Chapter 457

"Are you hungry?" Lin Hua then asked Beibei.

After listening to Lin Hua's words, Beibei nodded vigorously, and then pointed to the fire with its furry little paws, which meant that he was still eating barbecue.

And Lin Hua took out some meat in the space ring for Xiao Beibei to pass the exam, and Xiao Beibei also sat next to Lin Hua, and then continued to stare at Lin Hua's barbecue. Xuewu and the others couldn't stop laughing, and when Beibei heard their laughter, he still lowered his little head!
Lin Hua saw little Beibei put her head down.Knowing that he was shy again, he said to Xiao Beibei, "Don't be shy, they don't laugh anymore." After hearing Lin Hua's words, Xiao Beibei raised its lowered head and looked at Li Jie and the others. Seeing that they stopped laughing, he raised his little head against Lin Hua's barbecue.

At this time, several people also suppressed their laughter.Then Lin Hua and the others took out the different cores one after another and prepared to level up, but when Xiao Beibei and the others took out the different cores, they ran in front of Ghost Dance, and then lowered his head!
"Boss won't let it eat?" Gui Wu asked.

And little Beibei also pricked up his little ears to listen to Lin Hua's answer!
"Give him a golden one now," Lin Hua said to Gui Wu.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Little Beibei raised its lowered head to look at Ghost Dance.After hearing Lin Hua's words, Ghost Dance handed Xiao Beibei a golden heterocore.

Then he ate it, and several people watched for a long time, little Beibei didn't change much, but his physical ability increased, and now he was at the first level of silver.

And Lin Hua and the others also ate up all the different cores they got today, and then everyone didn't upgrade, it's just that Heisha broke through to the extraordinary fourth-order strength.

A few people rested like this, and when Lin Hua got up to stand guard in the middle of the night, Little Beibei also got up to accompany Lin Hua to stand guard, and Lin Hua's shift was also the most lively, making Lin Hua and the others very happy up.

And when they got up early the next morning, they and Xiao Beibei ate some food and set off.

But little Beibei didn't let the other people hug her, she had to stand on Lin Hua's shoulders, and she stood very firmly, as if Lin Hua's shoulders were specially prepared for little Beibei.

"Boss, what attribute do you think Xiao Beibei's ability is?" Li Jie looked at Xiao Beibei and said.

"I don't know either," Lin Hua said.

After Xiao Beibei heard Lin Hua's words, he kept gesticulating with his two little paws, and then said some words that Lin Hua and the others couldn't understand.Then several people stood upright and watched Little Beibei gesture.

Little Beibei saw him gesturing for a long time and they didn't understand, then it gesticulated to the ground, Lin Hua knew it was going down, and then Lin Hua put little Beibei on the ground!After Xiao Beibei arrived on the ground, she walked towards the big tree next to her. Several people stared at Xiao Beibei in front of the big tree, and Xiao Beibei looked at Lin Hua and then at Li Jie and the others. .She directly used her little paws to scratch at the thick tree. When the little Beibei's claws passed by, it only left a very light scratch on the surface of the big tree!And when several people saw the scratches left by Little Beibei, they couldn't help laughing.

And little Beibei lowered his little head when he saw that they were all laughing. She knew that she was ashamed, so he was a little embarrassed.

And the few people who saw Xiao Beibei felt embarrassed and stopped laughing at Xiao Beibei.

Lin Hua then put Little Beibei on his shoulders, and several people could tell that Little Beibei was in a particularly depressed mood at the moment, probably because he felt ashamed just now.

"Don't be depressed, let your ghost dance sister eat a different nucleus." Lin Hua said to the lost little Beibei.

After Xiao Beibei heard Lin Hua's words, he raised his lowered head again, and then opened his arms to Gui Wu, and Gui Wu saw that Xiao Beibei went directly to Lin Hua's. He hugged little Beibei into his arms on his shoulders, then took out a platinum heterocore and gave it to Xiao Beibei, and then Xiao Beibei looked at the heteronucleus handed over by Ghost Dance, and suddenly his little eyes lit up , and then eat the heteronucleus.

And after Xiao Beibei finished eating, she began to fall asleep again in Guiwu's arms, and this time Lin Hua and the others knew that it might be Xiao Beibei who was going to cross the rank again this time, so they fell asleep. .About an hour later, Little Beibei opened his eyes. When Xiao Beibei opened his eyes at this time, Lin Hua and the others found that Little Beibei was already at the gold level.

And Xiao Beibei directly gestured to the ground, indicating that he wanted to go down, and Ghost Dance put Xiao Beibei on the ground, and after reaching the ground, Xiao Beibei walked to the front of a big tree again, and then said something in his mouth. Birch and the others didn't understand the words, and then used his little claws to directly slash at the big tree.

However, when the few people were about to laugh, they were all stunned, because this time, Little Beibei cut the big tree with his little claws, and the broken tree hit Little Beibei, Before Lin Hua and the others could react, Little Bei suddenly jumped onto Lin Hua's shoulder.

It was only at this time that Lin Hua and the others realized that Little Beibei's claws were so high-level, and he could dodge the fallen tree and jump directly onto Lin Hua's shoulder.

"It's not bad, it's pretty good now," Lin Hua said to Little Beibei.

After Xiao Beibei heard Linhua's words, he raised his little head, and then gestured back and forth with his hands, which meant that breaking the tree was a trivial matter.

"Haha, the boss didn't expect that Xiao Beibei who reached the first level of gold would be so powerful," Li Jie said.

"Boss, do you want to give little Beibei some different cores, so that his level can be improved?" Ghost Dance said.

"Well, after raising his level to Platinum level, let him hunt the different cores by himself," Lin Hua said.

After reaching Lin Hua's words, several people took out some platinum-level heterocores and gave them directly to Xiao Beibai, and Xiao Beibei ate them one by one, and stopped eating when they reached the tenth one. Sleeping in a daze, Lin Hua and the others knew that the current Beibei should break through the gold level and hit the platinum level. This time, the little Beibei slept for a longer time, about two hours.

And when she got up, she gestured with Lin Hua for the first time, as if to tell Lin Hua and them something, Lin Hua put the little Beibei on the ground, and when the little Beibei landed on the ground, the little body It gradually grew bigger, and finally turned into a half-human monkey!Not as cute as a kid.

Then he pointed his sharp claws at the tree behind him and cut the big tree in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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