Chapter 459
"Ho Ho Ho..." After the mutated mad cow roared for a while, it continued to run forward at an accelerated speed.And just when Beibei's two sharp claws were about to attack him to his head, he stopped suddenly, because both of Beibei's claws were in the air and he didn't hold the mutant mad cow tightly, and was directly caught by the mutant mad cow just now. The huge inertia of running fast and then stopping suddenly was thrown out.

With a "bang", Beibei was slammed to the ground by the huge inertia.And Beibei spit out some blood from the corner of her mouth.Although not many, it can be felt that Beibei has been injured at this time.

But Lin Hua and the others couldn't bear to see Beibei being slammed to the ground and losing some weight.

"Boss, do you want to help Beibei kill that mutated mad cow? Beibei is injured now," Li Jie said.

"Yes, boss, why don't we go and help Beibei, after all, Beibei is one level behind this mutant mad cow?" Xuewu said with some distress.

At this time, Lin Hua also felt sorry for Beibei. When she was about to help Beibei, she found that Beibei had changed, which made him dispel his thoughts.

"Keep watching, now Beibei has changed," Lin Hua said, and then several people continued to stare at Beibei who just got up after being thrown to the ground.

Beibei just got up after being fell down, and after wiping off the blood that came out from the corner of his mouth with his fluffy paws, his eyes gradually turned red, and the strength in Beibei's body also gradually increased , this is a skill that Beibei acquired after breaking through to platinum, it is called berserk, it can increase his strength in a short time, when Beibei's two eyes are completely red, his strength has been raised to the maximum!
"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" directly at that mutant mad cow, and the mutant mad cow on the opposite side felt a bit of vigilance after sensing Beibei's change at this time, but when she heard Beibei's reaction to him When he let out a provocative roar, he rushed towards Beibei at full speed, and when Beibei saw that the mutated mad cow that he had provoked was rushing towards him, a smile appeared on that monkey face.

Because Beibei felt that his goal had been achieved, he just wanted to stimulate this mutant mad cow to attack him.Beibei didn't intend to dodge the attack of the mutated mad cow this time. When the two front and sharpest horns of the mutated mad cow were about to pierce Beibei's body, Beibei suddenly moved and used him directly. The two furry paws grabbed the two horns.

At this time, Beibei was pushed back more than ten meters continuously by the huge impact force of the mutant mad cow running, but Beibei still tightly grasped the two sharp horns of the mutant mad cow, when Beibei Just after he felt that all the impact force was slowly removed by himself who retreated, Beibei directly used all his strength on his two claws that grabbed the two sharp horns of the mutated mad cow, and then Violently threw this mutated mad cow backwards.

The mutated mad cow who saw Beibei's action had just fought with him, and knew that it was impossible for Beibei's strength to fight against his own strength to defeat him, let alone throw himself out.But this mutated mad cow was wrong. The current Beibei is no longer the Beibei who just started fighting with her. The current Beibei has already activated the skill berserk and gained greater power!
When the mutated mad cow felt that it was impossible, he was ruthlessly thrown by Beibei to a place far behind Beibei, but Beibei didn't intend to end the matter like this, and rushed to the place where he didn't react fiercely. In front of the mutated mad cow who was thrown to the ground.

But Li Jie and the others were pleasantly surprised when they saw that Beibei's power suddenly became so great. Now Beibei's power should be stronger than this mutant mad cow whose level is one level higher than Beibei's. Otherwise, how could he? Throw this Amethyst first-order mutated mad cow viciously and smash it to the ground!
"Beibei must have used some skills to increase his strength, otherwise, he wouldn't have suddenly changed the current situation of the battle." Lin Hua said when she saw the surprised people.

"Well, his skill should be similar to mine. He raised his strength to the highest level in a short time, and his eyes turned red," Li Jie said, staring at the red-eyed Bei Bei.

"I didn't expect Beibei to be so powerful that he could actually fight across levels. This is not a level-crossing battle of the same level, but a level-crossing," Ghost Dance said.

At this time, several people had a lot of appreciation for this cute little Beibei.

Beibei has already rushed in front of the mutated mad cow that was thrown down. When the mutated mad cow was thrown by Beibei and hit the ground just now, it did not cause too much damage to his thick-skinned defense. , but he couldn't figure out why this little monkey's strength suddenly increased so much, it was actually stronger than his own strength.But when he saw Beibei rushing towards him, he was already up!It glared at Beibei in front of him with its round eyes.

Beibei didn't care about the glaring gaze of the mutated mad cow at this time, and jumped directly on the mutated mad cow's back. Run up quickly.

And Bei Bei, who was on the back of the mutated mad cow, suffered such a loss last time, so he learned the lesson from the last time, and he did not rush to attack the mutated mad cow, but tightly used his two sharp The small paws held the two horns of the mutated mad cow.

But Lin Hua and the others saw that Beibei didn't rush to attack the mutant mad cow this time, but grabbed the two horns of the mutant mad cow and knew that Beibei had grown a lot.

"Beibei is really too smart. This time, he is not in a hurry to attack, and has begun to learn to be prudent," Li Jie said.

"That's right, if Beibei had done that just now, he wouldn't have been thrown out," Xuewu said.

"Some things can only grow through experience. If Beibei hadn't experienced being thrown out just now, she would still experience such battles in the future. She might have suffered more serious injuries, but now he has experienced I believe he will deal with this kind of situation in future battles," Lin Hua said, staring at Beibei who was on the back of the mutant mad cow.

"Boss is right, we should let the current Bebe fight a lot. Only in the battle can we really sum up some fighting skills. We only rely on what we say. If there is no actual combat, it will not be effective at all." Zombie Slayer Wu Yu said

At this time, Bei Bei who was on the mutant mad cow's back still did not attack the mutant mad cow, because he was waiting at this time, because she believed that as long as she was on the mutant mad cow's body, the stupid cow below her would definitely use it. The way I just threw myself out.

(End of this chapter)

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