Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 458: Extraordinary Sensitive Ability

Chapter 458: Extraordinary Sensitive Ability

Then several people stared at Xiao Beibei closely, and then Xiao Beibei gradually became smaller, and it was still the same as before, and then jumped onto Lin Hua's body again.

After Lin Hua saw little Beibei coming to her body, she realized that after reaching the platinum level, Beibei could actually control her body to grow and shrink, and now Beibei is already very powerful.Now he should have no problem killing some gold-level zombies.She knew that she couldn't feed Bei Bei like this, and she needed to let him hunt for the heteronucleus by himself.His supernatural attribute, Lin Hua, should also belong to the combat type if he guessed correctly.

"Boss Beibei has almost the same attributes as me," Heisha said when he saw that Beibei had already jumped on Lin Hua.

"Well, I didn't expect that Beibei could control her body to grow and shrink, but I still think Beibei is cute now," Xuewu said.

And the little Beibei on Lin Hua's shoulder heard Xuewu's words and knew that Xuewu praised him for being cute, so he just jumped up and down.

"Beibei, in the future, you can only obtain the heterocore by yourself, so that your strength will grow quickly," Lin Hua said.

Bei Bei, who was on Lin Hua's shoulder, nodded vigorously after hearing Lin Hua's words, and then patted his small chest. The meaning was obvious. From now on, it was up to him to let Lin Hua rest assured.

"Boss, you really plan to let him hunt the heterocore by himself. She is only platinum level now, and the monsters and zombies here are of high level, which is not something he can deal with now," Li Jie said.

"It wouldn't be good if she got some injuries in the battle, you see Beibei is so cute, you can't bear to let him get hurt," Ghost Dance said.

"From now on, we can only let him hunt for the heterocore, because only in this way can he protect himself, otherwise we can't protect him for the rest of our lives." Lin Hua said to several people who persuaded him.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people felt that Lin Hua's words were not wrong, and Beibei couldn't let Beibei rely on a few people to give her a different nucleus. It was difficult for such a Beibei to grow up.So several people decided to listen to Lin Hua and let him hunt for heteronuclei by himself.

In this way, Lin Hua and the others have asked Beibei to kill some low-level monsters they encountered these days, and then Lin Hua and the others taught Beibei some fighting skills. Because Beibei is very smart, she learns very quickly. Now His Beibei level has reached the fifth-level strength of Platinum.

Moreover, Lin Hua and the others discovered that their perception ability was particularly strong. Every time they encountered a monster, Beibei would notify Lin Hua and the others in advance that there was a monster nearby.

Just when Lin Hua and the others were about to walk out of the tropical rainforest, they encountered a mutated mad cow. The level of this mutated mad cow was already at the fifth level of Amethyst. Originally, Lin Hua and the others planned to clean up the mutated mad cow directly. Yes, but when Beibei saw this mutated mad cow, his small eyes lit up, and stopped Lin Hua and the others, intending to let him kill this Amethyst-ranked mutated mad cow by himself.

And Lin Hua actually agreed, because Lin Hua also wanted to see how strong Beibei was. The monsters he met these days were all lower in level and strength than Beibei.

At this moment, Little Beibei has grown into the size of an ordinary monkey, and is fighting that Amethyst first-order mutant mad cow!Although Beibei's level at this time is Platinum Level [-], and the mutant mad cow's level is Amethyst Level [-], Beibei knows that his strength is not as strong as this mutant mad cow, and he relies on his speed every time. And the extremely fast reaction ability to avoid the attack of this mutant mad cow.

When Beibei dodged the attack of the mutated mad cow, he would use the attack moment of the mutated mad cow to sneak attack the mutated mad cow, using his sharp little claws to leave a scar on the mutated mad cow. Lots of wounds.

Although Beibei was not injured, the mutated mad cow he attacked was covered in wounds, but Lin Hua and the others knew that those injuries were not fatal to the mutated mad cow, so little Beibei The only way to defeat this mutated mad cow is to attack his Achilles heel, which is the head of this mutated mad cow.

"Boss, do you think Beibei can defeat that mutated mad cow?" Li Jie looked at Beibei who was fighting at this time and said

"If she didn't attack the mutant mad cow's head, it would be very difficult to win," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, should we remind Beibei to attack the head of the mutated mad cow, otherwise how long will it take for him to win this battle?" Xuewu said seeing Beibei at this time.

"The battle can only depend on him, we don't need to remind her, besides, haven't you seen Beibei fighting happily now?" Lin Hua said.

"Hoho..." This mutated mad cow was roaring after his abdomen was scratched by Beibei's sharp claws for the second time.

And Beibei heard that the mutated mad cow started to roar, and knew that he had hurt him, but he saw that the mutated mad cow's whole body was already covered with many wounds from his attack, and all of them were bleeding. However, this mutated mad cow did not appear to be defeated at all, but became more and more frenzied.

Although Beibei himself is fast and can dodge in time every time, but Beibei feels that attacking this mutant mad cow like this can't kill him at all, and he is now planning how to attack this mutant mad cow's head.If you smash his head, you can win.

And at this moment, the mutated mad cow once again used the two sharp horns on his head to push towards Beibei, but this time Beibei didn't intend to dodge now, he was waiting for the mutated mad cow When the distance was the closest, he jumped directly onto the mutated mad cow while avoiding it, so that he could directly attack his head.

And the mutated mad cow on the opposite side saw that Beibei didn't dodge his own attack at this time, but during the second acceleration, he wanted to use his horns to directly kill Beibei.

But just when the two sharp horns on his head were about to pierce Beibei's body, Beibei jumped up suddenly, dodging her own attack, and then felt her body suddenly heavy, she knew Beibei had already jumped onto her body at this time.Then she started bouncing back and forth, intending to throw Bei Bei who was already on her body to the ground.

Bei Bei, who had jumped onto the mutated mad cow at this moment, grabbed the mutated mad cow's head with two sharp claws just now, but his attack at this time seemed a little more anxious!From the corner of the mutated mad cow's eyes, she saw Beibei's two claws about to attack her head. She knew that Beibei's claws were particularly sharp, and she easily broke through her body's defense.If he succeeded in attacking his own head this time, then he himself would die in Beibei's hands.

(End of this chapter)

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