Chapter 466
"Boss, aren't you scared when you see these?" Beibei asked Lin Hua without any fear when she saw these carvings.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. This is all fake. Even if it is true, there is no need to be afraid, because fear is useless at all, and you still have to face it in the end," Lin Hua said to Beibei.

What Lin Hua said is that there is nothing to be afraid of without these fangs and claws on the wall. Fear is really useless. Nothing can be solved. I have never been afraid of these things that are ten times more terrifying than carving evil spirits, because the life in the last ten years has already made Lin Hua's mind extremely perfect.

"Boss, do you think the owner of this courtyard house is a bit perverted, and he is not afraid to frighten himself to death by doing these things?" Li Jie was also surprised when he took a quick look, but then he was fine and asked Lin Hua.

"Maybe she has other intentions in building this underground passage," Lin Hua said.

"Boss, I felt something was wrong when I came in just now. When I saw the walls on both sides, I was sure that there might be many unclean things inside," Gu Tian said.

Lin Hua and the others couldn't help but feel a little strange after hearing Gutian's words, because there must be zombies inside. Everyone saw which zombies came in just now, but Gutian didn't directly say that they were zombies, but said something unclean , it seems that the unclean things he said are not just as simple as zombies.

"Why, let's put it this way, zombies are zombies, and they insist on talking about unclean things?" Beibei asked Gutian directly after hearing what Gutian said.

"I read some books about Fengshui when I was young, so I still have some understanding of Fengshui. If I guessed correctly, the owner of the courtyard is also a person who knows Fengshui very well. This courtyard was originally a place of great danger. It should have been It's a mass grave, the yin is already heavy enough, and with the addition of those fiendish ghost sculptures on the walls on both sides, it's even more ferocious, it's very suitable for raising corpses," said Gu Tian.

"Are you raising zombies?" Ghost Dance asked.

"It's not an ordinary zombie, but a particularly ferocious one that is a hundred times more ferocious than a zombie. The vicious zombie is also called a tyrant, and their strength is so powerful that ordinary people and Taoist priests can't deal with it. Now with the changes in the last days, I don't know what to do. Does this kind of tyrant have any influence, or make them stronger?" Gu Tian said with some palpitations.

Several people heard Gutian's words and Gutian's expression at this time knew that this legendary tyrant with corpses was not so easy to deal with.

"Boss, or let's go, it's quite scary inside, and what brother Gutian said just now is too scary." At this moment, Beibei whispered a little scared.

"Yeah, why don't we go in and go out," Li Jie said.

Lin Hua heard the words of several of them, especially Gu Tian, ​​and knew that the legendary corpse tyrant was not something they could deal with and was about to leave.

"Okay, now go back the same way." When Lin Hua hadn't finished speaking, she heard a large number of zombies appearing at the underground entrance just now, and the number was still increasing.And the level of these zombies is not lower than the extraordinary level, and there are also some extraordinary and advanced ones.

"It's over. I have no choice but to go forward and see if there is another exit." Li Jie said after seeing that the entrance to the underground was blocked by high-level zombies. .

"Hurry up, keep walking forward, there must be another exit ahead, otherwise those escaping zombies wouldn't be able to get out," Lin Hua said.

Then several people ran directly to the depths of the underground passage!But soon a few people were blocked by a marble stone gate in front, which made them very anxious. There was a large group of high-level zombies behind, and the road ahead was blocked by this huge stone gate.

"Isn't it a dead end?" Gu Tian said.

Lin Hua directly slashed at it with his Baqihan Sword, but he didn't split the stone gate, because the stone gate was very thick and strong.

"This stone door cannot be opened by human power. There must be some mechanism nearby. Let's look for it, Li Jie, Heisha, you two, look for other ways nearby," Lin Hua said to several people.

After a few people heard Lin Hua's words, Li Jie and Heisha went to both sides to find other ways, while the rest of the people began to look for some mechanism-like control devices near the stone gate.

"Aww..." At this time, the zombies who came in from the underground entrance seemed to smell Lin Hua and the others, and began to run towards Lin Hua and the others at an accelerated speed.

"Boss, there is still a road here!" Li Jie pointed to the left and said!They were all overjoyed when they heard that, because that group of zombies was already very close to them!Just when a few people were planning to run towards Li Jie!
Beibei on the ground stepped on a stone brick on the ground, and then the stone brick sank a little.Beibei didn't pay much attention, and they ran towards where Li Jie said, because the zombies behind them were already very close to them.

"Boom" But when Lin Hua and the others ran out a few steps, they heard the sound from the huge stone door, and then Lin Hua looked towards the stone door, and the huge stone door had slowly opened at this time.

However, none of them had the leisure to look at the things that Shimen had done for a few years, and continued to run forward.However, Lin Hua and the others did not see that when the stone door was fully opened, there was an extra-large tomb with two red coffins and one black coffin inside. The two red coffins were placed in front, and the black coffin was placed at the end. Inside against the wall.The coffin lids of the three coffins are closed.

However, lying near several coffins were more than 30 zombie bodies with missing arms, broken legs, or heads that fell off.The black and smelly blood of the zombies was all over the ground and nearby walls.

The zombies lying on the ground were those zombies who were scared away by the infantophiles and ran into this yard. They thought they had escaped the infantophiles, but they encountered a more terrifying monster, the corpse tyrant.

At this time, Lin Hua and the others ignored the opened stone door at all, but continued to walk towards the passage Li Jie had found.

As for the zombies that came in through the underground entrance, they didn't continue to chase Lin Hua and the others. These zombies saw the corpses of their companions inside the stone gate, and there was some special smell mixed in, which attracted them very much!

(End of this chapter)

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