Rebirth of the Supreme Ice King

Chapter 51 The Invisible Way

Chapter 51 The Invisible Way

Lin Ye found that Zhao Xun was thrown down by the scavenging beast in the gap, and it would be best to be killed by the scavenging beast, so as to save him from making a move.

Lin Ye's purpose at this time is to hold back these monsters and buy time for Jiang Xinyu so that she can crawl over safely.

Lin Ye looked towards the rope, and found that Jiang Xinyu had climbed more than half of it, and he was relieved.

Lin Ye was distracted at this time, but created an opportunity for the scavenging beast, and a scavenging beast suddenly attacked from the side.

Although there was an abnormal fluctuation on the left side due to the water system ability in time, the danger struck too quickly. Lin Ye knew that it was difficult to avoid it now, so he chose to resist it.

"Water curtain, ice armor!"

Lin Ye didn't use the water-type ability much, but in the rain, it was more practical than the ice-type ability.

A mirror-like water curtain made of rain quickly appeared in front of Lin Ye.It seems that because of the rain, the abundant water source around allows Lin Ye to activate his abilities faster and consumes much less abilities, and the water curtain is more majestic than he imagined.

The increase brought by the rain to Lin Ye is not only reflected in the ability of the water system, but also increases the speed at which he condenses the ice armor.

An irregular ice armor quickly condensed in front of Lin Ye's chest. Even in the dark sky, the cold light reflected from it could be seen.

With the support of two sections of defense, the invisible carrion was blocked just by jumping on the water curtain.

Lin Ye took advantage of the rotten corpse being blocked, and wanted to cut it in half, but at this moment, there was another wave from the side, and it was obvious that another invisible rotten corpse was attacking.

Lin Ye could only give up his original plan and block it with a horizontal knife.

Sure enough, a rotting corpse revealed its original shape.

Although the rotting corpse was blocked, a sarcoma suddenly appeared on its chest, and a scavenging beast drilled out of it. It spit out its tongue and shot at Lin Ye. Even with the ice armor, Lin Ye didn't dare to take it hard. poisonous tongue.

Lin Ye turned sideways in a hurry, brushed the ice armor with his venomous tongue, directly corroded the surface of the ice armor, making the already crude ice armor look even more broken.

Although Lin Ye can mobilize his abilities again to repair the ice armor, but this consumes a lot of abilities, and the gains outweigh the losses.

The scavenging beast was attached to the body of the rotting corpse. The attacking power of the scavenging beast was not very strong, but its combat power instantly increased by several levels.

And they are like professional assassins, after missing a hit, they don't get entangled with Lin Ye, and immediately enter the rain curtain invisible.

In this way, the scavenging beasts attacked Lin Ye stealthily. Lin Ye passively resisted the attacks of the four scavenging beasts.

"Annoying." No matter how patient Lin Ye was, he was still annoyed by this style of play.

Moreover, Lin Ye found that several scavengers crawled out of the large water tank, and knew that continuing the stalemate like this was not an option.

"This scavenging beast moves strangely, and it is extremely difficult to kill. It is necessary to reduce the range of its attack or limit them."

For a moment, Lin Ye was full of thoughts.

Since your whereabouts are weird, then I will string you up and hang you.

At this time, another carrion beast attacked Lin Ye, and Lin Ye increased the power of the ice armor to resist the attack of the carrion corpse.


Lin Ye's ice armor was cracked, but he didn't care. The scavenging beast in the carrion body reappeared, trying to shoot out its tongue to attack Lin Ye, but unexpectedly, an ice spear sprang out from the ground.

The ice spear pierced through the carrion from bottom to top in an instant, until it stuck into the chest before protruding its pointed tip.

Immediately, the scavenger was fixed in place.

Lin Ye looked at the scavengers that were screaming and trying to hide and run away, and sneered.

"I asked you to play hide and seek."

The hunting knife swung out, cutting across the carrion's waist.

The hunting knife is so sharp, the rotten corpse is a pile of rotten flesh, when the knife fell, it cut across without any resistance, and the rotten corpse was cut in half.

Without the support of the legs, the incomplete carrion propped its hands on the ground, and when it moved, it staggered and wobbled, obviously losing its fighting power.

Seeing that this move was effective, Lin Ye used the same method to deal with the other three rotting corpses.

In just 5 minutes, the other three rotting corpses were all pierced by Lin Ye with an ice spear, cutting them in half.

Having lost their carrier, the scavengers no longer lived in the carrion, and all ran out on their own initiative.

Soon, the four scavengers disappeared out of thin air.

Moreover, the small scavengers made it harder for Lin Ye to perceive their whereabouts.

Before Lin Ye sensed the fluctuation, a black shadow rushed from the side, the speed was so fast that Lin Ye was a little bit tongue-tied.

But fortunately, the second the scavenging beast launched its attack, it would reveal its figure. Lin Ye sensed the dangerous aura at this second. Out of instinct, he turned around and blocked it with a hunting knife. The back of the knife collided dangerously with the scavenging beast together.

The scavenging beast itself was not strong enough, so it was directly knocked into the air by Lin Ye.

"These scavenging beasts are obviously much more advanced than the one in the corridor, no matter in terms of ability or speed."

Lin Ye looked around vigilantly, and the scavenging beast that he slapped away disappeared again.

The rain was falling, and the cold wind whizzed past, making the doors on the roof sway uncontrollably. The rain slapped on the iron sheet and played with other sounds, making the atmosphere of this battle even more cramped.

A scavenging beast started to attack, Lin Ye dodged vigilantly, and another one came from the side. Since he discovered it late, the scavenging beast was already very close to him, so he could barely block the blow with his sword .

At this time, a strong sense of crisis came from his waist.

Seeing a black shadow coming, Lin Ye twisted his body forcibly, but he still couldn't dodge completely.

The black shadow was the tongue of another scavenging beast. It hit Lin Ye's ice armor and penetrated directly.

Lin Ye drew back a few steps, and quietly filled the gap with his ice ability.

Going on like this is not an option, Lin Ye's thoughts raced.

The ability of the scavenging beast is nothing more than invisibility, and the so-called invisibility does not disappear into the air, its body actually exists in the form of mass.

There are two types of invisibility. One is to integrate with the surrounding objects. This kind of invisibility is naturally less effective. It just uses the principle of optics to deceive other people's eyes. Once the invisible object moves, it will reveal its whereabouts.

Another kind of invisibility is self-transparency, which completely erases the brilliance of the body and merges with the darkness, so that the light will not reveal the visible reaction on its body.

Scavengers belong to their own transparency. Lin Ye has seen this kind of sci-fi films before. To break this kind of invisibility, it is best to use flour or paint on them, so that they can be revealed.

But now there are neither of those things.

Then there is another way, which can also attack these monsters, and that is indiscriminate attack.

It doesn't disappear, as long as you attack in a wide enough range, it will appear.

The rain at this time gave Lin Ye great inspiration, rain, there is no difference!Although rain can't break the invisible state of scavengers, ice is different.

(End of this chapter)

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