Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 48 Zhao Xun's Insidiousness

Chapter 48 Zhao Xun's Insidiousness

The large circular water tank is on the left side of the roof, which seems to be used to store a large amount of water. This water tank is very large, with a diameter of eight meters and a height of six meters, occupying a lot of area on the left side of the roof.

Lin Ye didn't notice the danger for the time being, so he went out, and the rain slapped him mercilessly. However, Lin Ye, who has the ability of water system, felt that he had returned to the original after being exposed to the rain.

The exhaustion gradually disappeared, and the depleted abilities seemed to be recovering little by little.

Lin Ye didn't have supernatural powers in his previous life, so this situation gave him a better understanding of supernatural powers. The so-called natural supernatural powers, returning to the natural source seems to have unexpected effects.

But Lin Ye didn't have much time to comprehend these things at this time.

The few people naturally didn't have any measures to prevent the rain. They all went up to the roof under the rain, and they were instantly drenched like drowned rats.

Lin Ye looked towards the front of the rooftop. The opposite was the Yunzhong Commercial Building, which was a little higher than this restaurant, and there was a distance of about 20 meters between them. This was beyond his expectation. Go over, or throw the rope over?"

"Uh, where can we get special barb ropes for climbing walls? It's a big risk to find some ordinary climbing ropes." Hu Fei wiped the rain from his face and responded with a wry smile.

"That means you need to jump over to fix the rope?" Lin Ye frowned and looked at Hu Fei, obviously not believing his ability.

Lin Ye is now sprinting and jumping, jumping ten meters away from the top, and then going up, one meter is a natural moat, and the distance of 20 meters is no joke.

Seeing that Lin Ye looked down on him so much, Hu Fei couldn't help but straighten his back, fearing that Lin Ye wouldn't hear him, he raised his voice and mentioned his glorious days, and said proudly: "Brother Lin, when it comes to fighting, I'm definitely not as strong as you, but jumping is not as good as yours." I won the long jump championship every year in the track and field competition in college, but now that I have supernatural powers, although 20 meters is a little farther, I don’t think it’s a big problem.”

"Well, then be careful." Lin Ye nodded.

Jiang Xinyu helped to take out the rope from the backpack. I don't know where they got this thick hemp rope. There was a large pile on the ground, which seemed to be at least 30 meters long.

A fixed point is also needed to tie one end of the rope, so as to ensure the safety of the next climbing rope.

"Fix the rope to that big guy." Lin Ye pointed to the water tank on the left.

The large water tank was directly welded into the cement of the roof. It was very stable, but it was a little far from the edge of the roof. However, the rope was long enough, so Hu Fei didn't hesitate. He walked over and tied one end of the rope to the footing under the water tank superior.

Seeing their actions, Zhao Xun immediately knew that the opportunity had come. This rope might be the key. As long as they untied the rope behind them when they climbed the rope, wouldn't Lin Ye and the others fall downstairs like dumplings?
Zhao Xun was planning this in his heart, and secretly sneered.

Seeing that Hu Fei had already started tying the rope, Zhao Xun hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Brother Fei, I will tie it. I have learned how to tie a sailor's knot online before."

Hu Fei glanced at him suspiciously, then looked at Lin Ye habitually, seeing that he didn't speak, he declined, "Forget it, I'll do it myself."

"Don't, Brother Fei, I know I'm weak, and I haven't done anything to make Brother Lin and you think highly of me. You are always saving me. In fact, I really want to help but I have never had the chance. Now This is my strong point, just let me do it." Zhao Xun asked sincerely.

After Zhao Xun said so, Hu Fei couldn't continue to refuse, so he handed the rope to Hu Fei and said: "That's all right, come on, tie it firmly."

"Okay, Brother Fei, just watch, tying the rope is my specialty." Zhao Xun took the rope and started to work.He tied it in style, and after a few twists, a very solid-looking sailor knot was formed.

Lin Ye glanced at his tying method. For tying ropes, it is a technique that must be learned in the apocalypse. There are many enemies in the apocalypse, or mutant beasts need to be captured alive, and they must be tied to death with ropes, so Lin Ye can say something about the rope tying routine. Has reached the master level.

Regarding Zhao Xun's method of tying, Lin Ye could think of at least three ways to untie the knot within a second.

It is said that the person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell. Zhao Xun must know the solution that Lin Ye knows, so Zhao Xun's purpose is self-evident.

But this thing looks pretty good, and Hu Fei took the initiative to let Hu Fei go up and try to tie it up.

Hu Fei, who didn't know the truth, tentatively pulled it, and felt relieved when he found that it was really solid.

Hu Fei was standing next to the large water tank, and was about to tie the other end of the rope around his waist, when he vaguely heard the sound of objects tumbling in the water tank.

However, the rain is getting heavier and heavier, and the sound of falling on the roof has also become much louder, especially when standing next to the water tank, the sound of the rain hitting the metal water tank is like firecrackers, which is extremely ear-splitting.

Hu Fei was a little skeptical, and asked Zhao Xun, "Did you hear anything?"

Zhao Xun was thinking about his plan with all his heart, but he couldn't hear it, and then he said perfunctorily: "No, it's all the sound of rain, Brother Fei, you probably heard it wrong."

"Really?" Hu Fei looked at the water tank strangely, and found nothing unusual. Thinking that it might be tinnitus, he turned around and walked to Lin Ye and said, "Brother Lin, I'm ready."

"Okay, then you can start performing, don't worry, I will pull you up if you fall." Lin Ye joked.

Hu Fei was immediately dissatisfied, "Brother Lin, take care, I'll show you what a trapeze is."

After speaking, back out ten meters, ready to sprint.

Lin Ye and others looked at Hu Fei who was about to jump over.

Hu Fei really looked good, first he trotted for two steps, then he sprinted forward, just when he reached the edge of the roof...


An explosion of thunder resounded through the sky, shaking the eardrums to buzz.

"I take the test."

Hu Fei, who had been fully prepared, suddenly stopped on the edge of the roof, and almost fell.

Hu Fei patted his chest, exhaled and said, "I said, are you playing with me?"

Jiang Xinyu shouted: "It's just a thunder, let's do it again, come on, Hu Fei."

Hu Fei just saw the distance of more than 20 meters between one side of the building and the other side, especially now that he is close to the edge of the roof, seeing the abyss-like downstairs, he is really a little scared.

Lin Ye asked, "Is it okay?"

"Okay, why not." Hu Fei thought to himself that Brother Lin must not look down on him, and he worked so hard all the way here, how could he back down from him.

Hu Fei stepped back another ten meters, roared, and rushed to the edge of the roof.

This time Hu Fei really tried his best, and Lin Ye could see the veins on his neck stand out through the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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