Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 441 The Largest Mutant Crocodile

Chapter 441 The Largest Mutant Crocodile
"I knew the airport was quite big, but I didn't expect it to be so big." Lin Hua looked at the floor plan of the airport and said casually.

"How big is it?" Li Jie asked.

"About a quarter of the size of Xueyun City," Lin Hua continued.

Several people know the size of Xueyun City, but this airport is actually a quarter of the size of Xueyun City, which means that this airport must have been an international airport, otherwise it would not be so big.

"This airport has a total of eight gas stations and an ammunition depot. After we finish getting the gasoline, let's go to the ammunition depot to see what can be used," Lin Hua said.

Then several people walked down the stairs of the safe passage until Lin Hua and the others did not encounter any zombies on the first floor, because those zombies were all in the elevator at this time, attacking the protective door outside the elevator.

A few people quickly came to another gas station according to the airport plan, cleaned up the surrounding zombies, and filled all the oil barrels in this gas station with oil, about 150 or so.

After loading the oil drums, several people continued to walk towards the ammunition depot according to the airport plan, but the distance was a bit far, and Lin Hua and the others did not walk too fast, fearing that the movements would be too large and attract more zombies. About half an hour or so, a few people came to the entrance of the underground ammunition depot, and dealt with the zombies at the entrance. Lin Hua and the others came to the inside of the ammunition depot. The ammunition depot is not very big, but there are many guns inside, most of them are It was covered with rust, and it was useless. Lin Hua and the others didn't point the gun, but just removed all the grenades and grenades inside.Because these grenades and grenades remain in the box are very good.

After seeing that there was nothing to take away from the underground ammunition depot, several people walked outside!Lin Hua and the others did not return the same way, and Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, continued to scrape open a door on the barbed wire, and a few people left the airport and continued to walk deeper.After walking for more than two hours, they rested in place and lit a fire!Getting ready to rest here tonight.

"Boss, try today's grenade and grenade and see if it works," Li Jie said.

"Yes, boss, although the protection is good, but with such a long strength, I don't know if it can still be used." Gu Tian also planned to try this grenade.

Lin Hua directly took out two grenades and two grenades in the space ring and gave them to Li Jie and Gu Tian respectively.

The two of them saw the hand grenades and grenades that Lin Hua handed over, took them and ran to the back to see if they were working!

"Bang bang bang bang" followed by four explosions, and then Li Jie and the others came back and said, "They all work, and they are quite powerful."

"That's good, these grenades may have other uses at that time," Lin Hua said.

A few people had a conversation and then rested. The next day, a few people continued to walk towards the deep abyss of eternal night, and a few people came to a tropical rainforest!
"Boom boom boom boom" just as Lin Hua and the others entered the tropical rainforest, they saw the particularly dense and tall trees that only existed in the tropical rainforest fall down one by one. There is a long distance, but you can still feel the vibration of the ground at this time.The water in the nearby creek trembled violently.

"What is it? It's so powerful that it broke all the trees," Li Jie said.

"Be careful, everyone, this monster won't be too small," Lin Hua reminded.

"Well, it feels like a bulldozer, the water in the river trembles from such a distance," Xuewu said

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

There was a roar like thunder, and after the roar, Lin Hua and the others finally saw a huge mutant crocodile of such a size that they had never seen before.

The crocodile crazily knocked down all the big trees that blocked his way, and then came to Lin Hua and the others.It stopped its huge body and stared at Lin Hua and the others.

"This big crocodile can't be fake, can a real crocodile grow so big?" Li Jie said when he saw the crocodile.

"If you run into his mouth, don't you know if he is real if you try it?" Gu Tian said.

At this time, Lin Hua was staring closely at this giant mutant crocodile. The length of this giant mutant crocodile has exceeded 30 meters, and its height has also exceeded [-] meters. It almost caught up with a ten-story building. .Moreover, his body is so strong, it looks like it is full of explosive strength, otherwise it would be impossible to knock down those so many big trees.

At this time, the huge mutated crocodile raised its huge head, and one could clearly see the incomparably sharp teeth in its mouth, like sharp swords, and if his sharp sword-like teeth There is still a rabbit hanging, but that rabbit is already dead, how could it be alive after being pierced by sharp teeth!Although this huge mutated crocodile was only at the fourth level of extraordinary strength, Lin Hua and the others felt palpitations when they saw it.

This huge mutated crocodile is definitely not something that can be dealt with on the surface, and she is definitely not a kind person, and Lin Hua and the others are not against each other.

"Boss, how can we kill this big guy? Looking at his back, I feel that it is impossible to pierce through him at all." Li Jie said, looking at the huge mutant crocodile.

"When he launches an attack, I'll lure him away, and then you guys will continue to walk forward, and gather at the front when the time comes," Lin Hua said to the people beside him.

"Boss, do you want to deal with him alone?" Gu Tian asked worriedly.

"Just this big mutant crocodile, I can't deal with it at all. I just plan to lure it away first, and then I will go after you," Lin Hua said.

"Then boss, be careful, this huge mutant crocodile doesn't look like a good bug," Gui Wu said.

"Or I'll lure it away, my speed is faster," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said.

"I'll go. I'll attack him and let him chase me. I can easily escape with my skills. Although you are fast, let me come so as not to make any mistakes." Lin Hua said to the zombie slayer.

At this time, the mutated crocodile saw Lin Hua and the others talking, and seemed to be getting impatient, and began to grind his huge teeth continuously, making a "squeak, squeak, squeak" sound.

Lin Hua knew that he was about to make a move when he saw the huge mutant crocodile's movements.

"Get ready, run separately." After Lin Hua finished speaking, he drew out the Eight Strange Cold Sword on his back, and the giant mutated crocodile that was grinding its teeth stopped grinding its teeth when it saw Lin Hua's movements.

(End of this chapter)

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