Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 443 Ghost Tree Vine

Chapter 443 Ghost Tree Vine

And Lin Hua was still standing behind the tree. When the mutated crocodile passed by, Lin Hua felt a gust of wind blowing, and then all the trees the mutated crocodile passed by fell down, so she didn't feel much.

Lin Hua didn't go back directly, but kept watching the mutated crocodile disappear from his field of vision before going back along the tree that the mutated crocodile hit.At this moment, Lin Hua was thinking that even though he was already at the fourth level of the extraordinary, his strength was still not enough. This mutant crocodile was also at the fourth level of the extraordinary, but his most powerful attack did not harm her at all. Some may also be able to kill it directly.It's not like everyone fleeing separately, they must be worried about their own safety now.Thinking of these things, Lin Hua didn't feel like he quickened his pace!
But it was probably because of the giant mutated crocodile. Lin Hua walked along the route that the huge mutated crocodile ran, but no monsters attacked Lin Hua.Let alone a monster, there is not even a bird.It seems that this huge mutated crocodile is already famous in this tropical rainforest!

At this time, Li Jie and the others stopped walking forward after five o'clock in the afternoon, and began to rest somewhere and waited for Lin Hua's return.

"You said that if the huge mutated crocodile brought zombies to attack the city, I don't think any city can resist it," said Li Jie, who was resting among the people.

"Without this huge mutated crocodile leading an army of zombies, he alone is enough to wipe out a city," Gu Tian said

"Yes, with the terrifying impact of that mutated crocodile, even the thick city walls can't stop him," Xuewu said.

"Fortunately, this monster is not in the outside world, but here. Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with it," Li Jie said.

Several people remembered the incident of those huge giant zombies attacking the city wall.

"Outside, if this huge mutated crocodile wants to attack Xuewu City, the boss will kill him too," Gu Tian said

"You just believe him?" The zombie slayer was full of confidence when he saw several people talking about Lin Hua. He and Lin Hua spent a short time together and didn't know much about Lin Hua. Such a question!
Then Li Jie began to tell Lin Hua's story to the zombie slayer while waiting for Lin Hua's return.

About two hours later, Li Jie and the others found some dry branches nearby and started to set up a fire.Then continue chatting and wait for Lin Hua.

Not long after, Lin Hua came back, and the few people felt relieved when they saw that Lin Hua had returned safely.After listening to some of Lin Hua's stories, the zombie slayer became more and more admirable for Lin Hua.

"Boss, I miss you so much," Lin Hua said.

When Lin Hua heard Li Jie's nasty words, she was also very embarrassed.

"Boss, don't listen to Li Jie's nonsense, he is hungry, when you come back, take out food from the interspatial ring," Gu Tian said

"So that's how it is." Lin Hua said, took out food from the space ring, and several people started to eat. Lin Hua ate a lot, because she exhausted her energy after running for a day.

Several people planned to rest after eating.Now that there is one more person, the Zombie Slayer can't be on the same team, so the Zombie Slayer and Li Jie are alone!Then when the three of them were on duty, they would tell the zombie slayer about Lin Hua.

The next day, the few people stopped walking along the route that the huge mutated crocodile ran, because this route was still a bit far from the direction of the Abyss of Eternal Night, so they corrected the direction. In fact, Li Jie and the others knew that the direction was wrong. , but they agreed with Lin Hua to keep walking along the place where the huge mutated crocodile ran, so they didn't correct the direction. Now that Lin Hua came back, they corrected the direction.

After getting away from the route of the huge mutated crocodile, the tropical rainforest became lively.Various monsters and animals appeared, but not a single zombie appeared.However, after thinking about it, a few people understood that this kind of environment is not suitable for the life of zombies.

Lin Hua and the others are walking along the Tiantian stream at this time!But they walked for a while and found that the surrounding environment was a bit wrong. There were no animals or sounds around them, and it seemed particularly quiet, which had the same feeling as the huge mutated crocodile passing by.It was as if this huge mutated crocodile had just walked by, but Lin Hua and the others didn't see any traces of the huge mutated crocodile.

"Be careful, everyone. It's surprisingly quiet here. There must be a monster similar to that giant mutant crocodile nearby," Lin Hua reminded.

As soon as Lin Hua finished speaking with a puff, a vine coiled on a big tree shot at Lin Hua, and when the vine shot at Lin Hua, the vines on the surrounding big trees were also densely packed. He shot towards Lin Hua and the others.

Lin Hua directly drew out the Eight Strange Cold Sword and cut off the vines that shot at him. Li Jie, who was reminded by Lin Hua just now, had already been vigilant about the surrounding environment, watching the vines that suddenly attacked him. Either directly use the weapon to cut them down, or use claws to cut these vines, Xuewu releases the skill Burning in Pain, and then the egg-sized fireball crazily attacks these vines.Although these vines were a sudden attack, Lin Hua and the others had been vigilant for a long time, and no one was injured, and those vines returned to the original big trees when they failed to attack Lin Hua and the others.

"That's it?" Li Jie said, holding the epee, seeing that the vines were not attacking them.

"Well, this kind of tree vine is called ghost tree vine. It uses a sudden attack, then entangles people or animals and kills them alive, and then sucks blood. They just attacked us and we were blocked in time, so after their attack failed. It will stop attacking," Lin Hua said as he put the Baqi Hanjian back on his back.

"Boss, don't they have heterocores?" Li Jie asked after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"They are just a kind of plant in the tropical rainforest, so there are no heteronuclei," Lin Hua explained.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people put away their weapons one after another.

, "There are all kinds of monsters in the tropical rainforest, and those mutated monsters are particularly powerful, so everyone should be careful," Lin Hua reminded again.

Several people quickly left the quiet place just now. Although Lin Hua said that they would not attack again after one failed attack, accidents may happen to anything, and none of them wanted to be attacked suddenly. The place to stay!
"Be careful Li Jie" Heisha suddenly reminded Li Jie, but before Li Jie could react, the zombie slayer pushed Li Jie away!
(End of this chapter)

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