Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 460 Arriving in the Abyss of Eternal Night for the First Time

Chapter 460 Arriving in the Abyss of Eternal Night for the First Time
Beibei's idea was correct. After the mutant mad cow saw that Beibei on his back was not bumped, he planned to continue to use the method of speeding up and then stopping suddenly to throw Beibei away. In the past, beat Beibei to death.With this idea, the speed of the mutated mad cow increased to the limit!After feeling the strength that should be able to throw Beibei, the running mutant mad cow suddenly stopped his four hooves.

And Bei Bei, who was on top of the mutated mad cow, knew that the mutated mad cow suddenly accelerated and knew that he was about to throw himself out, and then grabbed the two sharp horns of the mutated mad cow with his two paws even more forcefully.

And when the mutant mad cow stopped suddenly, the huge impact force was about to throw Beibei out in an instant, but Beibei tightly grabbed the mutant mad cow's horns, and finally let go of all the impact force, Beibei Persist in victory and not be thrown out.And this mutated mad cow felt that the huge impact just now hadn't been thrown out, and Beibei on his back couldn't help but feel something was wrong, and then continued to speed up.

At this moment, Beibei knew that his chance had come. Just as the mutated mad cow was about to run away, Beibei directly grabbed the inside of the mutated mad cow's head with his two extremely sharp claws. heteronuclear location.

In an instant, Beibei's two extremely sharp claws penetrated the head defense of the mutated mad cow!
"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the mutated mad cow let out a painful roar, but Beibei's two extremely sharp claws continued to grab the inside of the mutated mad cow's head, and directly took out the different nucleus inside the mutated mad cow's head.

And when Beibei took out the mutant mad cow's heteronucleus, the painful roar of the mutant mad cow stopped abruptly.

With a bang, the dead mutant mad cow landed on the ground.

Beibei also jumped off the body of the dead mutated mad cow.

Several people were very happy to see that Beibei had won the battle at this time!As for Beibei who jumped off the back of the mutated mad cow, his body gradually grew bigger and smaller after he got off, and he became the original cute little appearance, and his pair of eyes turned red. The redness of her eyes also slowly faded, gradually turning into black.

Then he waved the different nucleus in his little paw and ran towards Lin Hua and the others!

And Lin Hua and the others couldn't help laughing when they saw the little Beibei's small appearance at this time, but when they put Beibei in front of Lin Hua and the others, they didn't jump directly on Lin Hua's shoulders like before, but Where did it use its fluffy little paws to keep wiping the blood that had gotten on its body from the battle just now.Because she was afraid of getting Lin Hua's clothes dirty, she planned to wipe them clean.

But Lin Hua and the others saw little Beibei wiping the blood stains on her body, but they didn't jump directly on Lin Hua's shoulder to know what Beibei meant!
Then Xuewu and the two walked directly in front of Beibei, and used their towels to help Beibei wipe away the blood stains, and according to the blood stains on Beibei's body, they were wiped clean.

Then Beibei faced Gui Wu and Xue Wu, put his two little paws together, bent down to Gui Wu and the two of them to express his special thanks for their help.Then he jumped onto Lin Hua's shoulder in a jiffy, and handed the alien core held in the little paw to Lin Hua. At this time, Lin Hua could see that Xiao Beibei was a little bit reluctant to part with the alien core, but still Choose to give it to Lin Hua.

How could it be possible for Lin Hua to take over the alien core that this little Bei Bei got injured in exchange for?Said to Xiao Beibei, "You can keep it for yourself, I don't need these now"

After hearing Lin Hua's words, Little Beibei felt a little disappointed. After Lin Hua saw it, she said, "You should eat some of this first. When your strength grows to a high level, you will get more heterocores. You can give it to me." All right"

This time, little Beibei became happy after hearing Lin Hua's words, nodded his little head vigorously, agreed, and then ate the first-order amethyst heterocore of the mutated mad cow.Several people saw what little Beibei did just now, and they liked this cute little monkey even more, because he was really a director, and he was also very polite.

He also regards Lin Hua as his closest person, otherwise he would not have given Lin Hua the heterogeneous core that he had worked so hard to obtain.

And when Little Beibei fell asleep shortly after eating the amethyst heterocore, at this time Lin Hua and the others had already walked out of the tropical rainforest where they stayed for several days.I came to a land without any sunlight, and there were ruins and dilapidated cemeteries everywhere, as well as bones all over the ground, and the plants were all dry plants. From time to time, there were some noisy sounds around, some The time is very short, sometimes it is still very slight, they know that this place is the outer edge of the deepest eternal night abyss of the outer sky gate.

The zombie slayer, the slayer, once told Lin Hua that they would reach the Abyss of Eternal Night after passing through this tropical rainforest.

"Brother Yu, this is the legendary Abyss of Eternal Night, right?" Li Jie said looking at the surrounding environment.

"Well, this is the periphery of the Abyss of Eternal Night. I ran out of here last time I was injured," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said.

"It seems that the legend is right. The Abyss of Eternal Night is a paradise for zombies and monsters, and it is not suitable for human life at all," Lin Hua said.

"Well, I felt it as soon as we came in, this place is particularly eerie, especially when the wind blows over," Xuewu said.

"That's right, I'm a little afraid of this atmosphere. Although my ability is a dark attribute, I don't feel uncomfortable here, but I don't feel very used to it," Ghost Dance said.

"Everyone, be careful. Let's stay on the outside for a few days now, hunt some monsters and zombies, upgrade your level, and don't go inside yet," Lin Hua said.

Then a few people got ready to rest here. They found a dead tree where there was no cemetery nearby and a pile of fire was raised, and then they took out food and ate it, and the little Beibei woke up at this time.At this time, Xiao Beibei's level has broken through from the fifth level of platinum to the first level of amethyst.

And after Xiao Beibei woke up, she said a word to Lin Hua, "Boss", which shocked Lin Hua and the others. I didn't expect that when Xiao Beibei broke through to the first level of Amethyst, she could say People talk.

And when Little Beibei saw how surprised Lin Hua and the others were when they heard what he said, he babbled and laughed.

"Beibei, can you talk now?" Lin Hua said to Beibei after being surprised.

"Yeah, I can talk after my level has been raised to Amethyst," Beibei said to Lin Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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