Chapter 445
Heisha, who was warming up at the fire, said to everyone, "I feel that mutant Lightning Leopard has been following us, but the distance is a bit far, he is afraid that we will find it"

"Just follow, I'm still afraid that he won't follow," Lin Hua said after hearing Heisha's words.

"Yes, if she dares to come and attack later, let her come and go," Li Jie said.

"Wait, I'll just watch Shuiyin around, you all pretend to be resting to lure him to attack" Lin Hua said to several people

"it is good"

Then Lin Hua went directly to a big tree next to him and used the skill Water Hidden to hide it!
Li Jie and the others were all ready to rest, and they all lay down.

And the mutated Lightning Leopard in the distance was a little worried when they saw Lin Hua go away and didn't come back, but when they saw Li Jie and the others lying down to rest, they slowly approached Li Jie and the others. There was a fire, and Lin Hua saw the mutated Lightning Leopard's bushes moving slowly towards it. When the Mutated Lightning Leopard was about ten meters away from Li Jie and the others, Heisha suddenly said, "Everyone, be careful, he's coming."

Li Jie and the others didn't sleep. They just wanted to attract this mutant Lightning Leopard over. After hearing Heisha's voice, they became more vigilant.

The mutated Lightning Leopard chose not to attack anyone else this time, but Li Jie, but just as she was about to release the lightning, she was suddenly interrupted by Lin Hua's Eight Strange Cold Sword, and Heisha and the others immediately turned towards the mutated Lightning Leopard Chasing in the direction of escape, after the skill was interrupted by Lin Hua, the mutated Lightning Leopard knew that he had been spotted and ran to the back. At this time, Lin Hua was a little surprised by the reaction and speed of the mutated Lightning Leopard, because Lin Hua just now When killing the mutated Lightning Leopard, Lin Hua felt that she could avoid being discovered, but in the end it failed.Lin Hua immediately released the Ice Shifting Phantom to block the mutated lightning leopard!At this time, Heisha and Zombie Slayer also rushed over.

Only now did Lin Hua take a closer look at this mutated lightning leopard. He was the same size as a normal leopard, but this mutated lightning leopard had black fur all over his body, and all his black fur stood up. The mutated lightning leopard's eyes were particularly big, but His eyes had no pupils, they were white, and they looked particularly creepy under the light of the blood moon.

Seeing that both sides were blocked, the mutated Lightning Leopard directly opened his mouth to face Lin Hua. Lin Hua knew that he was going to attack him with lightning, because he wanted to attack Li Jie again with the same action, but Finally resisted by himself.

Lin Hua was right. When the mutated lightning leopard opened its mouth to Lin Hua, a bolt of lightning struck Lin Hua. Lin Hua had been prepared for a long time, and directly used the ice-moving phantom to switch to another position. Just now, Lin Hua was standing After the location was struck by lightning at this time, a scorched sound came out from there, and the stone behind where Lin Hua was standing just now was also crushed.

When the mutated lightning leopard attacked Lin Hua, it didn't care whether it hit Lin Hua or not, and ran to the left.

When the mutated lightning leopard was about to run a few steps, Lin Hua directly took out the grenade pinned to his body, pulled the ring and threw it in front of the mutated lightning leopard.

With a bang, the mutated Lightning Leopard dodged the grenade, because Lin Hua threw it too early. If Lin Hua had just pulled the ring and stayed in his hand for about a second, then the mutated Lightning Leopard should have been scared just now. up.

After Heisha and the others saw that Lin Hua had already used the grenade, the five of them also took out the grenade pinned to their clothes.

"Pull the ring and stay there for a second, and it will explode when it hits the ground," Lin Hua reminded the two people.

Then a few people chased this particularly fast mutant lightning leopard like this.However, after the mutated lightning leopard passed Lin Hua's grenade that didn't kill him just now, it stopped running in a straight line and began to run back and forth in an S shape, resulting in a grenade from Lin Hua and a grenade from Heisha and the others. Neither hit the mutant lightning leopard.

And after Lin Hua discovered the mutated lightning leopard's escape, he directly released the skill ice wall in the direction of the next mutant leopard, temporarily blocking the mutant lightning leopard for about half a second, but time is enough, Lin Hua While releasing the skill, he directly opened the pull ring of the grenade, counting the time, when the mutated lightning leopard was about to hit the ice wall, Lin Hua directly threw the grenade into the ice wall.

"Boom" and then saw a puff of smoke, "Ho Ho Ho" and heard the roar of the mutated lightning leopard, Lin Hua knew that the mutated lightning leopard had been injured. "Bang bang" after two more blasts, the painful roar of the mutated lightning leopard stopped abruptly!

Lin Hua and the others found that the mutated lightning leopard with black fur was already dead. Her black fur had been stained darker with blood, and his two front legs had been blown off, as well as the back half of his body. The flesh and blood that was blown up by the grenade thrown by the two of Heisha and the others was blurred.

Moreover, there was a serious smell of barbecue. Seeing that the mutated lightning leopard was bloody and bloody at this time, Lin Hua canceled his plan to eat some mutated lightning leopard meat, and directly took out his different core and handed it to The Zombie Slayer! "This is what you deserve, don't say no"

Seeing that Lin Hua said this without saying anything, the zombie slayer took it and ate it.

Lin Hua and the three of them got rid of the mutant lightning leopard and went back. When they came back, they saw a few people smiling and waiting for them to come back!
"Why are you laughing so happy?" Lin Hua said to the four of them.

"The four of us made a bet on who killed this mutated lightning leopard, because we heard the painful cry of that mutated lightning leopard just now, and knew he was finished," Li Jie said.

"Guess who?" Hesha asked.

"I guess the boss" Xuewu said.

"I guess it's Heisha," Gu Tian said.

"I guess it's Brother Yu," Gui Wu said.

"I also guessed Brother Yu, because he's the fastest."

"Who is the boss?" Li Jie asked.

At this time, Lin Hua and the three of them all laughed.

"You all guessed wrong, the boss's first grenade injured the mutated lightning leopard, and the two of Heisha and I were frightened to death," Heisha said.

"Fortunately, I didn't guess right, otherwise someone would have to stand guard today," Ghost Dance said.

Hearing this, Lin Hua and the others realized that their fathers belonged to the posts tonight.

Because several people successfully dealt with the mutant lightning leopard that was sneaking up, they rested with peace of mind!

(End of this chapter)

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