Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 467 Another Stone Gate

Chapter 467 Another Stone Gate

Then these zombies all walked towards the central tomb. There were about four or five hundred zombies in this group. The mechanism was on the floor of the red coffin in the central tomb, and a zombie stepped on it, so the door was closed.

There are two switches for this stone door, the one outside the door is on a floor near the outside of the stone door, and the one inside is on a floor near the big red coffin.

With a bang, the stone door closed again, and Lin Hua and the others heard the knocking sound.Although the distance is a bit far away, Yixi can still hear it.

When Beibei heard the sound of the stone door closing, she said, "The door is closed again."

"Beibei, the stone door opened just now. Is this the mechanism you found?" Lin Hua slowed down and asked Beibei because he didn't hear the zombies chasing them.

"It seems that I stepped on a floor just now and then the stone door opened. I saw you all running away, so I ran with you," Beibei said.

"Did you see anything inside that stone door?" Li Jie asked.

"I didn't see anything. When the door opened, I ran away!" Beibei said.

"Okay, okay." Li Jie was a little disappointed after hearing Beibei's words. He thought that Beibei could see what was going on inside. Originally, he was very curious about what was going on inside.

"Now there is no sound from behind. I think the group of zombies must have gone inside the stone gate on the runway." Lin Hua said when he heard the sound of no zombies chasing them.

"I'm really curious, what is inside that stone door, or where does it lead to?" Xuewu said.

"Sister Xuewu, I'm also quite curious." After hearing Xuewu's words, Gui Wu expressed her own thoughts.

"Since the group of zombies are not chasing now, let's walk slowly." After Lin Hua finished speaking, she slowed down and stopped running.

Although he was also very curious about that stone gate, but he knew that there must be no good things inside that stone gate, so he gave up the idea of ​​going inside that stone gate to find out!

After walking for a few minutes, a few people found that the front of their road was blocked by a marble door one at a time.This door is exactly the same as the one you saw just now, and there is a torch on both sides of the door.

"Look around to see if there is another way." Lin Hua and the others all looked around to see if there was another way for me.

But in the end there is still no access, now there are only two options, opening this stone gate may be the way out, or there may be monsters inside, the other is to return to the original way and go out through the underground entrance, but I don’t know the underground entrance Are there any zombies left!
"Boss, why don't we open this stone gate to have a look, maybe there is the way out," Li Jie said.

"Yes, Boss, there might be a lot of zombies at the entrance where we came in, waiting for us to go back," Wu Yu, the zombie slayer, said, because he was also very curious about what was behind the stone door. .

"Boss, in fact, I also want to see what's inside." Seeing that all of them wanted to see what's inside that stone door, Bei Bei expressed his own thoughts.

"Maybe it's a monster inside, maybe a corpse tyrant, what should I do if I can't beat it then?" Gu Tian said.

"That's right, Gu Tian's idea is also right, anyway, everything is up to the boss, let's make the decision, the boss has never missed the choice," Ghost Dance said.

"Well, I also listen to the boss's choice, what the boss says we should do." Xuewu and Heisha also expressed their thoughts at this time.

Lin Hua thought for a while after listening to their words. He knew that they all wanted to see what was inside the stone, and his curiosity was aroused by their words once!

"I know everyone wants to go in and see what's going on inside, but the passage inside is the best. If it's not, it's really like what Gu Tian said is about the corpse tyrant. Let's quickly meet up at the underground entrance we came from. " Lin Hua said to several people.

After hearing Lin Hua's words, several people were very excited when they knew that Lin Hua planned to go inside the stone gate.

"Beibei, can you find the location to switch the floor?" Lin Hua said excitedly when she saw these people.

After listening to Lin Hua's words, Beibei nodded vigorously, then ran directly to the floor of the organ and stepped on it.

The door opened slowly with a "bang", at this moment Lin Hua and the others saw that there was really a passage inside!

"Let me just say, our luck may not be so bad, we will meet that murderous corpse tyrant," Gu Tian said.

"Yeah, it's not sure if there is the murderous corpse tyrant you mentioned." Li Jie said after hearing Gu Tian's words

But Gu Tian thought about it after hearing Li Jie's words, maybe he really misread it, and there was a problem in it.

Ordinary underground passages.

Then a few people walked through the passage inside the stone gate, but Lin Hua and the others didn't know that their road was leading to that murderous tyrant.

"I don't know if this road is allowed to go out. Don't come out of the stone gate when the time comes." Lin Hua and the others walked for a while and Li Jie said.

"Shut up your money-making mouth," Gui Wu said to Li Jie.

After Li Jie heard Guiwu's words, he stopped talking!

At this time, Lin Hua was also a little worried, because he was also afraid that what Li Jie said would become a reality, this is not the way out, they can find another way, if they take this way, if this way leads to some monster .

However, after they walked for a while, they heard some fighting sounds, very softly in front of them, but as Lin Hua and the others continued to move forward, the fighting sounds became more and more clear!
Lin Hua and the others walked forward more carefully.

Lin Hua and the others were getting closer and closer to the central tomb where the fight took place. At this time, the lids of the three coffins in the central tomb were all open.

And there are more and more zombie corpses on the ground, and there are not many zombies left in the group that came in. At this time, the gray eyes of the remaining zombies are already full of fear!

Because they saw with their own eyes that their companions were brutally killed by three murderous corpses in ancient costumes in front of them. That kind of bloody method was more cruel than their group of zombies.

But the three murderous zombies showed no mercy to these zombies who were full of fear of them, and still frantically attacked these extraordinary level zombies, and all of these zombies died in the hands of these three murderous corpses soon up.

(End of this chapter)

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