Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 446 Acquaintances

Chapter 446 Acquaintances
The next day several people continued to walk towards the depths of the Abyss of Eternal Night, and not far from Lin Hua and the others, there was also a group of people walking towards the Abyss of Eternal Night. There were eight of them, six men and two women. The highest strength of the man with the big sword is already the third level of extraordinary strength, followed by the middle-aged young woman in orange clothes and black pants holding a staff. His strength at this time has also reached the second level of extraordinary, and The remaining few people are all of the first level of extraordinary strength, but at this time their bodies are already covered with blood stains, especially the middle-aged man who is carrying a big knife has been injured several times. It seems that they have just gone through a battle A desperate fight.

These people are Zhang Yong who came earlier than Lin Hua and the others, and the middle-aged young woman. Because of the special danger inside the empty gate, they met on the third day after they came inside, and then the two teams formed together. , but although the level increased very fast after that, the more they went deeper, the more dangerous they became, and then the casualties of their two teams increased. Just now they encountered more than a dozen mutated rhinoceros, and their leader was also of the third rank of extraordinary. Although Zhang Yong killed the leader of the mutated rhinoceros, he was also injured, and five more people died.

Then the remaining eight of them continued to walk towards the deep Abyss of Eternal Night.

"Brother Zhang, I think we'd better take a break before heading in. After the battle just now, everyone hasn't rested yet," said the middle-aged young woman.

"It's already far away from the place where the battle was just now, so let's rest here," Zhang Yong said.

"Okay," all of them replied in unison, because they were already very tired from the battle just now, and they wanted to rest very much.

Zhang Yong also sat directly on the ground and had a long talk and said, "I don't know if it's right for us to continue to go inside."

"If I hadn't encountered what happened this morning, I wouldn't be shaken, but now I'm already a little bit reluctant, because it will become more and more dangerous to go inside, although our level is increasing very fast, but now There are more and more casualties, there were still thirteen people this morning, and now there are only eight people left," said the young woman in orange.

"Yes, the vice-captain is right. I don't know how many people will be left in our team when we go out," said a first-level superhuman in black clothes.

"Although it's very dangerous here, isn't our strength improving very quickly?" said another extraordinary first-level ability user.

"That's right, the strength of our small team is not ordinary anymore. Although the number is small, the strength is still acceptable," Zhang Yong said.

"Brother Zhang, have you ever thought about finding a gang when you go out?" said the middle-aged young woman.

"But there is no suitable gang, but I heard that the Ice and Snow League is good, and their gang leader Lin Hua is also a good city owner who sincerely cares for ordinary people," Zhang Yong said.

"I also said quite well that she resisted the army of millions of zombies led by the zombie king, and finally went to chase and kill the zombie king by herself, and he didn't come back until he killed the zombie king. I plan to go out after this time Just go and join the Ice and Snow Alliance," said the middle-aged young woman.

"Okay, let's join together when the time comes, and then we can take risks together," Zhang Yong said.

"Okay" said the middle-aged young woman.

Then these people are talking and resting here.At this time they heard some footsteps, and the footsteps were getting closer.

At this time, Zhang Yong and the others were no longer sitting there resting, they were all holding their weapons and waiting for the next battle.

"Boss, I said it's time for us to rest. We've been walking for a long time," Li Jie said.

"You can't hold on for a while longer," Gu Tian said.

"Are you hungry again?" said the zombie slayer.

"Don't keep starving me all the time, okay?" Li Jie said aggrievedly.

"Who is it, come out?" Lin Hua said coldly.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Zhang Yong and the others came out one by one, but when Zhang Yong saw that it was Li Jie and the others, he said to Li Jie, "Brother Li Jie, let's meet again."

And Lin Hua and the others put down their weapons when they found out that it was Zhang Yong, because everyone except the zombie slayer had seen Zhang Yong, and they had a good impression of Zhang Yong, especially Li Jie!

When Li Jie saw that it was Zhang Yong, he also walked over to say hello to Zhang Yong and said, "Brother Zhang didn't expect it to be you, I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Yes, Brother Li Jie, let's meet again." The middle-aged young woman said to Li Jie.

When Li Jie heard about this young woman, he also had a good impression of him, because the last time he came to Outer Space Gate, it was their two teams who supported Li Jie.

"Why are you two teams together?" Li Jie asked.

"It's a long story, let's talk about it later." After Zhang Yong finished speaking, he walked towards Lin Hua and the others.But when they saw the zombie slayer Wu Yu, they were full of hostility towards the zombie slayer!

"Brother Zhang, he is not a bad zombie, he is a zombie slayer who specializes in killing zombies, he is a good guy" Li Jie said when he saw them being very unfriendly to the zombie slayer.

And the zombie slayer didn't pay much attention to their strange eyes.After Zhang Yong and the others heard Li Jie's words, they let go of their resistance to the zombie slayer, but he was still wary of the zombie slayer, after all, she was a zombie.

"Brother Lin has met before," Zhang Yong said to Lin Hua.

"Well, Brother Zhang, long time no see." Lin Hua said after seeing Zhang Yong greet him.

Then a few people started chatting.

"I didn't expect you to encounter so many things after you came in." Li Jie said when he heard Zhang Yong talk about what happened after they came in.

"Brother Zhang seems to be planning to go to the Abyss of Eternal Night inside," Lin Hua said.

"Well, I had this idea before noon today, but after going through the morning's battle plan, I'm going back, because it's too dangerous inside, why don't you go out and find a gang before you come out to take risks, and then you can have more protection" Zhang Yong said. Lin Hua said.

"Yeah, my family is planning to go out now. Brother Lin advises you not to go to the depths, why not go out with my family to find a gang," said the middle-aged young woman.

After hearing what the two of them said, they knew that they were doing it for their own good, so they advised them!
After Li Jie heard what they said, he knew that they were going to join a gang, and he persuaded a few of himself to join the gang, and said directly, "Brother Zhang, I don't know what kind of gang you want to join."

(End of this chapter)

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