hua said.

And several people were relieved to know that Lin Hua would go to help, so that no zombie slayer would be killed by that extraordinary fifth-order zombie!

At this time, the battle between the zombie slayer and the zombie king has reached a fierce stage. They are attacking each other, and they are no longer avoiding each other's attacks.Lin Hua saw that her chance was coming, so she directly released the skills Mysterious Ice Body Protector and Ice Bind, and soon the ground around Lin Hua formed an ice surface.Lin Hua walked towards the two zombies step by step!At a distance of about 15 meters from where they were fighting, Lin Hua stopped, and the ice surface formed under the feet of the Zombie Slayer and Zombie King, and their speed dropped at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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