Chapter 435
Seeing Lin Hua approaching step by step, the zombie king became vigilant towards Lin Hua, blocking Lin Hua's sudden attack on him.

And the zombie slayer didn't have the slightest worry when he saw Lin Hua approaching, because he knew that the human being in front of him would not attack him.

With two puffs, the Zombie King's Tang knife pierced into the left chest of the Zombie Slayer, and the sharp nails of the Zombie Slayer's right claw pierced the Zombie King's left arm. Seeing this scene, Lin Hua knew her own Here's your chance!Immediately using the skill to move the ice phantom, the phantom disappeared, and the zombie king saw Lin Hua disappear from the corner of his eyes, knowing that this suddenly disappeared human might want to attack him, he hurriedly retreated to the back, and Lin Hua appeared at this time Behind the Zombie King, he stabbed the Zombie King's chest directly with the Baqihan Sword. Although the Zombie King was already injured, after all, she had the strength of the extraordinary fifth rank, and she was already prepared for the disappearing Lin Hua, so she directly used her to zoom in. The version of the Tang knife resisted Lin Hua's Baqi Hanjian stabbing at his chest. Lin Hua saw that the zombie king had resisted his sneak attack, and once again used the ice-moving phantom to disappear.When Lin Hua reappeared, she had already returned to the previous position.

The zombie slayer was also very happy to see Lin Hua coming to help him deal with this zombie king.At this time, he attacked the zombie king again.

The zombie king was very angry because of Lin Hua's sneak attack and said, "You humans only sneak behind you."

After hearing her words, Lin Hua said directly, "You don't need to be too upright to deal with zombies, as long as you can kill you."

When the zombie Yangxin heard Lin Hua's words, he became even more angry.

And the zombie slayer couldn't help laughing happily after hearing Lin Hua's words, "That's right, you only need to kill the zombies, what's the light?"

The zombie king was already very angry when he heard Lin Hua's words, and even more angry when he heard the words of the zombie slayer, "Don't forget your own identity, although you don't attack humans, you only kill zombies, but you Now it’s just a zombie.”

After listening to the zombie king's words, the zombie slayer became even more crazily attacking the zombie king, because why he hated the zombies so much was because the zombies made him look like this.

And the Zombie King was very happy to see the Zombie Slayer was angered by his words. This was what he wanted to see.

The attack of the two zombies became more and more crazy at this time. Lin Hua saw the crazy fighting between the two of them, and knew that if the fight continued like this, the two of them would die together in the end.Knowing that it was time for him to deal with this extraordinary fifth-order zombie again.

Lin Hua directly used the skill Clone of Ice Profound Truth, and then activated the skill Mysterious Ice Bodyguard.

"Zombie Slayer, please step back for a rest first, and I'll deal with him." Lin Hua said to the Zombie Slayer, and after speaking, both Lin Huas appeared on both sides of the Zombie King using the ice-moving phantom skill.

As for the zombie slayer, after hearing Lin Hua's words, he stepped back without any hesitation.

And the zombie king saw the zombie slayer retreating, and Lin Hua, who appeared on both sides, couldn't help being more angry, because this human being was taking advantage of the fire, and he came over to pick up the ready-made ones after he lost both sides in the fight with the zombie slayer.But the anger is the anger, he is still particularly afraid of Lin Hua because Lin Hua suddenly attacked him just now, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have been seriously injured.

And now there are two Lin Huas, so the zombie king is more careful, afraid of being injured by these two Lin Huas.At this time, the two Lin Huas didn't do anything, but they were silently staring at the zombie king.

The zombie king saw that the two Lin Huas didn't do anything but stared at him and said, "You are just taking advantage of the fire."

After hearing the words of the zombie king, Lin Hua said contemptuously, "By the way, I'm just taking advantage of the fire. I didn't expect you, a zombie, to be a bit educated."

Li Jie and the zombie slayer, who were watching the battle from a distance, laughed one after another!

Hearing Lin Hua's words and hearing the laughter of several people, the zombie king couldn't help becoming even more angry. His majestic zombie king was made fun of by several humans today, how could this not make him angry.

Then the zombie king swung her enlarged version of Tang Dao and rushed towards Lin Hua's body, because he heard it was Lin Hua who spoke just now, so he directly attacked Lin Hua's body.

