Chapter 50 Struggling
"First, I attracted the scythe reaper, and I didn't do my best to fight and reap the rewards. This time, I wanted to untie the rope while we were climbing the rope and let us fall. If you want to talk about ghosts, you are ghosts like you who have lost humanity and are sinister and vicious. Bar."

Lin Ye said as he walked, Zhao Xun's legs were trembling a little, and he was forced to instinctively step backwards.

The headlight hit Zhao Xun's pale face, revealing his constricted pupils. At this moment, he stopped shouting, because what made him even more frightened was that Lin Ye had seen his thoughts early in the morning.

This is not only a blow to Zhao Xun's smartness, but also makes him feel deep fear, fear of Lin Ye, fear of death.He was afraid that Lin Ye would kill him with a single knife at this time.

Swallowing his saliva with difficulty, Zhao Xun began to quibble unwillingly, and tremblingly said: "Lin...Brother Lin, no, I didn't do those things, it really wasn't me, I promise it wasn't me."

"Really, people tend to emphasize things that they haven't done several times, so they must have done it." Lin Ye's cold words made Zhao Xunzhi at a loss as to how to answer.

Until Lin Ye said indifferently: "Don't worry, I won't kill you."

Hearing this, Zhao Xun showed a look of disbelief, and then he was a little surprised, and was about to thank him.

Lin Ye's next sentence left him stunned.

"Kill you, dirty my hands, they will naturally clean you up."

Zhao Xun turned his head to look in the direction Lin Ye pointed, and saw that the iron sheet of the water tank had cracked, and the entire water tank was riddled with holes.

Then a carrion corpse came out of the broken hole. Because the hole was too small, pieces of meat were scraped off its rotting body by the raised iron sheet around the hole, but it didn't care, and just burrowed through it abruptly. out.

The zombie crawled on the ground on all fours, and the bones were scraped around the arms.

Then he ran towards Lin Ye and Zhao Xun, but on the way, it disappeared into the rain.

Instinctively, Zhao Xun hugged the pointed weapon he picked up from Erpang, and looked around nervously.

Lin Ye looked towards the empty front. In fact, in the rain, his perception was amplified. The rain covered up the rancid smell, but it had a certain echo to Lin Ye's water system ability.

Part of Lin Ye's perception merged with the rain and became more acute.

Moreover, being invisible in this rainy day, even if the sky is relatively dark, the rain will leave some traces when it falls on objects.

Therefore, this invisible zombie manipulated by the scavengers did not feel like it escaped from Lin Ye at all.

However, this scavenging beast has not attacked, but guarded in front of the water tank.

Another zombie crawled out of the large water tank, and there were more behind.

One, two...five.

They crawled very quickly, and five of them came out in a short while. Through the hole opened in the iron sheet of the water tank, several zombie heads could be found moving like earthworms in the water tank.

Lin Ye no longer looked at the water tank, because the five carrion corpses that came out earlier had already taken action.

Through the rain curtain blocked by their bodies, Lin Ye could vaguely feel that the three on the left and the two on the right rushed towards him and Zhao Xun respectively.

It took Zhao Xun a long time to react, holding a pointed weapon, he hurriedly rushed towards the direction of the corridor going down, he thought about escaping from here first.

But just a few meters before Zhao Xun's iron gate, a rotten corpse suddenly appeared in front of him. This rotten corpse blocked the big iron gate, then jumped up and rushed towards Zhao Xun.

Facing this kind of rotting corpse acting strangely, it was difficult for Zhao Xun to have the idea of ​​resistance, so he could only temporarily give up and escape into the corridor, and hurriedly turned around and ran to the other side.

Before he ran far, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of him. Before he could see what it was, Zhao Xun was thrown to the ground, the weapon in his hand slipped out, and there was a huge pain in his calf.


Zhao Xun let out a scream, and quickly looked forward. It was a rotting corpse pressing down on his foot, and a disgusting tumor with green bubbles protruded from the body of the rotting corpse. Inside the tumor was a carrion beast Head out.

A blood hole appeared on Zhao Xun's left calf, which was naturally caused by scavengers.

Looking at the bubbling red blood coming out of the calf, large pieces melted into the rainwater on the ground, spread out, became lighter and clearer, Zhao Xun's mind went blank for a while.

"I... I'm hurt, no! No!"

After Zhao Xun realized it, he screamed in horror.In his eyes, injury means infection and mutation, which means death.

Thinking of this, without time, Zhao Xun's eyes were bloodshot.He didn't want to die like this.

"Damn it, get out!" Zhao Xun resisted the severe pain and kicked his feet desperately, hoping to free his leg that was tightly held by the rotting corpse.

However, Zhao Xun's strength is not as strong as that of the rotten corpse. No matter how he kicks his legs, he can't break free from the shackles of the rotten corpse.

The violent action also seems to have enraged the scavengers.

The scavenging beast popped out its tongue again, and burrowed directly into Zhao Xun's right thigh. When it pulled out again, a blood hole appeared on the thigh. When a large amount of blood flowed out, Zhao Xun screamed heart-piercingly, and his whole body twitched. His face also became pale.

"Ah!" Zhao Xun struggled in a panic. Suddenly, he saw the pointed weapon falling beside him, as if he saw a life-saving straw. The scavenger that hit him.

"Death to me."

Zhao Xun thrust out his pointed feet with all his strength.


The scavenging beast that was about to attack him had no time to react, and was pierced through its body by its pointed feet. It squeaked twice and slid out of the sarcoma on the carrion's body.

A carrion that is not under the control of a scavenger loses its mobility and turns into a pool of carrion.

Zhao Xun's legs were all injured, and he couldn't use his strength at all. He could only crawl on the ground and use his hands to support his body.

Zhao Xun then looked around and heaved a sigh of relief when he didn't find any danger. When he saw Lin Ye, not only did his eyes show hatred, but he also regarded Lin Ye as the culprit of all this.

However, Zhao Xun felt very unhappy when he found that Lin Ye was being attacked by several scavengers.

"Bah, you bastard, fight slowly, you'd better die here." After Zhao Xun gloated, he crawled towards the corridor with difficulty holding a pointed weapon.

In Zhao Xun's current state, he has no fighting power at all, and he can't muster the courage to fight.

Zhao Xun didn't notice that another scavenger crawled out of the large water tank at this time, hiding its figure, and came towards him.


On the other side, Lin Ye was attacked by four scavenging beasts. These scavenging beasts were hidden in the darkness. To find their figures, Lin Ye had to concentrate and only vaguely perceive their existence with the help of water abilities.

Moreover, scavenging beasts can walk through the bodies of rotting corpses. Even if Lin Ye senses where the invisible rotting corpses are, he may not be able to hit them. As a result, he failed to take down these scavengers several times.

(End of this chapter)

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