Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 454 Shut Up For Me

Chapter 454 Shut Up For Me

"Awwhhhhh" But he still chased everyone and ignored Lin Hua.

At this time, Gui Wu had already run away from Xue Wu, so he picked up Xue Wu on his back, and continued to run forward.

Lin Hua used the ice-shifting phantom to come to the golden-eyed zombie monkey for the second time, and then released the skill Ice Mystery Slash on the golden-eyed zombie monkey for the second time. This time Lin Hua successfully attracted the golden-eyed zombie monkey.

Instead of chasing Li Jie and the others forward, he slammed Lin Hua hard with his giant fists.

Seeing the golden-eyed zombie monkey stop, Lin Hua knew that he had succeeded in attacking him. When the huge fist was about to hit him, Lin Hua directly used the ice-moving phantom to switch positions.And the place where the golden-eyed zombie monkey hit with both fists suddenly turned into a big pit!
Then release the skill Frostbolt at the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey to attract him to attack himself!Because Lin Hua was afraid that if she used the ice-moving phantom to escape at this time, none of Xuewu and the others would be able to escape.

And the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey couldn't help being even more angry when he saw that Lin Hua had just disappeared, dodged his attack, and then appeared again to continue attacking him.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" once again!Then it hit Lin Hua with its huge fist. Lin Hua kept teasing the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey. The enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey became more and more angry. This is what Lin Hua wanted to see the most. to the result!Then Lin Hua slowly ran back in the direction they ran over just now.

And this enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey started chasing Lin Hua.In this way, Lin Hua soon led the enlarged zombie monkey back to where they fought just now.

At this time, Lin Hua found out where the egg that was held by the extraordinary first-order was still there!Lin Hua didn't think too much, and continued to run forward.

With a "bang", he heard the sound of a huge heavy object hitting the ground, and then he heard the roar of the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey!
Lin Hua looked back, and at this moment the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey fell to the ground, and there was a huge bloody hole under his left foot.The shape of the bloody hole is the shape of the egg. Lin Hua looked at the egg that was stepped on by the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey just now, and it was still lying on the ground. Some flesh and blood.

Seeing these Lin Hua was a little startled, now the strength of this enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey is at least epic level!So this egg is too strong, isn't it? Its defensive power didn't break but injured the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey.Lin Hua now has a way to deal with this golden-eyed zombie monkey.

While the enlarged zombie monkey was still rolling on the ground, Lin Hua went directly to take out the egg that was trampled into the ground by the golden-eyed zombie monkey!When Lin Hua hugged this egg, she felt that this egg was very special to Shen Hua, at least it weighed more than 300 kilograms, but the size of this egg was not much bigger than a basketball. Why is it so heavy!What the hell is inside!Lin Hua's mind is now full of questions about this egg.

However, the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey didn't give Lin Hua too much time, and she was already up at this moment!Although there was a big bloody hole in his left foot, but at this moment he had no thought at all and didn't know the pain.So he limped towards Lin Hua.Lin Hua also felt that the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey no longer had any thoughts.Throw this egg directly at the foot of the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey that is not broken!
Unsurprisingly, the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey stepped on the egg again!
With a bang, the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey fell to the ground again!Like his left foot, his right foot also left a snow hole the size of an egg!
And that egg is still lying there tightly!Seeing that the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey still stepped on the egg after the lesson of stepping on it last time, it showed that Lin Hua's guess was correct and the enlarged zombie monkey no longer had a mind!
Lin Hua also ignored the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey lying on the ground, because now both of his feet are crippled.I can't chase Lin Hua anymore, if I want to chase, I can only crawl!Lin Hua picked the egg out on the ground.Then threw it where the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey's fist could touch it, and then Lin Hua used the skill Shifting Ice Phantom to come directly to the side of the egg!

And the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey saw Lin Hua and hit Lin Hua with its two big fists. Lin Hua avoided it directly with the ice-moving phantom, and the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey hit the ground with its huge fist. The egg, this time the egg did not stay on the ground but was smashed deeply into the meat by a huge fist.

Seeing that the egg was no longer usable, Lin Hua used his Baqi Hanjian to slash at the neck of the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey. There was no surprise and no progress was made, because Lin Hua's strength was too weak to be Can't break the defense of the golden-eyed zombie monkey.

Seeing this result, Lin Hua stopped attacking him. Anyway, the enlarged zombie monkey was no longer enough of a threat to him, so Lin Hua chose to sit down and rest not far from the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey. .Because the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey had already lost its feet, if he wanted to attack Lin Hua, he could only crawl, and Lin Hua could dodge it casually.Lin Hua is now waiting for Li Jie and the others to come back, and then see if the claws of Heisha and Zombie Slayer can break through his defense and kill the golden-eyed zombie monkey.

Lin Hua knew that Li Jie and the others would definitely come back. After about 20 minutes or so, the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey gradually lost any sound, and then his body slowly changed. After getting bigger, the egg in the fist of the golden-eyed zombie monkey fell out.

Lin Hua went over to look at the golden-eyed zombie monkey whose eyes had returned to normal golden color after shrinking. However, he was dead now.Lin Hua directly took out his heteronucleus, and then began to wipe the flesh and blood on the egg with his own clothes, and quickly wiped the egg clean.

Lin Hua began to observe this egg carefully. If it wasn’t for this egg just now, she might still be running for her life. Thanks to this egg, Lin Hua looked at the egg carefully and there was nothing special about it, except that it was heavier. There is nothing special except that it is relatively hard!

At this time, Lin Hua was thinking about what kind of egg this egg was, and what would be inside, and wanted to open it to have a look, but even the power of the enlarged golden-eyed zombie monkey couldn't break him. .But Lin Hua looked more and more curious at this egg, and finally decided to roast it with a fire. Anyway, they don't know where they went to find Li Jie now, and Li Jie and the others will definitely come back to find him later.

(End of this chapter)

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