Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 440 Floor Plan

Chapter 440 Floor Plan

Lin Hua and Wu Yu were in charge of guarding the surrounding area in case any zombies came and cleaned them up in time to prevent more zombies from being attracted, while Li Jie and the others filled the oil barrel with gasoline and put it in the space. In the ring, but when the sixth barrel is filled, the gas station will be out of oil!
"Boss, the oil is gone, so I filled six barrels." Li Jie went to Lin Hua and said in a low voice.

"Oh, let's go to the next gas station. There are several gas stations in this airport," Lin Hua said.

"Well, there are at least four," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said.

Then a few people shuttled back and forth in this large airport. After more than half an hour, they didn't find the second gas station, because the airport was too big.

"It's a waste of time if we go around like this, or the zombies will find us, I think we can go to the airport office building and find the floor plan of the airport, so that it might be easier for us to find a gas station." Lin Hua pointed to the person behind her. Several people said.

"But where is the office building at the airport? Don't we still have to look for it?" Li Jie said.

Lin Hua and the others looked around at the surrounding buildings. There were three buildings and an airport hall around them.

"Don't go to the airport lobby. There must be no floor plan of the airport. Let's go to the nearest building first." Lin Hua pointed to the building behind and said!
Then several people walked slowly towards the building at the back. There were three zombies hovering around the entrance of the building. Lin Hua released three weapons at the three wandering zombies, and directly chopped off the zombies. Then several people entered this building, but luckily Lin Hua and the others chose correctly, this building is the office building of the airport.There were some low-level zombies on the first floor, but they were quickly cleared away by Lin Hua and the others. They knew the floor plan of the building on the wall, and knew that the office of the airport leader was on the 38th floor, and then a few people looked for the elevator on the first floor. There are four elevators on the first floor, three of which are broken, but the last elevator is not damaged, but it is used, but Lin Hua and the others entered the elevator, and found that there are only two floor buttons in the elevator. First floor and 42nd floor.

"Boss, go straight up to the 42nd floor, and then go down, just go to the 38th floor, or we Li Jie need to climb the stairs to climb the [-]th floor." Li Jie said when he saw the floor button
Then Lin Hua and the others came to the highest floor of the airport office building through the elevator that went directly to the top floor. The sound of the elevator raised and lowered all the zombies on each floor to the elevator. These zombies kept grabbing the elevator with their claws. The protective door on the outside frightened Lin Hua and the others. If the protective door outside was broken by zombies, the elevator would be damaged. The level of the zombies outside the elevator was very low, and they didn't destroy the protective door outside the elevator at all.In this way, the few people reached the top floor of the building, the 42nd floor, smoothly!

With a bang, the door of the elevator slowly opened, and the inside of the top floor was pitch black, only the faint lights in the elevator covered the surroundings of the elevator. , several people got out of the elevator and searched for the direction of the safe passage.

When Lin Hua and his team opened the elevator door just now, the sound attracted the zombies on the 42nd floor. There were not many of them, but because all the lighting inside was only relying on the fireballs released by Xuewu, it seemed particularly weak. .

"I'm in the front, and I'm also a zombie. In this dark situation, I can see everything clearly," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said. When he finished speaking, he walked directly in front of several people, and Those zombies who were slowly approaching the elevator saw Lin Hua and the others rushing towards Lin Hua and the others. Lin Hua and the others were on guard when they heard the sound of these zombies approaching, but none of the rushing zombies attacked Lin Hua. Hua and the others were all killed by Wu Yu, the foremost zombie slayer.

Then several people walked downstairs along the stairs of the emergency exit until they came to 38!
Fortunately, the lights inside on the 38th floor are working and not broken.

However, Lin Hua and the others came out of the building to clean up the zombies in the corridor, and then began to search for these offices. In the first few offices, Lin Hua and the others did not find the floor plan of the airport, but they saw the front office door. It said that the general management office of the airport was immediately happy, because the airport plan they wanted would definitely be in it.

Lin Hua pushed open the half-open door, but there was no sound from inside, and then Lin Hua and the others walked towards the desk, but at this moment, the chair with its back to Lin Hua and the others turned around suddenly.

Lin Hua and the others stared vigilantly at the turned chair when they saw the chair turn around suddenly. There was a zombie wearing a suit sitting on the chair. This zombie wearing a suit should be the general manager of the airport. Well, otherwise, I wouldn't be sitting in this office.The suit on this zombie may have been worn out since it hadn't been changed for a long time.The strength of this zombie is one level higher than those of the zombies outside.

When he turned his chair and saw Lin Hua and the others, he suddenly got up, and was about to rush towards Lin Hua and the others, and the zombie slayer was faster than this zombie. When he just got up, the zombie slayer had already used it The sharp claws crushed her head.

"This speed is too fast. I haven't had time to react. This poor zombie has already died." Li Jie said when he saw that the zombie slayer killed this extraordinary first-order zombie so quickly.

"I rely on my own speed, fighting skills and strength to fight across levels," said Wu Yu, the zombie slayer.

"Well, in fact, I can also fight across levels, but I don't have your speed, I just rely on my own skills to increase strength and defense," l Li Jie said.

Lin Hua didn't care about the two of them talking, and directly took out all the documents from the drawer in the desk and put them on the desk. After that, Li Jie and the others stopped talking, and several people started looking for the floor plan of the airport. .

"Boss, I found it," Gu Tian said while showing the airport floor plan he had just found.

Several people saw that Gu Tian had found it, and they all dropped all the documents in their hands.Gu Tian handed Lin Hua the floor plan of the airport.

Lin Hua took the airport floor plan that Gutian handed over and watched it carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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