Chapter 444 Attack
With a "snap", a bolt of lightning directly hit Wu Yu, the zombie slayer!Wu Yu was directly knocked out, and then the dense grass next to him swayed, and Heisha rushed directly towards the dense grass.

"Don't chase after Wu Yu's injury," Lin Hua said to a few people who were in a daze, drew out the Baqi Hanjian and ran behind Heisha.

But when Lin Hua ran away, Li Jie came to his senses and ran directly to Wu Yu who blocked the lightning attack for him, and Gu Tian and the others also came over.

"Gutian, show him how it is, can he die?" Li Jie said to Gutian.

After Gutian picked up the zombie slayer's hand, he put it down immediately, he is a zombie now, I have never learned how to treat zombies, Gutian said.

After listening to Gutian's words, several people knew that what Gutian said was correct, and now Wu Yu was a zombie, no matter how good Gutian's medical skills were, it was impossible for him to treat Wu Yu, a zombie.

Several people were particularly worried when they saw that the zombie slayer hadn't woken up for a long time. They were afraid that Wu Yu would die. Originally, Wu Yu belonged to zombies and was particularly afraid of lightning-type attacks. She carried Li Jie with her own body.In particular, several people were moved, and at this time Li Jie was already crying.Because no one would treat her like this except Lin Hua and the others who treated her well, and today there was another one.

"Wu Yu, you can't just die like this, you promised us to go to the depths of the Abyss of Eternal Night, you can't break your promise like this," Gu Tian said to the unconscious zombie slayer.

At this moment, the zombie slayer's two sharp claws moved suddenly, several people knew that Wu Yu was not dead, and then the zombie slayer Wu Yu slowly opened his eyes.Seeing that several people were staring at him firmly at this time, they stood up and scratched their heads embarrassingly and said, "I'm worrying everyone, I have nothing to do, I was just fainted by the lightning strike just now." That's all"

"Dizzy, I thought you were crying to save me from death." At this time, Li Jie stood up and said when he saw that the zombie slayer had nothing to do.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know that I would be knocked unconscious, maybe it's the restraint of attributes." The zombie slayer was even more embarrassed when he heard Li Jie's words.

"Thank you just now, if it wasn't for you, you might have hacked me to death," Li Jie continued.

"It's okay, it's just a matter of convenience," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said.

Although Li Jie and the others didn't know Wu Yu for a long time, they already knew who Wu Yu was, so they didn't say too much!

Several people began to wait for Lin Hua and the others to come back. After more than half an hour, Lin Hua and Heisha came back.It's just that they had a dejected catch. When they saw that Wu Yu had nothing to do, they were no longer so depressed.

"See what it is that attacked us just now, did you kill it?" Li Jie asked.

"I didn't see his shadow at all. I followed her and ran past the swaying grass, and finally lost it," Lin Hua said.

"Well, this monster's speed is particularly fast, but his level should not be too high, at most it's only the fourth level of Transcendence, otherwise she wouldn't sneak attack," Heisha said.

"Well, but I feel that she will come to attack again," Lin Hua said.

"If he dares to attack again, let's kill him directly." Li Jie said viciously, because the monster was going to attack him, but Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, blocked it for him, and it was thunder and lightning attack, which can restrain Wu Yu. Fortunately, Wu Yu didn't have any serious problems, otherwise he would be guilty for the rest of his life.

"The next time I come here, I must avenge this electric shock," said the zombie slayer.

"By the way, Heisha, how did you know to remind you to be careful? I only pushed Li Jie away after hearing your reminder," said the zombie slayer.

"Based on my feeling, if I'm not wrong, the one attacking us should be a third-order mutant Lightning Leopard," Heisha said.

"Why did you see clearly?" Lin Hua asked after hearing Heisha's words.

"No, I said that my feeling is the mutated Lightning Leopard, yes, the mutated Lightning Leopard can't be wrong," Heisha said affirmatively again.

"Tell me about this mutated Lightning Leopard," Lin Hua asked as he walked.

"Mutated Lightning Leopard has thunder attribute abilities, and his speed is extremely fast, and he can also attack in melee. It is similar to the type of melee mage. His speed should be a little faster than mine, but the two of us are fighting in melee. Well, I have the ability Kill her, but if he attacks us like just now, I can't do anything," Heisha said.

"Well, it's really a headache to deal with an opponent like him who ran away after the sneak attack, so it's better to fight it out quickly," Li Jie said.

"It's his speed. After I spotted her in the first place, I could catch her with Ice Shifting Phantom, but it's not easy to kill her," Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, a bit faster than Heisha, I should be able to catch up with him, but it's really hard to kill an opponent like this," said the zombie slayer.

"Boss, I have an idea, I don't know if it is possible," Li Jie said.

"Let's hear it, everyone, use it if you can," Lin Hua said.

"Didn't you have a grenade there? Gutian and I both tested its power that day. If that mutated Lightning Leopard is blown up, I think he will be useless." Li Jie said with a smile.

"Yes, Li Jie's idea is good. Boss, you, Yuhe, and Heisha are all ready with a few grenades. The speed of the three of you is fast enough. Next time, if that mutant Lightning Leopard comes back If you dare to come and attack, let it come and go," Gu Tian said.

"The method is good, but it's just a bit insidious," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said.

"What's insidious? If she hadn't come and attacked me, you would have been injured. If it's insidious, she was the first to be insidious." Li Jie said angrily.

"What you said is quite reasonable. Since she doesn't dare to fight us head-on, she can only do so," said the zombie slayer.

After listening to Li Jie's opinion, Lin Hua felt that this method could be tried.Then he took out nine grenades and gave each of Heisha and Zombie Slayer three grenades.Then continue to walk forward.

And not far behind Lin Hua and the others, there was a black leopard following Lin Hua and the others. He was the mutated Lightning Leopard that attacked Li Jie. She was looking for the next opportunity to attack Lin Hua and the others, because Lin Hua and the others They are so powerful, he can't just go out and kill all of them, he can only sneak attack one by one, break them one by one!But he followed Lin Hua all afternoon and they couldn't find a second good chance for a sneak attack.

I could only watch Lin Hua and the others eating barbecue and warming up by the fire from a distance.The Mutated Lightning Leopard is going to sneak attack them after they rest!

(End of this chapter)

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