Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 47 Carrion Beast

Chapter 47 Carrion Beast

The bloody handprint is only the size of a baby's palm, and it can't help but remind people of something terrible.

Just when a few people were puzzled, a black shadow as small as a baby suddenly rushed past the three-meter-high wall on the side. Under the light, this black shadow looked particularly strange.

The three people behind all became nervous, Jiang Xinyu resisted the tingling scalp, and asked anxiously: "Lin...Brother Lin, did something run over just now...";

"Could it be a mouse?" Hu Fei also asked tentatively.

But from Hu Fei's vigilant expression as he scanned the surroundings, it could be seen that even he didn't believe what he said, and he was just looking for some comfort.

Lin Ye didn't let go of his frown. He knew that the black shadow really existed. It was a monster that even he couldn't see its whereabouts. Then, this monster was either stronger than him by many times, or , is an invisible monster.

Lin Ye is more inclined to the latter.

But what is this thing?Are the bloody handprints on the wall caused by this monster?Or are there several of these monsters here?
So far, most of the monsters that Lin Ye has seen are known to him, but there are exceptions. There are tens of thousands of monsters in the last days, and it is hard for him to guarantee that he has never encountered one.

Apparently, Lin Ye may add a new species to his knowledge today.

"Be careful, everyone, it's a bit weird."

The four of them carefully observed their surroundings.

Hu Fei moved a few steps to the side, hoping to look at other places. It happened that there was a corpse of a zombie that Lin Ye had dealt with lying at his feet, so he accidentally bumped into it.

At this time, a mutation occurred, a blurry figure that looked like a magnified gecko jumped out of the zombie corpse like magic, opened its mouth bigger than its face, spit out a purple tongue like a snake letter, shot Xiang Hu Fei.

"Hu Fei, be careful."

Lin Ye grabbed Hu Fei and tried to drag him away.

But after all, it was a step too late, the tongue shot out by that gecko-like monster had already landed behind Hu Fei's back.

Then there was a "squeak", like the sound of something being corroded by sulfuric acid.

Lin Ye looked at the place where the monster appeared, but it was no longer there.

"It's okay, your backpack saved your life."

Hu Fei didn't feel the pain in his back. After realizing it, he turned the backpack over. There was a small hole in the cloth backpack, which was obviously where the monster had attacked just now.

"Huh, it's dangerous." Hu Fei exhaled, turned to look around vigilantly, and asked, "Brother Lin, where is the monster?"

"Disappeared." Lin Ye looked at the wall, he felt that the monster was invisible on the wall.

Invisible, gecko-like, baby-sized monsters?

Suddenly Lin Ye remembered a medicine developed by some al-Qaeda organizations in later generations. It is said that the main ingredient of the medicine is a liquid extracted from the body of a small monster that can become invisible, and some special chemicals are added to form a medicine that can achieve invisibility. Potion of effect.

Lin Ye felt that the monster he encountered was the kind that developed invisible potions.

Since Lin Ye had no knowledge of medicine in later generations, he had only heard of the name of this monster.

Scavengers, a mutant beast that looks like a gecko and is shaped like a baby, feeds on carrion corpses and usually does not attack people.

Lin Ye only understands this, but usually not attacking people doesn't mean it won't attack people.

Looking at the corpse of the zombie on the ground, Lin Ye looked thoughtful, and then lifted the zombie up. At this moment, the black shadow suddenly bounced off the wall, opened his mouth, and hit Lin Ye with his tongue.

"Sure enough, they generally don't attack people, but when food is robbed, it's a different situation."

"However, it came just in time."

The corner of Lin Ye's mouth sneered, his other hand was already on the hunting knife, and he was out of the sheath at this time, swiftly and swiftly.

Jiang Xinyu next to him didn't even know what was going on. He only saw Lin Ye mentioning the corpse of the zombie, and the black figure suddenly appeared, followed by a flash of knife light.


The two halves of the scavenger fell to the ground limply.

This scavenging beast seems to be solved easily, but in fact, it is absolutely impossible to replace it with other people.

In fact, invisible monsters are very scary, because what the supernatural person enhances is physical fitness and supernatural power, and the keen perception of combat needs to be formed over time.

Even someone like Lin Ye who has struggled in the apocalypse for ten years can't say that when he encounters an invisible monster, he can perceive the opponent's trace 100%.

Unless there are some supernatural beings with strong mental power, or very high-level supernatural beings, it is not so easy for anyone to kill invisible monsters.

Fortunately, this is just a small monster without strong attack power. If you encounter a big monster with strong attack and invisible, it will be troublesome.

After killing the scavengers, Lin Ye didn't relax his vigilance. His hand holding the zombie's corpse shook. When no other scavengers attacked, he was relieved and threw the corpse away.

"never mind."

When Lin Ye said this, several people also breathed a sigh of relief. They had to ask Lin Ye what the monster was, and Lin Ye explained it casually.

Hu Fei couldn't help but sigh in admiration: "Invisible monsters, there are so many things in this last world."

"However, Brother Lin is awesome. You have cut such a strange monster in half." Hu Fei gave Lin Ye a thumbs up.

Jiang Xinyu also nodded in agreement.

On the other hand, Zhao Xun, with gloomy eyes, thought to himself, this kid is quite capable, he can kill invisible monsters, damn it, how can I kill him?
Lin Ye didn't put the saber in its sheath, and walked straight up the corridor. Jiang Xinyu and the others followed tacitly.

At this time, there is a door across the roof. This is a large iron door with iron bars and bolts on it, and a lock is hung on it. However, the lock is not locked, and it has been damaged by the traces of being chiseled by a sharp tool. up.

A cool breeze blew in through the crack of the door, bringing with it a moist breath, and some rainwater came in through the crack of the door. Obviously, it was already raining heavily outside.

After climbing the stairs for so long, especially the strong smell of rancidity in the building, there is fresh air at this moment, even Lin Ye couldn't help but greedily took a big breath.

Lin Ye stepped forward and pulled the iron bolt on the door, and pushed the iron door open, there was a "cracking" sound, and after the door was pushed open, large swathes of rainwater poured in.

Lin Ye didn't step onto the rooftop rashly, but squinted his eyes and scanned the outside with keen eyesight.

Although it was still afternoon, the rooftop was already as dark as night, the sky was covered with overcast clouds, and there was no light at all.

Fortunately, Lin Ye's headlight still has electricity, and this headlight is used in the mine, and it has a waterproof function. Even if it is wet by rain, it will not affect the function, but the rain falls on the mirror surface, which makes the light look dim. .

Like most of the rooftops, it is very empty, with several solar water heaters and electric panel racks on the right side, a large receiver for receiving signals, and a large water tank on the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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