Lin Hua's body moved and directly fought with the zombie king, but the Lin Hua supernatural body behind him didn't move at first. When Lin Hua fought with the zombie king, the Lin Hua supernatural body behind him , directly facing Lin Hua and the Zombie King, released the skill Ice Mystery Slash, Lin Hua did not dodge and continued to fight against the Zombie King, when a huge ice sword came over the two of them, Lin Hua knew that this zombie It was impossible for the king to avoid it, and he directly used the skill of moving ice phantom to disappear in front of the zombie king, and came to Lin Hua's supernatural body. At this time, Lin Hua and Lin Hua's supernatural body were really watching the falling How did the huge ice epee defeat this zombie king.

The zombie king saw that Lin Hua who was fighting with him suddenly disappeared. He didn't know well. When he was about to search for Lin Hua, he saw a huge ice sword close at hand. When he wanted to use his enlarged version When Tang Dao blocked it, he realized it was too late.

With a bang, the huge ice giant sword directly hit the zombie king's body, and the ground under the zombie king's feet had sunk more than 50 centimeters. When the huge ice epee shattered, Lin Hua found that although the zombie king didn't He used his own weapon to block his own skill, the Frozen Mysterious Slash, but this blow did not kill the Zombie King, but only cut off a small half of his body.But at this time, the zombie king was seriously injured.

Lin Hua was also secretly surprised at this time. The extraordinary fifth level is really powerful. If it wasn't for the fact that the zombie king had been injured in the battle with the zombie slayer just now, coupled with his own sudden attack, he would have cut off a small part of the zombie king. Part of his body, Lin Hua knew that the current self could not fight the extraordinary fifth-level zombies.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" because a small part of his body on the left side was cut off by Lin Hua's Ice Profound Technique Slash, he let out a roar in pain.

Lin Hua didn't give the zombie king a chance anymore. Two Lin Huas used their ice-moving phantom skills to appear in front of the zombie king at the same time. At this time, the zombie king was at the end of his battle, and her body was cut off by a half. A small part, so soon, was killed by Lin Hua's body, and then Lin Hua took back the supernatural body Lin Hua, and took out the extraordinary core of the fifth-level zombie king!
Then slowly walked in front of the zombie slayer, and handed the heterocore to the zombie slayer!
But this zombie slayer didn't accept the alien core that Lin Hua handed over.Said, "This heterocore is what you deserve. If you hadn't appeared in time and killed this zombie king, then I might die with this zombie king today, so thank you"

After hearing what the zombie slayer said, Lin Hua put the alien core into her space ring.At this time, Lin Hua still had a good impression of this zombie slayer, because first of all, this zombie slayer knew how to be grateful, and he didn't want to take it for himself just because it was a fifth-order extraordinary core.

"You are injured now. If you trust me, you can come to our residence. I want to ask you for some news," Lin Hua said.

"Okay." The zombie slayer answered Lin Hua simply, because this zombie slayer also has a special affection for Lin Hua. If the human in front of him really wants to deal with him, he can kill the zombies just now. The corpse king song was enough to kill him, and he really saw it through Lin Hua's eyes just now, Lin Hua really wanted to give him this extraordinary fifth-order heterogeneous core, and the person in front of him was tired of inviting him to go. His rest there was also very sincere, so he didn't have the slightest distrust for Lin Hua.

In this way, several people came to the hotel where Lin Hua and the others lived.

"You just said that this zombie is the king? What do you mean?" Lin Hua asked. At this time, Lin Hua, the others and the zombie slayer were talking in a room of the hotel.

"The zombie king you killed just now is the zombie king of this city, that is, the strongest in this car city. Even if other zombies are stronger, they are not as strong as this zombie king," said the zombie slayer.

"Oh, I didn't expect that this is the zombie king in this city, the fifth level of extraordinary is really powerful, Li Jie said after hearing what the zombie slayer said.

"Well, this zombie king has only recently broken through to the extraordinary fifth level. He used to be at the fourth level of extraordinary. When I was at the third level of extraordinary, we could have a tie. But if I didn't break through to the fourth level of extraordinary today, I might not be able to survive at all. By the time you arrive, you will be killed by the zombie king," said the zombie slayer.

"Have you ever been to the deep Abyss of Eternal Night?" Lin Hua asked suddenly.

When the zombie slayer heard Lin Hua's words, he was silent for a while, and said, "I suggest you don't take risks there, because it's too dangerous inside, but with your current strength, there shouldn't be any danger outside, but It’s not easy to go inside the Abyss of Eternal Night.”

(End of this chapter)

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