Chapter 439 Airport
With a "coax", all the gasoline in the small house was ignited at once, and the mutated beetle saw that it was suddenly on fire, and let out an angry roar.

Although they are mutant beetles, although they don't know gasoline, they know fire, and they are the insects most afraid of flames.So why not be angry when seeing such a big fire, those mutated beetles looked at such a big fire and wanted to run outside one after another, those mutated beetles leaning against the wall also hit the wall!And that egg-sized fireball, under Xuewu's control, shuttled back and forth in the flames, and every time it shuttled, a mutated beetle died on the egg-sized fireball, and the gasoline in those small houses passed by. The high temperature also exploded one after another.Although many mutated beetles were killed by collapse and fire, and were killed by small fireballs the size of eggs, there were still some mutated beetles that rushed out. At this moment, these mutated beetles that rushed out also suffered some injuries.There could be about sixty or seventy of them. When they saw Lin Hua, they rushed towards Lin Hua and the others angrily, because if they hadn't reacted quickly just now, they would have died in the same way as their compatriots in the small house.

This time, Lin Hua and the others saw that the group of mutated beetles did not run away, but took out their own weapons and rushed towards them in the same way, because there are not many mutated beetles left and many of them have already been injured. , they are very easy to deal with.

Lin Hua directly released the skill Clone of the Ice Mystery, and then the two Lin Huas simultaneously released the skill of the Frost Mystery Slash at the group of mutated beetles rushing towards them.

In an instant, the more than 20 mutated beetles that rushed to the front were killed.And Heisha and the zombie slayer Wu Yu are the fastest. They have already fought those mutated beetles. Ghost Dance also summoned her dark king to join the battle. Those mutated beetles shuttled back and forth inside.

The battle lasted for more than ten minutes, and these mutated beetles that escaped from the small house were all wiped out by Lin Hua and the others, and then several people began to clean up the heterogeneous cores of these mutated beetles that had just been killed!

Because the fire inside the small house was still burning, Lin Hua and the others chose to rest outside after cleaning up the heterogeneous cores outside, and they were going to collect the heterogeneous cores after the fire was over.

"Boss, the gasoline in the interspatial ring has been used up. Do we have too little gasoline? I found that this gasoline is too useful." Several people said while resting outside the small house.

"Well, I brought a total of more than 50 barrels, and I used up these two times, but luckily I used up all the gasoline in exchange for so many heteronuclei," Gu Tian said.

"Of course we won't lose money. Just one of these different cores is enough to buy fifty barrels of gasoline," Ghost Dance said.

After hearing Gui Wu's words, several people couldn't help laughing, because Gui Wu was telling the truth. The monsters or zombies they killed with gasoline had the lowest heterogeneous cores of the first-order Transcendent, and the highest ones were The one with the fourth level of extraordinary is the heterogeneous nucleus of the pregnant zombie with a belly, and a random heteronucleus of the first level of extraordinary is enough for not only fifty barrels of gasoline, but one hundred barrels are enough.

"However, there is no gasoline now. If possible, Hua will try to collect some gasoline for emergencies," Lin Hua said.

"If you need gasoline, I know a place where there is gasoline," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said after hearing Lin Hua's words and knowing that they needed gasoline.

"Where is it, is it far from here?" Li Jie asked.

"It's about half a day's journey, but it's not in this direction, but over there. Where is there an airport? I passed by there and saw that there are several gas stations in that airport, but there are many zombies near the airport. Because of the last time I Because of the injury, I didn’t enter the airport, so I don’t know much about the internal situation.” Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, pointed in the direction of the airport.

"Can the direction of the airport finally reach the Abyss of Eternal Night?" Lin Hua asked.

"Yes, it's just that it will take one more day's journey than our direction. The last time I escaped from the abyss was in that direction."

"Since we can also reach the Abyss of Eternal Night in that direction, an extra day's journey is nothing. After the fire is over, we will go to an airport," Lin Hua said.

The fire lasted for about two hours, and then Lin Hua and the others waited for the fire to burn out, then went directly to the small house to pick up the heteronuclei left by the burned-out mutated beetles.

Then a few people walked in the direction of the airport that the zombie slayer said!

After walking for more than four hours, it was already far away from the airport. When Lin Hua and the others approached the airport slowly, they found that there were a lot of zombies around the airport as the zombie slayer said, but these zombies The grades are not very high. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Lin Hua and the others did not go in directly at the main gate of the airport.Instead, choose to bypass the main entrance of the airport and enter from the back, because there are no zombies nearby.But there was no door here, and a layer of barbed wire blocked it afterwards. Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, used her sharp claws to cut a door where the barbed wire blocked.Lin Hua and the others entered the interior of the airport through this door.

Lin Hua and the others walked towards the gas station. The airport is very big. It used to be a super-large airport, but now it is not built like that.You can see that the fuselages of several passenger planes in the distance have been corroded and have many large holes.Lin Hua and the others couldn't help sighing when they saw this. The airliner that was once used and maintained by many people has become what it is today. After all, it is all caused by zombies.

Lin Hua and the others walked towards the gas station along the path between the large cargo boxes at the airport.Several people did not speak, because they were afraid that the sound of speaking would attract more zombies.

Lin Hua quickly came to the vicinity of the gas station along the path between these cargo boxes, but there were several zombies wandering around beside the gas station.Lin Hua and the others did not go to clean up the zombies, but hid behind the cargo box, waiting for the zombies to leave.After about an hour or so, the zombies wandering around the gas station staggered away.

Lin Hua and the others waited for the zombies to go away before they went over.

(End of this chapter)

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