Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 49 Mutation and Mutation

Chapter 49 Mutation and Mutation
Lin Ye didn't see it before, but after careful observation now, he found that Hu Fei's palm had a layer of protrusions similar to suction cups. Lin Ye estimated that Hu Fei's feet may have some changes that are conducive to bouncing.

Ability itself is a kind of irregular evolution of human beings, and such a situation is not rare.

Because Hu Fei had the flashlight stuck in his waist, and it was too dark, when Hu Fei jumped halfway, they saw only a ray of light flying towards the opposite side.

However, at this moment, the light suddenly began to fall down.

did not succeed?Hu Fei fell?
"Hu Fei."

Jiang Xinyu screamed, and hurried to the edge of the roof, ready to grab the falling rope, so as to pull Hu Fei back in time.

Lin Ye frowned at the rope flying straight past, grabbed Jiang Xinyu to stop him, and said, "Wait a minute."

"Brother Lin, what are you doing? Hu Fei fell, pull him back quickly." Jiang Xinyu seemed a little anxious.

"The rope is flying straight forward, which means that Hu Fei is still rushing to the other side. The falling light is not Hu Fei, but his flashlight fell." Lin Ye explained casually.

Jiang Xinyu looked, and sure enough, the light turned and fell in the air, until it hit the ground, without a trace of light.

At this time, Hu Fei shouted excitedly from the opposite side: "Hey, brother Lin, I succeeded."

Although no one was seen, one could tell from the sound that Hu Fei had indeed reached the opposite side.

"If you had held on to the rope, then Hu Fei might have really fallen." Lin Ye said this, making Jiang Xinyu's face a little hot, thinking that she was too careless because she was a girl. It's not even half as strong as Lin Ye's, it's a shame.

Hu Fei had already fixed the other end of the rope, and Lin Ye took out the prepared rope climbing gloves and handed them to Jiang Xinyu.

"You go first, be careful."

Jiang Xinyu was still blushing a little, didn't say much, took the gloves and put them on, held the rope tightly and began to climb.

Rope climbing is a strenuous task. The distance of 20 meters is neither long nor short. For adults, it is generally possible to climb over it, let alone Jiang Xinyu, who graduated from the police academy and is well-trained.

Jiang Xinyu used body swings to reduce the consumption of energy, and climbed a few meters away in a short while.

Zhao Xun came to Lin Ye's side and said, "Brother Lin, you go up first, I'll be behind."

"Oh?" Lin Ye was about to answer when something happened suddenly.


I saw a bolt of lightning piercing the sky like a signal.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden banging sound from the large water tank, getting faster and faster, and a large number of palm prints appeared on the water tank.

Zhao Xun took a few steps back in panic, and Lin Ye stepped back a few meters away, observing this strange scene with frowns.

As the beating sounds became more and more intensive, two pairs, three pairs appeared on the water tank... Seven or eight pairs of palm prints appeared at the same time, one of which was larger than the others.

It has been confirmed that there must be monsters inside. These palm prints reminded Lin Ye of the scavengers he had seen in the corridor. It seems that except for the largest palm print, the others are really about the same size.

"A group of scavengers?"

The emergence of this idea made Lin Ye a little worried.

Suddenly, the lid on the top of the water tank was pushed open, and a tattered arm stretched out from inside, followed by the body and legs, and what came out turned out to be a zombie.

How could it be a zombie?

Lin Ye looked at it carefully while being puzzled, and found that it turned out to be a headless zombie.


This was completely beyond Lin Ye's understanding. He had never seen a headless zombie with the ability to move.

The zombie climbed out of the water tank and turned its back to Lin Ye. It seemed to sense something, and turned around slowly. When facing Lin Ye, it looked like it saw a prey. It raised its arms excitedly, kicked its legs, and leaped into the air. Pounced on Lin Ye who was closest to it.

Although Lin Ye was surprised, he had already put his hand on the knife.

But when Lin Ye was about to launch an attack, the zombies that were pounced on him suddenly disappeared into the air.

Hallucination?Or invisible?
Lin Ye was stunned for a second on the spot, that is, at this second, he suddenly felt a foul smell coming from his face, and immediately there was a dark shadow in front of him.

It was the zombie that disappeared when it rushed towards Lin Ye, and it appeared before his eyes again.

At this time, it was too late to draw a knife to kill, Lin Ye was directly pushed to the ground.This zombie was surprisingly strong, pressing his whole body firmly to the ground, which made him unable to get rid of the shackles of this headless zombie for a while.

Lin Ye quickly pulled out the dagger at his waist, and stabbed the zombie several times in an instant, but like most zombies, it didn't have any effect.

Then a scavenger emerges from the zombie's neck.

It bared its lips, opened its mouth like a mockery, and then shot the black letter straight at Lin Ye's neck.


Just at this moment, the muzzle of a nail gun came to the side of the scavenger's head.


A steel needle shot out, directly piercing the scavenger's head.

And the tongue of the scavenging beast also brushed across Lin Ye's shoulder. No, to be precise, the tongue landed on the ice crystal that wrapped Lin Ye's shoulder with his ability, corroding a hole in the ice crystal several centimeters thick. With the blessing of the power of the scavengers, the corrosive tongue only melted the ice crystals without hurting Lin Ye.

"Huh, it's dangerous."

Only then did Lin Ye heave a sigh of relief. Just now, he almost died. Fortunately, he reacted in time. When he pulled out the nail gun from his waist to attack the scavengers, his body writhed violently and attached the nails to his neck and shoulders. A layer of ice crystal armor blocked the attack of the scavengers.

Thinking about it, even Lin Ye was a little scared. If any one of the three reactions he gave was missing, he was very likely to die.

In fact, if it was just a scavenger, it would not pose any threat to Lin Ye at all.However, he was surprised that a headless zombie crawled out, and the headless zombie disappeared in the air, which caused him to be untimely in his judgment and lose the best chance to make a move.

The summary of this battle flashed through my mind. The scavengers can not only become invisible, but also attach to the zombies, manipulate the zombies, make them invisible, and attack the enemy.

If he had known this earlier, such a thrilling battle would not have happened.

Scavengers are far from being as simple as he imagined.

Thinking that there should be scavengers in the water tank, Lin Ye couldn't help but push the corpse away.

The heavy rain kept falling, and the battle between Lin Ye and the scavengers just now was as terrifying as a battle between humans and ghosts. Zhao Xun was so frightened that he kept yelling.

"Ghosts... ghosts, there are ghosts."

Jiang Xinyu, who was climbing on the rope, noticed the situation here, turned her head and shouted: "Brother Lin, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, you go first, I'll be there later."

Hearing Zhao Xun yelling there, Lin Ye looked over with sharp eyes, and said coldly: "Don't call me anymore. Do you think I don't know what you did along the way!"

(End of this chapter)

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