Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 465 Underground passage

Chapter 465 Underground passage
When Lin Hua first entered this courtyard, she felt that the environment of this courtyard was much more eerie than just outside!Although it is only separated by a wall, the difference is simply worlds apart.

There is a large open space after entering through the door in this yard, but no trace of zombies was found!Lin Hua and the others continued to approach the old house in the yard.

"Maybe all the zombies ran into the house and hid?" the zombie slayer said after he came in and found no zombies.

"Why does the house in front feel like a courtyard house in ancient times?" Gu Tian looked at the house in front and said.

"It's a courtyard house. I've lived in a house like this before," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua and the others walked towards the entrance of the courtyard step by step!The gate in front of this courtyard is not very big, only about five or six meters in size.

Soon a few people walked into the courtyard, but Lin Hua and the others found that the east and west rooms of the courtyard were very well preserved, but a large part of the main building in the front had collapsed, making it impossible for people to live there!

"My boss, do you want me to go over and see if there is anyone in these two rooms?" Li Jie said to Lin Hua and ran to the east room to have a look, but Li Jie came back soon.

"There is nothing in the two wing rooms, let alone people." Li Jie who came back said to several people.

"Obviously I saw that the group of zombies ran into this yard, how could they all disappear suddenly?" Gutian said, feeling strange about which group of zombies ran into this yard and disappeared just now.

"Could it be in that house where most of it collapsed? I saw a group of zombies running here just now." Little Beibei searched his eyes with his little paw and said.

"That house has collapsed like that. How could there be zombies? If zombies enter, they are afraid that the house will suddenly collapse and be smashed into the ground," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua is getting more and more strange. There is no possibility of zombies in the half-collapsed house in front of him, and no zombies were found in the two wing rooms and the yard passing by just now. Could it be that these zombies have grown wings? Are they all flying away?If any group of zombies hadn't entered here, Li Jie and the others wouldn't have said that they saw the scared zombies coming here.

Lin Hua thought about it for a while, since they all came here, she couldn't just make the trip in vain, and figured out where all the zombies disappeared.

"I'll go over and have a look first, you guys wait here, don't let your guard down, it's very evil here" Lin Hua said to several people looking at the collapsed main building in front.

“Boss be careful”

Holding the Eight Strange Cold Sword in her hand, Lin Hua opened the Xuanbing Body Protector and the Ice Binding, and then walked step by step towards the main room where most of it collapsed.
When there were still three to five meters away from the door of the main room, Lin Hua heard some small voices.The direction of the sound was the back of the collapsed part of the main building, and Lin Hua walked straight there.

The people behind all realized that something was wrong with Lin Hua. Lin Hua didn't go into the main room, but walked to the back of the collapsed main room. They knew that Lin Hua must have discovered something, but Lin Hua didn't see them go. They continued to guard the surrounding area there.

As Lin Hua came to the back of the collapsed main building, the subtle voices just now became more and more clear.

At this time, Lin Hua was more vigilant and stared at the sound in front of him. When Lin Hua walked in, he could see clearly that the sound came from an underground entrance. This underground entrance is not very big, and it feels like It's like the entrance to an underground garage!
But Lin Hua believes that this is absolutely impossible to be an underground garage, because no one can put the entrance of the underground garage here. Although the area behind the main building is relatively large, the road between the main building and the two side rooms is very narrow. It is impossible for vehicles to pass through.

It seems that the group of zombies that disappeared just now and were scared away by the baby addicts should have all run into this underground cave.

Lin Hua said that the underground entrance looked in, the space inside was very large, and it felt like it couldn't be seen at a glance, maybe because the light was too dark, but Lin Hua didn't find any traces of zombies, but You can hear the sound inside, which is the sound of zombies moving back and forth.

After discovering this, Lin Hua went back to the courtyard where Li Jie and the others were, and told a few people what they had just discovered.

"Boss, I didn't lie to you, I just said that I saw all the zombies coming here," Xiao Beibei said after hearing Lin Hua's words.

"Would you like to go in and have a look?" Xue Wu said.

"Yes, boss, let's see what's inside that underground entrance," Li Jie said.

"I don't know what's inside the underground entrance, but I'm sure there are definitely zombies inside," Gu Tian said.

"It's useless to think too much here, why don't you just go in and see what's inside?" Lin Hua took out eight rounds of military flashlights from the space ring and handed them to several people one by one!
A few people took the flashlight and tried it, and then Lin Hua and the others walked towards the underground entrance behind the main room.

When I first entered the underground entrance, I felt the damp and gloomy inside the underground passage, and the white walls on both sides of the passage had turned waxy yellow because of the humid environment here. The underground passage was particularly spacious and at least three to forty meters long.

And just now Lin Hua could hear the sound of zombies inside at the entrance of the underground, but after entering, all the sounds inside disappeared. A few people walked about 400 meters, and the light inside became darker and darker. The worse it gets, you can only see not far away, and what you see far away is particularly blurry!Then a few people turned on those military flashlights, and Lin Hua's place became very bright in an instant!
Then several people shone the flashlights in front of them, but they still couldn't see the escaped zombies, but at this moment, Beibei suddenly said, "Boss, look at what is on the wall, it's quite scary."

After hearing Beibei's words, several people turned their heads and looked at the walls on both sides. It was indeed quite scary.

The walls on both sides of the underground passage are no longer the white walls that have turned waxy yellow due to humidity, but have become carvings of hungry ghosts with teeth and claws.Taking a quick look, in this kind of environment, if a timid person sees it, they will definitely be yelled in fright, but Lin Hua and the others are not timid, and they don't seem particularly abnormal.

However, when Lin Hua saw the carvings of evil spirits on the wall, he was a little curious about the owner of this courtyard house. This underground passage was originally very dark, but he still engraved these things here. It would not be a purely personal hobby. Bar.There are still some strange or hidden secrets.

(End of this chapter)

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