Chapter 455

Lin Hua took out some firewood and put it on top of the firewood, then lit it up, so the egg was burning in the firewood for about five minutes.

With a "pop", Lin Hua heard the sound of an egg cracking, and then Lin Hua saw where there was a crack in the middle of the egg!Lin Hua directly released his skill to put out the fire with the water polo.Unexpectedly, such a hard egg is afraid of fire, and it will break when it is burned.

Then the eggs were taken out, and the white shells had been blackened by the fire.And the gap that was cracked just now gradually became larger, and then the cracks on the surface of the egg became larger and larger. Lin Hua stared at the egg intently, because Lin Hua also wanted to know what was inside the egg, and it was possible to do so. Hard, the cracks gradually became bigger and bigger, and then the eggshell fell off bit by bit. When the eggshell fell halfway, Lin Hua found a black fluffy thing protruding from the inside of the egg. Little paw, and then slowly stretched out a small black furry paw.Then the two little paws began to break the remaining eggshells, but they didn't break the eggshells for a long time.Then the two little paws stretched back again.

When Lin Hua saw that the two furry little paws did not break open the egg shell but took it back, she decided to help him!Lin Hua slowly approached the eggshell, because Lin Hua didn't know what kind of monster the little furry claw inside was.So Lin Hua was very careful and vigilant!
When Lin Hua looked into the place where the two furry paws broke the eggshell just now, Lin Hua was stunned, because there was a little black and furry monkey lying inside.

When the little black monkey saw Lin Hua, instead of yelling "twittering", it kept waving its two little furry paws and gesticulating back and forth on the eggshell.

Lin Hua probably also understood what the little monkey meant, and wanted to help him open the eggshell so that it could get out.Lin Hua saw that this little monkey was very cute and very smart, so he liked it very much, and the little monkey had no special abilities, so he didn't do any harm to Lin Hua, so Lin Hua had completely treated this little monkey at this time. There is no more guarded.

Lin Hua directly opened the remaining eggshells bit by bit, fearing that the fallen eggshells would hit the little monkey, so Lin Hua quickly pulled out all the eggshells!And this little black furry monkey saw all the eggshells blocking him, and immediately ran out, circled around Lin Hua, "twittering" for no reason, and then kept using his little paws Gestures and Lin Hua.

Lin Hua thought it must be him who was here, then she didn't know what Lin Hua was thinking and said to the little furry monkey, "Do you want to thank me?"

And the fluffy little monkey kept nodding after hearing Lin Hua's words, as if he could understand Lin Hua's words.

"Can you understand me?" Lin Hua asked the little monkey again.

The little monkey continued to nod. "Can you talk?" Lin Hua asked the fluffy little monkey, because evolution was afraid that the little monkey would only nod.

However, after hearing what Lin Hua said this time, the little monkey didn't nod, but shook his head, as if his little head had been pulled out of a drum!

When Lin Hua saw this little monkey shaking her head, Lin Hua fell in love with this little furry monkey more and more, because she understands human language and is very smart.

Lin Hua sat and chatted non-stop with the little monkey, and the little monkey answered Lin Hua with shaking his head and nodding.After about an hour like this, maybe the little monkey was tired, so he jumped directly into Lin Hua's arms, then closed his little eyes and fell asleep.

And Lin Hua didn't dare to move when he saw the little monkey sleeping in his arms, for fear of waking the little monkey up.

At this time, Li Jie and the others were walking towards the mountain range where Lin Hua and the others fought, because they had waited for a long time and didn't see Lin Hua coming back, so they all came back to look for Lin Hua.

When it was evening, the little monkey woke up, opened his little eyes, stared at Lin Hua closely, then continued to twitter in his mouth what Lin Hua couldn't understand, and used its furry little paws on his Gestures back and forth on the stomach.

"Are you hungry?" Lin Hua guessed what he was thinking and said.

The little monkey jumped onto the ground in Lin Hua's arms and nodded vigorously, telling Lin Hua that he was really hungry.

"Then sit here and wait for a while. I'll light up the fire and roast some meat." Lin Hua said to the little monkey.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, the little monkey sat there obediently, and Lin Hua got up and took out some fire and some meat from the space ring.

Light up the fire, and then sit on the fire and roast the meat.And the little monkey saw Lin Hua sitting by the fire where the meat was grilling and ignored him, so he got up and walked into Lin Hua little by little, then sat down beside Lin Hua, staring at Lin Hua closely. The meat was tested, and some saliva dripped out of his little mouth. When Lin Hua looked at him, the little monkey quickly wiped off the saliva with his little furry hands, probably because he was afraid of being laughed at by Lin Hua.

When Lin Hua saw these movements of the little monkey, she couldn't help laughing, this little monkey is too cute.And the little monkey lowered his little head slowly after hearing Lin Hua's laughter, he must be embarrassed!

"Are you a little embarrassed?" Lin Hua asked the little monkey with its head on the ground.

The little monkey nodded after hearing Lin Hua's words.Then she lowered her head again. Lin Hua felt that this little monkey was as cute as a human baby when she saw it!

"Okay, okay, I won't laugh at you anymore," Lin Hua said to the little monkey who bowed his head.

After listening to Lin Hua's words, the little monkey raised his head slowly, continued to stare at Lin Hua's meat, and continued to scald his saliva. When Lin Hua saw the little monkey drooling and wanted to wipe it, Lin Hua couldn't help it. Do not laugh!

Just like that, Lin Hua and the others were grilling meat here, while Li Jie and the others in the distance knew where Lin Hua was when they saw the fire in the distance, so they walked towards the fire.

The little monkey sat next to Lin Hua for a while and felt that the fire was a little hot. Then the little monkey got up. Lin Hua followed the little monkey when he saw the little monkey get up. After the little monkey got up, he moved to the back. But the little monkey didn't sit down, and came over and pulled Lin Hua to the back, which meant that it was too hot here, and asked Lin Hua to go and sit at the back together.But how could this little monkey be able to move Lin Hua!Seeing that he couldn't pull Lin Hua, he began to gesture back and forth. Lin Hua knew that he wanted to sit behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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