Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 438 Procrastination

Chapter 438 Procrastination
When they ran to a distance of more than 200 meters from the small house, Lin Hua turned around and stopped running. Li Jie and the others knew that Lin Hua was going to get rid of the group of mutated beetles behind him, so they continued to run towards that little house. The little house ran.

But Lin Hua, who stopped suddenly, directly released the skills of Ice Bind and Mysterious Ice Body Protector!

Seeing that the mutated beetle was about to charge over soon, he slowly pulled out the Baqi ice on his back.

Those mutated beetles flying in the sky are slightly faster than those mutated beetles crawling on the ground. They didn't fly too high, and they were all about 15 meters away in the air. Watching them getting closer and closer, when this When the group of mutated beetles were about ten meters away from Lin Hua!
Lin Hua directly released the skill ice wall, and an ice wall 30 meters long, 20 meters high and three meters thick was formed between the group of mutated beetles and Lin Hua in an instant.Then Lin Hua looked back at Li Jie and the others. At this time, Li Jie and the others had already entered the small house and started pumping gasoline.

Boom, boom, those fast beetles were blocked by the ice wall that suddenly formed, and they didn't react in time, and hit the ice wall. At this time, the ice wall was shaken by these beetles. Lin Hua saw the ice wall Unable to resist for too long, he quickly stepped back a few meters.

With a crisp sound, the ice wall released by Lin Hua was smashed by this group of mutated beetles. Seeing that Lin Hua was alone in front of them, these mutated beetles thought that the other people might have run away, and looked at Lin Hua. His eyes became even crazier, but he couldn't let the last person run away, or else they would have made a fuss for nothing, and they wouldn't have any food.

Lin Hua once again released the skill ice wall to block between Lin Hua and the group of mutated beetles, but this time it was obvious that the group of mutated beetles rarely hit the ice wall, but bypassed it!After seeing it, Lin Hua knew that this group of mutated beetles could not be compared with zombies without IQ. If they were those zombies, they would hit the ice wall even more frantically until the ice wall was smashed, but the group of mutated beetles in front of them actually After hitting it once, I started to know how to make a detour!Knowing that he can no longer use the ice wall to resist this group of mutated beetles, it is just futile.

But Li Jie and the others haven't finished it yet. If they finished it, they would have notified Lin Hua a long time ago, and they still need to delay for a while, otherwise the idea of ​​burning these mutated beetles to death would be in vain.

Thinking of this, Lin Hua directly released the skill Mantian Jianyu on this group of mutated beetles. The range of this skill is suitable for this group of mutated beetles, but these beetles are relatively high-level and will not cause too much damage to them. However, they can resist can be delayed for a while.

Immediately, a huge sword of ice fell from the sky above these mutated beetles, and the group of crazy beetles saw the rain of ice and swords falling from the sky, and they all avoided it one after another.

Although Lin Hua's skill, Sword Rain, didn't do much damage to this group of higher-level mutated beetles, but if they didn't dodge in time, they would cause some well-known damage or serious injuries.

Lin Hua saw that the group of beetles were avoiding the sword rain from the sky and continued to retreat. At this time, they were less than 100 meters away from the small house.

And when the Sky Sword Rain skill ended, because the group of mutated beetles avoided the attack of the ice giant sword one after another, few mutated bugs were injured, but it was delayed for about 1 minute just now. The wall procrastinated for a long time, and Lin Hua saw that the group of mutated beetles who had just avoided the skill of Man Tian Jian Yu continued to rush towards him, and released the skill Man Tian Jian Yu again.After the previous experience, these mutated beetles were not injured at all this time, and they all avoided the attack of the ice giant sword in the sky, but the time was delayed by Lin Hua again for 1 minute, and at this time Li Jie and the others in the small house had already spilled 23 barrels of gasoline in the house. At this time, all the gasoline in Lin Hua's space ring had been spilled in the house.

Then several people said that they jumped out of the window at the back of the small house and ran to the back. They ran to a distance of more than 100 meters from the small house and stopped, because even the explosion of the small house within 100 meters would not impact them. here.

As for Lin Hua, this is the third time that she has released the skill Rain of Swords, and the distance from the small house is less than 50 meters.The distance is getting closer and closer, and I don't know if Li Jie and the others have done it well, so Lin Hua can't help feeling a little worried at this moment.
"Boss, it's all right." After hearing Li Jie's shout from a distance, Lin Hua knew that they were ready at this time, and couldn't help but be overjoyed. The mutated beetles on the opposite side had already avoided the skill of Mantianjianyu.He rushed towards Lin Hua again. Seeing them continuing to rush towards him, Lin Hua turned back and ran towards the small house. At this time, Lin Hua put away the ice restraint, because releasing the ice restraint would freeze the gasoline. This way the gasoline will not be ignited.

Since the distance from the small house was only about 50 meters, Lin Hua came to the small house within a few seconds, and saw that the ground and walls were full of gasoline, and the more than 20 red oil barrels lying on the ground were still alive. Stopping towards the gasoline flowing on the ground, Lin Hua ran directly towards the small window that Li Jie and the others jumped out of just now. At this time, the faster mutant beetles had already arrived in front of the small house, and they saw Lin Hua running close. After the little house, they didn't hit the wall of the little house, but flew in through the door and those windows in front, and climbed into the inside of the little house.

At this time, Lin Hua had already run towards Li Jie and the others through the window at the back of the small house, and when he was about 20 meters away from the small house, Lin Hua released the skill Ice Bind, and then shouted at Xuewu ignition.After that, the ability to directly use the skill to move the ice phantom disappeared.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xuewu released the skill Burning Pain at the small house full of gasoline, and then Xuewu controlled the egg-sized fireball and rushed towards the small house quickly!This egg-sized fireball was extremely fast. After Lin Hua released the ice-shifting phantom three times, he had already arrived in the small house full of gasoline.

At this time, the small house was already full of those mutated beetles, because they didn't see Lin Hua running away from the back window, and they were looking for Lin Hua's figure inside the small house!But Lin Hua's figure was not found, but a small fireball the size of an egg flew over quickly!Then these mutated beetles stared vigilantly at the small fireball the size of an egg, but the small fireball the size of an egg flew directly to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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