Chapter 442
Lin Hua didn't wait for this huge mutated crocodile to attack her, and directly released her most powerful skill, the Ice Mystery Slash, on it.
The huge icy giant sword slashed at the mutated crocodile, and the huge mutated crocodile saw the huge icy giant sword cut like itself, and it didn't dodge, and rushed directly towards the huge icy giant sword !
With a "snap", the huge ice giant sword shattered when it hit the mutated crocodile's particularly strong defensive skin, without leaving the slightest wound.Several people were secretly surprised. They all knew how powerful Lin Hua's slash was, but the mutated crocodile did not do any harm. Thinking about it, the powerful defense of this mutated crocodile is enough to break through even his most powerful skills. Its sword is just to attract hatred.

"Ho Ho Ho!" The huge mutated crocodile rushed towards Lin Hua and the others and roared. His roar was not because he was injured, but because he was provoked by Lin Hua.

"Run" Lin Hua shouted and ran to the left, while Li Jie and the others ran to the right after hearing Lin Hua's words.

This huge mutant crocodile saw a group of people running away separately, and rushed towards Lin Hua without any thought.

Lin Hua ran forward desperately at this time, because she could feel that the huge mutated crocodile was less than ten meters behind her.Lin Hua tried her best to watch the big trees running on both sides, thinking that these big trees could slow down the huge mutated crocodile a little, but in the end, the huge mutated crocodile didn't slow down at all, just like a tree pushing machine. All the trees it passed were broken.

At this time, Li Jie and the others realized that the mutated crocodile did not chase them, and they stopped running, and started to return to the place where they met the crocodile and walked forward.

"I don't know how long it will take for the boss to reconcile with us." Li Jie said worriedly, because at this moment, several people were worried about Lin Hua. They all saw the terrifying and destructive power of that huge mutant crocodile just now. What's more, Lin Hua's most powerful attack didn't hurt him at all.

"Don't worry, the boss will catch up with us in a short while, he just wants to lure that huge mutant crocodile farther, so that he can chase it back." Xue Wu saw that several people were worried about Lin Hua, Comfort Road
"That's right, did the boss do something that you were not sure about? The boss said that he will come to meet us when he comes back. Let's go slowly. Isn't it good to wait for the boss?" Ghost Dance said

After hearing the words of Xue Wu and the others, except for the zombie slayer, the few people were no longer worried about Lin Hua, because they knew Lin Hua too well, and Lin Hua never did anything uncertain.

However, the pace of progress of several people began to slow down and move forward.

At this time, Lin Hua was still running desperately, because he didn't want to get rid of this huge mutated crocodile so quickly, because at the speed of this huge mutated crocodile, he would soon catch up with them again. At that time, it will be impossible to use this method to lure him away.So try to lure this huge mutant crocodile farther at a time. Lin Hua released the skill Ice Bind when he was running just now, and wanted to see if he could slow down the speed of this huge mutant crocodile, so that he would not be desperate. Running, the pressure became less, but Lin Hua found that the ice bondage he released had no effect on the speed of this huge mutant crocodile.

Lin Hua had no intention of trying the ice wall skill, because Lin Hua knew that the ice wall would not hinder this huge mutant crocodile.Just like the surrounding trees fell down one after another.

"Ho Ho Ho" the mutated crocodile let out an angry roar again, because he had already used his fastest speed, but he still couldn't catch up with the human who just provoked him in front of him.At this moment, he wished he could eat Lin Hua immediately.

And listening to the thunderous roar of this giant mutant crocodile at such a close distance almost didn't deafen Lin Hua's ears.

In this way, Lin Hua has been running one after the other with this huge mutant crocodile for an unknown amount of time. Lin Hua is already sweating profusely from running.

It should be almost the same. Now I have been running for a few hours.Lin Hua thought in her heart that it was time to get rid of this mutated crocodile.

After Lin Hua made up her mind, she didn't get rid of the huge mutated crocodile immediately. Instead, she activated the skill Ice Bind and then used the skill Shifting Ice Phantom to continue running forward, because Lin Hua wanted to create an illusion for this crocodile, Lin Hua Fearing that his own disappearance would make the crocodile turn around and run away, then his long escape would be in vain.This is the intellectual confrontation between Lin Hua and this mutant crocodile.

When Lin Hua disappeared, the crocodile saw that Lin Hua disappeared and was about to slow down, but when he saw Lin Hua appear again, he was still in front of him, but the distance between them was much farther.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho" the mutated crocodile roared angrily for the second time, because it had finally narrowed the distance, and then suddenly disappeared and the distance became larger. Why not make him angry!

After hearing the roar of the mutated crocodile, Lin Hua used the ice-moving phantom skill to run forward for the first time. After five times, the distance between them had reached a hundred meters. The mutated crocodile was even closer. I am so angry, if I knew it was so hard, I would not have chased this human being who provoked me. If I chased those people by myself, I might have eaten them all.

The mutant crocodile knew he would be thrown off, but how could he give up after chasing him for so long!
Lin Hua saw how far away he was from the mutant crocodile.After about 100 meters, she still chased him like this and knew that it was time to get rid of him now. Lin Hua didn't use Water Yin because this mutant crocodile was of the same level as her, and Water Yin didn't exist at all.I still used the ice-moving phantom skill to disappear again, but when Lin Hua appeared behind a big tree on the left, the sight of the big crocodile was completely blocked, and Lin Hua behind the tree at this time could not be seen at all. Then Lin Hua used the ice shifting phantom to hide towards the tree on the left for the second time. After hiding for more than 30 meters, he stopped, because if the distance is too close, it will not be good to be hit by the tree hit by the mutant crocodile. .

When the big crocodile saw Lin Hua disappearing and not appearing again, he became even more angry, knowing that Lin Hua must be farther ahead, so he kept chasing forward.

(End of this chapter)

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